Mismatched 4 January 2022: The Episode starts with Shaurya hurting Vineet and scolding him. Anokhi says you got freed on bail, it doesn’t mean you are innocent. Shaurya looks at her. Vineet says I won’t leave you. Anokhi asks what did you think, this is your house, you can do anything here, I m always with Babli. Ahir says you are a lawyer, did you know about domestic violence, I will explain you well. She asks Vineet’s mum is she ashamed, he is slapping Babli in front of her, she is just seeing it. He says I will put many charges on you. Anokhi asks Shaurya to leave Vineet now, he will be arrested.
Vineet’s mum asks Babli to understand. Anokhi scolds her. Babli cries. Anokhi defends Babli. Ahir says you have a sensible son, he will go to jail for long, if you are seen around Babli, then you won’t be seen. Vineet says I will see everyone. Babli leaves. They leave. Babli thanks them for help. She says special thanks to Shaurya, Vineet kidnapped you and you had come. Shaurya says don’t thank, it was Vineet’s mistake, not yours. Ahir asks are you okay. Shaurya says tell me if you aren’t okay, I will help. Ahir says Anokhi and I are here to help. Anokhi says come with me to hostel, else where will you stay. Ahir says yes.
Babli says you focus on studies, stay in hostel. Shaurya says listen to Babli, why are you rigid, you are sensible, but she isn’t foolish. Shaan and Devi have tea. She asks did Aastha go, did you explain her well. Shaan says yes. Devi says Shaurya decided it by his wish. Shaan says you asked his wish, right, I don’t have objection if its his wish, else I m not with you and Aastha, I just want my son’s happiness, this time I won’t be happy. He goes. Ahir says think about Babli. Shaurya says hotel stay for some days. Anokhi says we don’t want someone’s favor. He asks someone’s favor. Babli says its not safe in hotel. Shaurya says you can stay at a friend or relative’s house, Ahir is Anokhi and your friend, you can stay at his house, you will be safe, right officer Ahir.
Ahir says nice idea, you can stay in my house. Babli says you will have a problem. He says no. Babli says fine, I will stay in Ahir’s house. Shaurya says I will drop Anokhi. Anokhi asks why. Shaurya thinks because I m your husband. Shaurya says your way is different, our paths and destinations are same. Ahir says I will drop her. Shaurya says no. Babli says Ahir is right, Shaurya and Anokhi are going to same place, they can go together. Babli and Ahir leave.Shaurya asks Anokhi to sit. He says fine, I will wait for you all day. They leave.
He thinks to tell her about his temporary engagement. He says Mrs. Saberwal. She says Ms. Bhalla. He talks of global warming, her anger is the reason. She says your ego and rigidity don’t end. He asks why are you angry. She asks why can’t I get angry. He says you look cute in anger, you are blushing, thanks for whatever you did for Babli. He says she is my Saali, wife’s sister. She asks him to stop the car. He stops the car. She gets down. She goes away. He stops her. He says don’t be stupid. He holds her close. Jo tera hoga….plays…
Ahir thinks of Shaurya and Anokhi. Babli asks why are you worried. He says nothing, don’t think much. He says I should do something for Anokhi soon. Shaurya says come on Anokhi, that isn’t a solution, its terms and conditions. She says then fulfill it, you mean I should forget this sindoor and move on. He says it looks good on you, okay, I won’t joke, listen to me. He thinks what to do, she is upset. She leaves. He asks where are you going. Devi asks Shagun to think something new. Shaan says you look fresh now, you were looking sick some time back. Devi says just doctor and Lord know what’s happening within, I m happy, its my son’s happiness, it gave me courage. She acts. Kanchan looks on.
She says just Shagun can understand and handle Shaurya. He says I know, take care. Shaurya comes to college. Aastha spills some tea on the table. Shaurya helps her. She says you here in my college. He says yes, I have come to clear few things about my engagement with Shagun. She says I don’t think its right. He asks what do you think, who should your son engaged to. She cries and says my son… He says you said relations and emotions don’t change, you have rights on me, I know you and dad took the divorce, but you couldn’t get separated, you guys love each other a lot, you can’t fool me, you can return in Saberwal house if you want, and also in Shaan’s life. She looks at him. He says I know you have to take this decision, I just said it, come. She stops him.
She says these words and thinking aren’t yours, maybe you didn’t want your dad and my divorce, but you can’t think of me to return home, who told you. He asks how does it matter. She asks Anokhi?Devi calling the doctor and thanking him for making false reports. She says I have sent money to your account, your one lie changed everything in my son’s life, you delete the real reports from system. Kanchan gets shocked hearing th is. Devi turns and sees Kanchan. Shaurya says I m trying to change, come with me. Aastha says you need to change your perception, you didn’t understand Anokhi’s words, just listened to her.
He asks what does it matter. She says try to understand her, its not a simple thing, this problem won’t end if I come there, Anokhi would have told the same. He says you don’t understand me, tell it straight, she is stubborn, you are stubborn, she thinks wrong happened with you, you don’t want to come, just you two can be right, can’t a third person be right, I want to change, do whatever you want. He throws the papers in anger and goes. She cries.She picks the things. She thinks I can see the change, our relations will get fine, it will take time.
Kanchan says you bribed the doctor, you lied about your illness. Devi says I did that for Shaurya, you can’t know how sad he would have become, doctor told blockage is 60%, actually its 80%, my lungs got weak, I didn’t tell this to you all, everyone is worried after his kidnapping, so I asked doctor not to tell the truth. Kanchan says I understand you well, this can’t be true. Devi says you think I m lying, shall I call Shaurya and tell him that you are doubting me, misbehaving with me, then lets see what happens. She goes. Kanchan says its true that if I tell anything to Shaurya against Devi, then he won’t believe it.
Ahir says I will get the house cleaned. Babli says its fine, don’t worry, I know you well, I will clean the house. He says I will order food for you, take rest. She says I can’t stay here for free. He says if its about your self respect, I honor that, be comfortable. She says its tough for girls to accept husband’s house, who shows that its his house, we girls have no house of our own. Ahir says if you don’t get your rights, then you should snatch it, we will hire a good divorce lawyer, then you will get your rights. She says I don’t want anything from Vineet than my freedom. He says I promise you will get it, how will your dad react. She says let it be, I can’t think of myself if I think of everyone. He asks her to show courage.
She says you and Anokhi gave me this courage, then Shaurya also encouraged me, I have many complains from him, he troubled Anokhi, he came today and supported me, how did he know this. He says Kanchan told him. She asks did he come to convince Anokhi again. He asks what. He thinks before Shaurya gets his second chance, I shouldn’t lose my first chance.Anokhi sees the sindoor mark and takes a selfie. Shaurya comes to meet her. She says you… He says yes. She asks what are you doing here.He asks what do you mean, its our first night, how can I leave you alone tonight, I can’t be so irresponsible, inconsiderate husband, right. She smiles and gets shy. He lies on the bed.
She says you aren’t shamed, you forced me for marriage, now what. He says I didn’t force you, I m your husband, talk to me with love, I love you. She says love is where there is respect, learn that first. He asks don’t I respect you, consider that I came from a long drive, ask something, won’t you ask where did I go. She says you would say even if I don’t ask, you do what your heart wants. He says yes, but you don’t let me do. She asks what.He says sit down, I went to meet Aastha, I told her what you said. She asks did she agree, yes or no. He says you are so curious, how sweet, you kept the condition, you will come when she comes, you would want her to come and then you will come to me. He holds her close.
She goes away. He smiles and says I like it. He sees the selfies she clicked with her sindoor. He says wow, I love this, you look so beautiful. She asks for her phone. He says I will enlarge this pic and fix it in my room. She tries to take the phone. He saves her from falling. He clicks their selfie. He says I want this pic as well. Shaurya says if not the marriage album, I can frame these selfies.Shaurya kisses on her cheek. Jo tera hoga…..plays… She gets away. She says you came to talk about Aastha. He says yes, that too, and one more thing. She says say. He says I had told her, but she refused to come. She asks what did you tell her. He thinks of Aastha’s words.
He says I tried to convince her, it wasn’t the condition that she will come or not, I honoured your wish, you need to honor your promise and accept this marriage. She says Aastha said right, you just listened to me, not understood. He asks what. She says you have to understand Aastha and get her home. He asks how does it matter, you want to keep another condition now, I did it, I have to tell you something else now, its imp, I will give you time to think, okay so…. Reema knocks the door and asks did you sleep Anokhi. He asks why shall I leave, from door or jump from window. She says you got me stuck, get me killed now. He says I have died on you. He holds her close. Reema knocks again. He asks doesn’t she have any work.
Anokhi says I will take Reema that side, you secretly go away. He says no. She says just go, it will be a favor on me. He smiles. She goes out. He sees his engagement ring and worries. He says I couldn’t tell her about it.
Next: Mismatched Wednesday update