My heart knows 21 January 2022: The Episode starts with Kalyani telling Sarthak that she was doubtful that Plan A of handwriting will fail and that’s why she was ready with Plan B. Sarthak asks her to play the recording. Kalyani says she has transferred the recording in phone. They hear Aao Saheb telling Aparna that the letter was not written by someone else and not Rao Saheb..She is about to take the name, and just then the recording stops. Kalyani asks Sarthak if they can show this as proof. Sarthak says no. Kalyani says she will free Malhar in a day and says she will find out who has done this.
He asks how you will do this. Kalyani says I have a plan, now I will unite Billu and Malhar ji.Inspector comes to Police station. Malhar asks him where was he and tells that he wants to talk to his wife Kalyani. Inspector says Kalyani ruined all his day and says she wanted to match Rao Saheb’s letter with others’ handwriting, and brought court orders. He says she worked hard all day and made me run too, but couldn’t get any proof. Malhar looks on hearing them.Kalyani is talking to Moksh. Aparna comes there. Kalyani says she shall take her class, but…She says only she will take care of Moksh now and taunts at Aparna for not taking care of Moksh.
Malhar calls Kalyani. Kalyani picks the call. Malhar is silent. Kalyani thinks it is a blank call and says manner guys, and says I am married and asks not to think of flirting with her. She then realizes Malhar is on call and asks him, cries. Malhar is on call, but don’t talk to her. Kalyani asks if he is missing Billu and that’s why called her. She takes phone to Moksh and asks him to say Baba…She asks him to say once and says your baba is missing you. Moksh says baba…Malhar gets emotional and cries. Kalyani takes the call and says Malhar ji….Malhar keeps the phone down. Kalyani promises Moksh to take him to meet Malhar, and says I will see who stops me.
Next day, Kalyani is going out with Moksh. Atul stops her and says you want to take this boy to Malhar. Kalyani says yes, I will take him to meet Malhar ji. Atul asks him to take out her mangalsutra. Kalyani says no. Some people come there and taunt at Atul. Kalyani takes pic with them and says you are great to think about me more than my father, she then scolds them for interfering between her father and her. She tells Atul that when he was in jail, she used to miss him. She says Moksh is very small and he can’t talk to his father on phone. She says my father can’t be strict to stop Moksh from meeting his father. Atul asks her to go and return soon.
Kalyani goes to meet Malhar. Malhar gets happy to see Moksh and lifts him in his arms. Kalyani tells him that Moksh said the first word Baba yesterday. She plays the recording in which he is saying baba. Malhar thanks her. Kalyani tells him that she was always on his side and asks him to keep his thank you safely and promises to free him soon. Pawar comes and says time is up. Malhar goes back to lock up. Song plays…..ab hai saamne..marjawun ya jeelun zara…Malhar looks at them. Kalyani and Mokssh leave from there.
Anupriya shows many bundles of money to Pallavi and says she was not aware of this locker before. She tells that when she was cleaning the painting, she found the locker and the money inside. She says I will give the money to Aao Saheb. Pallavi says I will tell Aao Saheb and takes money from her hand. She thinks Appa might have kept for us. She finds their house map and thinks treasure is hidden here. She finds the key on the map. Anupriya is hiding and tells Kalyani that Pallavi got trapped in their trap.
Pallavi calls Vivek and shows the map on video call. Anupriya and Kalyani are keeping eye on her. Anupriya asks if she has doubt on Pallavi. Kalyani says it was easy to trap her, and says she hopes that they find about the person writing the letter. Pallavi tells Vivek that there is a treasure in the house. Vivek says there is no treasure in the house and asks her to throw the map, else he will tell Aao Saheb. Pallavi says it is waste to talk to him and ends the call. Kalyani tells Anupriya that they have to take the next step.Pallavi checks the map and finds that the treasure is near the well.
She thinks how to get the keys. She hears Anupriya and Kalyani talking to each other. Anupriya tells Pallavi that she found lipstick marks on Vivek’s shirt and also this key from his pocket. Pallavi hears them and gets doubtful about Vivek. She thinks Vivek is having an affair and plans to elope with that woman. She comes near them. Anupriya and Kalyani act shocked and ask if she heard them. Pallavi takes the shirt and the key from them. Kalyani says she will wash the shirt. Pallavi goes. Kalyani says chachi will not believe Chacha now. Anupriya thinks how we will reach the person writing the fake letter. Just then Kalyani gets a call and asks what happened to Malhar ji.
Atharv laughing madly. Sampada asks if everything is fine. Atharv says that small malhar jumped and beaten me up. He says that Malhar beaten me up badly, but I was hit on my heart much. He says I will ruin h is uniform and power, that he will not get up from bed all his life. Two goons are locked in the same lock up as Malhar. Sampada asks what is he going to do? Atharv tells that he knows two goons whom Malhar had beaten up in the past, and tells that he got those two goons arrested and made them go inside the same cell as Malhar. He says the fire which is lighting in him, will be set off by them. The goons ask each other to look at Malhar. Pawar tells Malhar that the goons have done a small crime and got arrested, and that’s why I told Kalyani for your protection.
He says they might attack you while going to court. Malhr says nothing will happen to me. Kalyani calls Sarthak and asks for his help. Sampada hugs Atharv and is happy. Atharv says only God knows what those two goons will do with Malhar. Malhar and the goons are taken out to go to court. The goons are holding blade in their fingers and tease Malhar asking if some has stolen his respect in night or that if mosquitoes have bit him in lock up. Aao Saheb reaches there. The goons continue to taunt Malhar. Media comes there and asks Malhar if he really forced Saya ji Rao to commit suicide. The goon asks Malhar to say. Media says if he keeps silent then his family might affected.
The goon tells that his wife is beautiful and he will take care of her.Malhar asks how dare you to take name of my wife’s name and holds his collar to beat him. Aao Saheb calls Atharv and says everything will happen as per the planned. The goon attacks Malhar with the blade. Malhar asks Pawar to check goon’s hand. Pawar finds the blade in their hand. Kalyani comes there with the goons’ wives, who beat the goons and tells that when they was in jail for six month, Malhar gave them money for their living and food and scolds their husbands. The goons apologize to Malhar for attacking him. Malhar says they are their wives.
Aao Saheb asks Driver to drive the car fast. Kalyani stops the car and asks her to get down. She says when you came so far then we shall make some use of your visit. She says I am not wearing dupatta today and tears her saree to tie on Malhar’s hand. Sarthak says your wife is wonderful. Kalyani says she will take out Malhar from lock up before evening and says it is my promise. Aao saheb goes in her car.Kalyani comes to Malhar and asks him to sit, says she will tie on his injury.
Malhar says no need, nothing happened to me. She says blood is flowing. Kalyani says didn’t you see how Shanta and Lakshmi have beaten their husbands and says you might have known that wife is dangerous, but I am not like that and requesting your sweetly and asks him to let her tie on his hand. She ties the cloth on his hand and says tonight you will be at home, it is my promise. Malhar looks on. Sarthak smiles.Pallavi searches for the treasure and gets it. She gets happy and calls Vivek. She accuses him for not telling her about treasure and says you wanted to give it to your girlfriend, says she will leave before he comes home.
Pallavi is looking at the treasure in the box, when someone comes there. Vivek comes there and finds Pallavi injured and wounded. He asks who has done this with you. He says Appa can’t write any letter, as I used to sign on his behalf and had written his last letter with my hand. He asks who did this with you. Kalyani comes there and says I did. Sarthak, Police officer comes there and hear his confession. Vivek asks you did this? Kalyani says Chachi is just unconscious, this blood is fake. Anupriya throws water on her. Pallavi gains consciousness and asks for the treasure.
Kalyani says it is fake jewellery. She tells Vivek that she was doubtful on him yesterday as he wrote with his right hand rather than this left hand, when the handwriting expert asked him to write. Aao Saheb is breaking the wall and saying Kalyani couldn’t free Malhar. Vivek comes running and asks her to save him, says he wrote suicide note on her saying. Kalyani says everyone know this now. Sarthak says Vivek has given his statement, now nobody can save him. Atul asks Aao Saheb. Aao Saheb says yes the letter was fake, but Rao Saheb’s death is real and I will get Malhar punished for his death.
Just then Malhar comes home in Police jeep. Kalyani smiles and says I had told that I will get Malhar ji freed before night.She turns towards Malhar and looks at him. Malhar is coming inside the house, but Aao Saheb stops him and says don’t dare to come inside my house. Kalyani says Malhar is freed from jail, how can you stop him. Aao Saheb asks Atharv to show. Atharv says Malhar Rane sell his side of house and named the property on Aao’s Saheb’s name. A fb is shown, Atharv blackmails Malhar that he is taking Moksh to London forever. Malhar says you will not take him anywhere. Atharv forces him to sign and says if you give the house to Aao Saheb then I will return your son.
Kalyani asks Malhar to tell this is a lie, and says you didn’t trust me. I told you that I will unite you with Moksh. Aao Saheb asks them to search some other house and says we have no place for Rao Saheb’s murderer.
Next: my heart knows Saturday update