My heart knows update Friday 31 December 2021

My heart knows update Friday 31 December 2021


My heart knows 31 December 2021: The Episode starts with Kalyani telling Anupriya that Sampada is acting to be married so that she gets Billu’s custody, but she doesn’t know that she can separate Billu from her. Anupriya says I tried to tell everyone that Sampada and Atharv were behind the conspiracy, but nobody believed her. Kalyani says we shall be happy that we stopped their conspiracy and asks her not to get stress. She asks her to have the burger. Anupriya says I don’t eat this.

Kalyani says this is burger and says she will ask Malhar from where he brought. She tells that they have fair in the college. Anupriya asks what? Kalyani tells that there will be shops in the college and tells that whoever have the bigger sale wins. Anupriya says she will ask Aao Saheb about Saree stall there. Pallavi comes there and tells them that they are big chapters and taunts them. She tells Kalyani that Sampada invited her for haldi kumkum rasam and asks Anupriya not to come, says what is your work in married woman’s rituals. Kalyani asks her to do her work and says it is Aai’s wish to come or not to come. Anupriya asks her to leave it.

Atharv gets angry on Sampada and asks what she was saying about Godaveri, and says whatever they did was together, and tells that if Mugdha returns and comes to know about her haldi kumkum ritual then don’t know what will happen. He scares her and tells that he is not there to correct her mistakes. He then hugs her and asks her to tell him before doing anything. Atharv comes to Kalyani’s room and sprays perfume. He tells that her constable can’t afford such costly things. Kalyani gets angry. Atharv says he came to call her for haldi kumkum as she is acting to be married to Malhar. Malhar comes and cleans the roof where Atharv is standing and asks Kalyani from where dirt came in our room.

Atharv says you knows who is dirt and whom Sampada kicked out from her life. Malhar takes out his old clothes and throws on Atharv, and asks him to wear it. Kalyani takes the perfume bottle from Atharv and tells Malhar that bad smell is coming in their room. Atharv asks them to fly big, and tells that once they get moksh’s custody then they will be quiet.Anupriya tells Aao Saheb about the fair. Aao Saheb asks her to take part and win. Anupriya gets happy. Sampada comes there and offers money to Anupriya and asks her to make sweets. Aao Saheb throws her money and tells Sampada that Anupriya is not a servant.

Sampada says everyone is Servant here. Anupriya says I will make the sweets as charity and asks Sampada to keep the money. Anupriya and Kalyani make sweets. Anupriya is about to go inside the house to give the sweets, but Aparna harshly humiliates Aparna telling that she is not a married woman and she don’t her inauspicious affect to fall on her. Kalyani couldn’t bear her taunts and tells Anupriya that she will do something to teach them a lesson. Pallavi tells Aao Saheb that she is acting to be happy as Sampada is mad. Aparna says I will pull your tongue if you say anything against my daughter. Pallavi says you should be afraid of Malhar as if he comes to know then he will kick you out. Kalyani smiles hearing them.

Sampada asks Kalyani if she is feeling sad as no such rasam happened for her. She taunts her. Kalyani asks her to concentrate on the rasam and says if something goes wrong then….Aparna says lets start the rasam. Sampada tells her that Aao Saheb has the first right to apply haldi kumkum to her. Aao Saheb comes to apply haldi kumkum and see the haldi pieces. Sampada asks from where it is kept? Pallavi says I grinded it and kept it here. A fb is shown, Kalyani changes the haldi mixture in the box and keeps the pieces in the bowl. Sampada scolds Pallavi. Kalyani laughs. Sampada understands Kalyani changed it. Aparna tells that she will bring from her house. Kalyani says she wants to talk to Malhar on video call.

Aparna gets angry. Kalyani says you should know that the haldi shall be grinded at home for the rasam and says how you will know as the marriage is fake. Sampada holds her hairs. Kalyani pushes her and holds her hand asks her to safe it to use Atharv’s money.Kalyani telling Sampada that she shall know the rituals as this is her second marriage and then says it doesn’t affect as the marriage is fake. Sampada holds her hairs angrily. Kalyani pushes her and then holds her hand asking her to save it to make Atharv’s money fly. She asks her not to take out her frustration on her. Neighbors tell that they don’t hope this from Deshmukh family. Aao Saheb looks at Kalyani. Kalyani asks did she have any proof that she took it.

Aao Saheb asks where is Anupriya? Pallavi and Aparna tell that they asked her not to come. Aparna says how can we let inauspicious woman come in the function. Kalyani gets angry and throws the garbage on the sweets made by Anupriya. She says she saved them from having sweets made by inauspicious Anupriya. Aao Saheb tells that Kalyani is right and asks them to call Anupriya. She says Anupriya must have some haldi mix. Sampada asks Aparna to call her. Aparna tries to argue. Anupriya is studying in the factory area. Pallavi and Aparna come there and call Anupriya asking her to bring haldi box. Kalyani comes there and asks her to give haldi.

She gives the box and asks her to give it saying it was in kitchen. Anupriya comes there holding haldi powder. Aao Saheb asks where was it?Anupriya says it was in kitchen. Aao Saheb says lets start the rasam. She does Sampada’s Tilak. Aparna applies Tilak to Sampada and tells that Kalyani did this deliberately so that we can Anupriya. Sampada says I know Kalyani’s weak point and will give her reply. She apologizes to Anupriya and says why she can’t take part in the rasam if her husband left her and went to other women. She says her value in the house is of a Servant and pushes Anupriya down on Aao Saheb’s feet.

Kalyami gets angry and hurts Sampada asking how dare she to say this. Anupriya gets up and asks Kalyani to stop it. Aao Saheb tells Sampada that she never thought that her blood will turn black. Sampada asks if she wanted to leave the house and says you kept Anupriya as a Servant in the house. Kalyani says my Aai is not a widow. Aparna says bhaiyya left her 18 years back and she is not married now. Sampada says she has to stay like a widow and Servant and sit in a corner. She says she is not suhagan, but abhagan. Kalyani says I will see how my Aai don’t do this haldi kumkum rasam.

She says even I am married, I will do haldi kumkum with my Aai. She asks Anupriya to show everyone that she is married and says nobody has the right to point finger on your marital status. She takes Tilak on her finger and is about to apply it on Anupriya’s forehead. Anupriya thinks of Aparna’s words and pushes the haldi kumkum plate in air and slaps Kalyani. She finds sindoor fallen on her maang and wipes it. Kalyani is shocked.nupriya says I told you not to do anything and says I was not dying to come here, and says you brought me here. She says what I got here, insult. She says haldi kumkum is not the proof of married life.

Aao Saheb tells Kalyani is not wrong this time. Anupriya says we think she is abhagan and have no place in society. Sampada smiles and smirks. Anupriya says my identity is a question mark and says Suhagan’s proof is her husband and says my husband were never with me. Aao Saheb and Kalyani cry. Anupriya tells Kalyani that when she used to feel alone in nights and cursed herself, and asks where were your baba then? She says when I see others with their husband then I used to cry and prayed that your baba shall return and held my hand. She asks where was he then? She asks why I don’t participate in functions as everyone have sympathy or laugh on her.


She questions Kalyani asking where was her father when all those things happening with her. She says she was a fool to hope that he will return and says now she has suffocated her hopes and accepted that he will never return. She says she is happy being alone and cries.Anupriya apologizes to Kalyani and says my anger balloon bursted on you which was on him and says this hand shall get punished for it. She keeps hand on the diya and hurts herself. Everyone is shocked.

Kalyani apologizing to Anupriya. Anupriya recalls slapping Kalyani and hurts her hand and holds it against the lamp. Kalyani asks her to move her hand and cries. Anupriya says she don’t want to be part of the programme as her identity as that man’s wife were never true. She says he was never mine. Kalyani realizes that her Aai is very lonely. Anupriya goes to her room. Kalyani comes to her. Anupriya apologizes to her. Kalyani says you can beat me as you are my Aai and says don’t know why I wanted you to do the rasam. Anupriya asks her to leave her. Kalyani says never and asks her to take out all anger from inside. Anupriya asks can you see my fear? Then wait.
She takes Atul and Madhuri’s pic and says whenever I feel this pic, my 18 years old wounds gets fresh and I feel as if they are making fun of me. She says she feels much pain and asks do you want to know. She takes the hammer and says I feel the pain of hitting hammer on my chest and is about to hit on her chest, but Kalyani stops her. Anupriya says they should have been punished, they have snatched me and given me loneliness and pain. Kalyani and Anupriya cry. Anupriya is about to hit the pic with the hammer, but stops saying she can’t hurt anyone. She says this is not just anger, but the volcano of hatred. She says I don’t want this volcano to reach you and says I know you loves me a lot, but you can’t end my loneliness. She makes her go and cries. Kalyani cries standing out.
Anupriya looks at their pic.Malhar sees Kalyani crying and gives her handkerchief. Kalyani says she don’t want and sees him. She collides with him and says sorry. She collides her head with his head intentionally and says sorry. He asks what happened and holds her tear. Kalyani cries and tells him everything that Sampada insulted and humiliated Anupriya badly. She says Aai got tears in her eyes because of her. Malhar says you are not at fault. Kalyani says my Papa and Madhuri are guilty of Aai. Malhar says when Sampada left me, then I had two reasons to live, one is Moksh and other is…Kalyani says me..Malhar says hatred for you. He says Maayi took her anger out on you today which she never did before, and asks why? Kalyani says no.
Malhar says Maayi regards you as her own and says one needs someone to get away from the pain, just like I have you with me. Kalyani looks on. Malhar comes to Anupriya and tries to give her handkerchief. He asks if both mum and daughter are having enmity with handkerchief. He says I feel angry on her childishness, but her one thing touches his heart and says she loves you with selflessly and can’t bear tears in your eyes. He keeps hand kerchief there and leaves. Anupriya takes his handkerchief and wipes her tears.

Sampada tells Atharv that she got insulted in her haldi and kumkum’s rasam and says she will not leave Kalyani. Atharv asks her to sit on bed and asks her to leave the old habits. He says they are now rich.

He says you shall be happy that today Anupriya got insulted and Kalyani was slapped. Aao Saheb comes there to get her money kept in the Almira. Atharv takes money from her hand and asks Sampada to count. Sampada counts and says it is 5500. Atharv says you have stolen 500 Rs from us. Aao Saheb gets angry and throws money on his face asking him to become some more rich. She tells him that times will change soon and tells about Anupriya’s plan to exhibit their sarees in college exhibition. Atharv gets an idea. Anupriya thinks Kalyani will be angry with her now. Kalyani thinks don’t know until when Aai will be angry on her. She ties her pic on the rice bag and hangs it, and asks Anupriya to hit on it to take out anger on her.

She says you can beat me, but don’t slap on my face as Malhar will know. Anupriya says what are you saying and says I was coming to you to apologize to you. kalyani says I should say sorry. They argue. Kalyani says ok, nobody will say sorry and asks her to give her a hug. Anupriya hugs her.

Next: my heart knows Monday update



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