Mehek update Saturday 6th July 2019 Zee World

Mehek update Saturday 6th July 2019 Zee World


Saturday update on Mehek 6th July

Prev: Friday update on Mehek

Mahek finds poisonous leaves on hall floor outside Grandma’s room, she says if Grandma is with Svetlana? no this cant be. Mahek comes to Grandma’s room and finds more poisonous leaves, she recalls how Dolly said that Grandma knows about herbal medicines, she is stunned.

Mahek comes to Shaurya and says Grandma is involved in this plan with Svetlana, Shaurya says what rubbish? Mahek says I found poisonous leaves in her room, remember she brought Svetlana in house back, she gave me that explosive dupatta to me too. Shaurya says my Grandma cant do anything like this, you just found leaves in her room and are doubting her, Mahek says maybe she is not involved, Shaurya says I am sure, Mahek prays that they find truth.

Shaurya is sitting with Karona. He gets Mahek’s message to give injection to Karona. Shaurya does. Svetlana and Grandma opens door and spy on Shaurya. Grandma says to Svetlana that we wanted to send Karona out of world then how Mahek came in picture? Svetlana says we wanted to kill Karona so that Shaurya blames Mahek and kills her and now Shaurya have given her death threat, why not we kill Mahek? then we can tell police that Shaurya killed Mahek. Grandma says what can we do now? Svetlana says we will switch off ventilator, everyone will think that its Mahek’s fault, they will search for her but they will find her deadbody, Shaurya will be alleged to kill her and I will get all this property, Grandma says you are real evil, Svetlana says that I am.

They see servant coming to Karona’s room and hides. Servant brings milk for Shaurya, he takes it. Suddenly Karona’s heatbeat machine start beeping, Shaurya panics, he tries to stop it, machine stops then. Shaurya sits down and drinks milk. Svetlana and Grandma sees it and smirks. Grandma says now Shaurya will be sleeping for 12 hours, I have spiked Shaurya and Mahek’s milk glasses. Svetlana and Grandma comes to Mahek’s room and finds her asleep on chair. Grandma checks that she is unconscious.

Svetlana and Grandma drags Mahek, Grandma says after you get property, will you give me money? Svetlana says you are already on death limit, I will make you have so much fun with money. Svetlana and Grandma drags Mahek upstairs where they are going to throw her from roof. Shaurya falls unconscious in Karona’s room.

Grandma and Svetlana brings Mahek on roof. They try to push Mahek from rooftop but cant as she is heavy. Grandma goes to bring dagger. Svetlana is about to throw Mahek from roof but Shaurya comes there and puts arm around Mahek, he pulls her away from roof boundary. Grandma sees Shaurya near Mahek, she hides with dagger before Shaurya can see her.

Mahek opens her eyes, she was not unconscious, Shaurya holds her face in his hands and asks if she is fine? she nods. Shaurya says to Svetlana that first you tried to kill my mother and now you wanted to murder her? Svetlana says its nothing like that, Shaurya says you made good plan but we are more clever than you, he shows her fake nail and says I found it in Karona’s remedy but then Mahek and I thought we will catch you with proofs thats why I fake threatened Mahek to kill her.

Grandma is hiding and shivering behind wall. Mahek sees her and narrows her eyes. Shaurya says when servant brought milk, I messaged Mahek and asked if she sent milk to me? she told me that servant gave her milk too, I understood it was your plan. Mahek says to Shaurya that one minute, we caught Svetlana but what about her partner? Mahek brings out Grandma from behind the wall, Shaurya looks on shocked. Mahek pushes Grandma to stand with Svetlana, they both look terrified.

Shaurya is stunned seeing Grandma part of plan, he recalls how he kept blaming Karona for being keeping Grandma away from him, Shaurya stumbles, Mahek holds him. Shaurya comes to Grandma and says did I do any mistake? what mistake did I do? I fought with my mother for your, you said I am your blood then why you did it? why?

Grandma cries, Shaurya asks for whom you did it? what mistake I did? All family members comes there. Grandma says I am sorry. Shaurya says dont lie.. I used to blindly trust you, you took me for driving in childhood, after accident you left and Maa gave me love and you tried to kill her? all are shocked, Shaurya asks why? why? I thought I will never get love in life but then Mahek and you people tried to snatch my love? Mahek emotionally looks at Shaurya.

Shaurya says to Svetlana that I hate you but how can I punish Grandma? punishing you is like punishing myself, he asks if she was provoked by Svetlana? Svetlana says I feel filthy of you, Svetlana says to Shaurya that your real enemy is your Grandma, your Grandma knew from first day that you killed Mahek’s family and instead of telling you, she kept blackmailing Karona to give her money from time to time, Shaurya looks at Grandma, Grandma looks down in shame.

Dolly says to Grandma that you were thief, you were gambler and drunker but you cheated and blackmailed your own family? Grandma breakdowns and cries. Vicky says to Shaurya that I brought Svetlana back home last time but this time I am saying to send them to jail, Svetlana says I am your mother! Vicky says thats the bad news. Shaurya says to Vicky that do what you want to, he leaves. Rajesh calls police station.


Mahek says to Vicky that dont take action till I talk to Shaurya. Mahek comes to Shaurya, Shaurya falls down in garden, he screams and starts crying. Mahek comes to him and holds him in her arms, she cries seeing him in pain, Shaurya wails and says Mahek why this happens with me? why? I am used to live with hatred of these people but my own blood? why God do this with me? my Grandma whom I love more than my love kept cheating me for years, for years? Mahek wipes his tears.

Shaurya caresses her face and says except you and my mother, I no other relation in life that truthfulness and love in it. Shaurya pushes Mahek and says stay away from me, I am bad for you.Mahek pulls him closer and hugs him, she says I am sorry, I am so sorry, Shaurya cries. Mahek says at this time you have to control yourself, I want to talk to you, she grabs his face and looks in his eyes. They hear police coming there.


Police comes to Shaurya’s house. Rajesh asks Inspector to arrest Svetlana and Grandma. Dolly says to Grandma that I told you to change your ways but you didnt listen to me, Grandma looks down in shame. Mahek asks Shaurya to not do it at this time. Shaurya says these people tried to kill my mother, I wont spare them now, Svetlana says you dont have proof against us, Shaurya glares at her, he leaves. Police arrests them and leaves. Vicky says to Mahek that Shaurya is right, they deserve this punishment.

Mahek sees Vicky silently crying in his room looking at Svetlana’s picture. She comes to Shaurya and sees him sitting with Karona, she leaves food on table.

Mahek comes to Dolly and says you have to be strong, we have to make Shaurya understand. Dolly says I knew my mother have bad habits, but she is my mother afterall, I just want Karona to become fine, you go and rest, she silently weeps, Mahek leaves sadly after seeing her state.

Mahek brings Svetlana and Grandma to lounge. Mahek says to Shaurya that you are hurting Dolly and Vicky by punishing them. Shaurya says this might be your house on papers but your rule will not follow here, they have to go to jail, Rajesh says Shaurya is right. Shaurya angrily leaves.

Mahek comes to Shaurya and says listen to me. Shaurya says what to listen? ,, he caresses her face and looks away. Mahek makes him look at him and says in our anger, we cant take haste decisions .

Shaurya comes to lounge again. Grandma says I knew my Grandson cant remain angry with me for much time. Shaurya gives her train ticket and says its of Haridvaar, I have done all arrangement for you there. Vicky will take you to station, you and me have no relation from today, if I hear any complaint about you from here then you will do your arrangements, Grandma takes tickets and leaves.

Svetlana says to Shaurya that I wont say sorry and I still hate, what you decided for me? Shaurya says your son doesnt want to call you mother but you dont care about love and affection, not me but Vicky will decide your punishment and you are dead for me now.

Next: Sunday update on Mehek 

Mehek teasers July 2019

Mehek full story

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