Mehek update Monday 28 October 2019 Zee World

Mehek update Monday 28 October 2019 Zee World



Prev: Mehek update 27 October 2019

Shaurya says that girl is crazy. They all say we have to do something against her. They make their next plan. Shaurya stays connected with his friends. THey lock her in the room. Mahek screams is there someone. Please open the door. Someone opens the door. Maehk tries to go out but the door opes and closes itself. She sees a shadow and screams.

Lights spark. Mahek says who is it. They make scary noises. Mahek is scared. They all make fun of her. Mahek says someone help me please. She sees skeleton dancing and faints. They pick her up and takes her to a room. shauyra comes there. He says what is she doing here.

Mahek recalls Shaurya and her dying in last birth.. she wakes up with a start and murmurs Shaurya.. Shaurya is sitting in his room and says why I felt like someone called out to me?

Mahek is trying to get up from store room, she is dizzy and tries to knock on door, she asks someone to open the door. thug Rohit says to his friends to not tell anything to Shaurya.

Rohit comes to Shaurya, Shaurya says we have movie scene. Rohit thinks this is perfect, we were watching a movie so we dont know what happened in college.

Mahek’s family is finding Mahek in college. Sarti finds Mahek’s things in boxing ring. Mahek is fainting in store room. Sarti says something wrong happened with Mahek. Swati says dont worry.

Shaurya is leaving college, he says I lost my phone, I will bring it, you all go and book tickets, he goes back in college. Shaurya is going back in college. Mahek is murmuring Shaurya’s name. Shaurya feels someone calling and says what is happening?

Shaurya looks around in classes. Shaurya comes to cafeteria, he opens store room and Mahek falls out in his arms. Shaurya is worried and says she is not conscious. Aadat si plays. Shaurya recalls how Rohit was missing, he says Rohit did it.

Sarti requests principal to find Mahek. Principal scolds security and ask them to find Mahek. Principal says she must be in campus. Security says she was not in campus, we should check boys hostel.

Shaurya brings Mahek to his hostel room, Mahek asks for water, Shaurya makes her drink water. Mahek is still unconscious. Shaurya’s upper gets stuck in Mahek’s sleeves. He jerks it away. Mahek wakes up and sees him, she is dizzy. Shaurya holds her and says Mahek? She sees him and pushes him away, she says you did all this? I wont spare you, he says I didnt do anything.

Shaurya says I saved your life. Mahek throws him on bed and strangles him, she thinks he was trying to take advantage of me. Principal comes there with Sarti. Principal says mahek what are you doing here? Mahek says I was brought here by Shaurya, I was unconscious, Shaurya says I found her in cafeteria store room.

Mahek and Shaurya are in principal office. Principal says you want to degrade Shaurya because he is your competition? Mahek says nothing like that, I dont know how I reached there, I fainted in gym, Principal says stop lying, I am rusticating your ward for misconduct. Mahek cries and asks her coach to do something, this is wrong, I didnt do anything, coach asks Swati to take Mahek away.

Rohit and friends are waiting for Shaurya. He asks his friends to leave but Shaurya comes there. Rohit smirks at him and says we are getting late. Shaurya slaps him hard. Rohit says have you gone mad?

Coach comes to Mahek and says principal is calling. Mahek rushes to her, principal says this is respected college, you cant do drama here, you people can leave, take your belongings. Mahek cries.
Mahek says to Swati I lost everything, Swati says you are a champion.

Shaurya says to Rohit that because of you, Mahek is getting rusticated, Rohit says she is our rival, Shaurya says she is our competitor but you locked her in store room? what if she died? I will tell everything to principal.

Shaurya rushes to principal’s office but she is gone.

Mahek is sadly sitting in her house. Swati asks her to not lose hope. Mahek says to coach that you saw me practising, I am not lying, Shaurya did all this deliberately to destroy my career, I wont spare him ever in life.

In morning, Shaurya comes to principal and tells her the truth, he says you can check CCTV footage too, she says okay. Coach comes to principal with Swati, principal asks him to sit down and listen. Shaurya leaves.

Mahek is packing her bags. Coach and Swati comes there. Swati says principal took rustication back, Mahek says how did this happen? Coach says I made her explain everything and she listened to me, Mahek thanks him and leaves. Swati asks coach why he didnt tell that Shaurya saved her? Coach says they should remain enemies to fighting in ring.


Principal scolds Rohit and his friends, she says I am giving three days suspension because your father is board member, get out. Rohit says to his friends that this is happening because of Mahke, I wont spare her and only one person can help me.

Shaurya thinks I will tell everything to Mahek today. Shaurya’s father comes there. Shaurya hugs him. Mahek sees them. She recalls how in childhood, Mahek made him lost in boxing ring but her father said she is a girl and winner was Shaurya. Mahek thinks he is Shaurya’s father? he is that cheater Shaurya. Shaurya glances at her.

Mahek looks at Shaurya and says he is that same guy. I have to take old revenge from him. I will beat him and show him that girls can be part of the ring too. Yuvraj comes to Shaurya and says how are you? Take care of your health.


Swati says to sarti why did coach not tell Mahek that Shaurya saved mahek from being suspended? She says coach will tell him when its needed. Shaurya says baba you here suddenly?

Yuvraj says this is your last championship in the college It will take you to college level. I have purchased a banglow in the Dehli. You can live there. shaurya says but I was okay in hostel. Yuvraj says you have to shift next week. That’s final. I am giving more donation in your college. Facilities should be really good so you can play better.

Yuvraj comes to shaurya’s principal. He says your gym is not renovated yet. She says it will be renovated very soon. Shaurya says I have to practice. He leaves.

Mahek practices with coach. Shaurya sees in. He says how should i go in and talk. I can’t talk in front of coach. He asks a girl to help. She goes in and says sir you have a call. He goes out. shaurya comes in. Mahek picks her floor. She collides with him. Mahek says can’t you see? She punches him it stomach. He says relax listen. She says i dont’ wanna listen. They fall down.

Shaurya says whats your problem? I came here to say sorry. Rohit did all that happened with you. I am sorry for all that happened. Trust me it wont happen again. Mahek shoves him and says you are not worth it. Keep your sorry to yourself. Don’t play these dirty gaames with me. I will answer you in the ring tomorrow.

Karan brings yuvraj on the door. He says uncle this is the girl I was talking about. She can give touch competition to shaurya. Mahek tries to sleep but she can’t. Shaurya thinks about Mahek. He says she is just like she was in childhood.

Next: Tuesday update on Mehek

Mehek full story 

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