Mehek update Monday 24th June 2019 Zee World

Mehek update Monday 24th June 2019 Zee World


Monday update on Mehek 24th June 

Prev: Sunday update on Mehek

Grandma says to Karona that you knew everything, you knew it but kept silent, you knew it still you are setting their wedding? you are making Shaurya’s home where Shaurya destroyed a family, i thought I play tricks but you play more, you are fooling your son, your would be daughter in law and your in laws.

Mahek applies band-aid on Shaurya’s wound, all smile seeing Mahek’s concern for him, Nehal says i should get someone tend me like this then I would get wounded four times a day, all laugh, Shaurya smiles.

Shaurya sits on his knees infront of Mahek and holds her hand, Shaurya says poetry that I was finding someone like you in God, just smile and I will go to heaven, all smile. Shaurya says I.. Um.. Mahek giggles and pulls his cheek, Shaurya asks where is Maa and grandma?

Karona says I knew you everything and kept this secret safe and agreed with this marriage because I want to keep Shaurya happy and shaurya wont even live without Mahek, you think Shaurya would have listened to me? you dont even know to which length he went to get Mahek, he wouldnt stay quiet, Grandma says so he wont be quiet now and will Mahek stay quiet too? when she will know truth then? your dreams will be burnt, what will you do then? Karona glares at her.

Mahek says to Shaurya that i will go and see Grandma and Maa. Grandma says to Karona that how will Sharma family react when they will know that your son crushed their elder son? i just saw Ravi in hospital on that incident night, i didnt see their family that night, you are not doing marriage but signing Shaurya’s death certificate, will Mahek forgive you when she will know that her would be husband killed her parents? what will you tell Shaurya? what will you do then? Karona looks on.

Mahek is coming to their room. Karona says I never let this truth come out and I will never let it happen, if Shaurya or Mahek get to know truth then their lives will be cursed, we all know who is responsible for that incident, Shaurya was only 14 years old, he didnt know what was right or wrong but you were with him and was mature, you are real culprit of that incident, grandma says you keep saying anything but you cant hide from truth, when Mahek’s parents were crushed then who was holding steering wheel? it was Shaurya, i had to bear too,

I had to leave this palace and you threw me out, we saved Shaurya, we gave money to police so they wouldnt catch Shaurya, we are all part of that crime, not only Shaurya would go to jail but we will be doomed too, you should have stopped this wedding. There is noise outside door, Karona opens door and sees Mahek coming there. Karona asks Mahek when did you come here? Mahek says I came now only, lets go outside, all are missing you, Grandma says you go with your mother in law, i will come later, Karona turns to leave but shakes her head at Grandma and hints to remain silent, she leaves, grandma looks on.

Karona asks Mahek when did you come here? Mahek says I came now only, lets go outside, all are missing you, Grandma says you go with your mother in law, i will come later, Karona turns to leave but shakes her head at Grandma and hints to remain silent, she leaves, grandma looks on.

Karona comes in function, Shaurya asks where did you? its your only son’s wedding, Karona says I was preparing for it, when you will marry your kids then you will know, till I am here, nobody will be able to separate you and Mahek, i wont let your happiness get cursed, she hugs him tightly, Shaurya feels peace in her arms. Mahek smiles.

Grandma comes to her room. Svetlana comes there and has heard Karona and grandma talking, how Shaurya killed Mahek’s parents, she asks grandma to sit down, grandma does, Svetlana says you didnt tell me such big thing? Grandma says I was about to tell you but I didnt know, only Karona knew. Svetlana says then lets everyone, we will put fire in Shaurya’s life, he will burn for life now. Grandma says dont do this please.

Shaurya and Mahek are sitting at poolside, Mahek lying her back on his back. Mahek asks if I ask anything then will you give it? you have given me a lot of things without asking but it will be difficult to give it to me when I am asking.

Svetlana asks Grandma if she is scared of Karona? we can destroy Shaurya’s life. Grandma says if secret comes out then we will be doomed, when Mahek will know that Shaurya killed her parents, then she will send Shaurya to jail and Sharma family will get all this property and we will be singing in mandir and we will lose 10croes which Karona is about to give us, Svetlana says you finally got brains? Grandma says no I have become more celever and jerk as I am with you.

Shaurya says to Mahek that I have given everything of mine to you, I can give my life to you too, Mahek says I will keep your life safe with me and protect it more than mine but I want to ask for a promise, can we become friends before husband and wife? friends dont hide things from each other, lies bring bitterness to relations and I want to spend good and peaceful life with you so can you promise me that? she holds out her hand, Shaurya holds it and nods, Mahek lies her head on his shoulder.

Svetlana says to grandma that we have to kill Mahek to get this property? Grandma says yes and we have to make it like neither Sharma family nor Karona can come inbetween that, we have to send Mahek to her parents and Shaurya will go mad and we will get property. Svetlana says tomorrow is their wedding and we will prepare death of Mahek too, we will see Mughal-e-Azam movie live tomorrow.

Kanta says to Karona that we have arranged marriage hall which has specific timing so come on time, Karona says Shaurya is so excited that he might go there now only, all laugh, Shaurya gets call and leaves to take it. Grandma and Svetlana comes there, Mahek touches their feet. Shaurya comes there and says I have booked very nice venue for Mahek and mine wedding, its 5-star hotel, its great, its all world-class thats why I chose it for Mahek and mine wedding. Kanta says but..

Shaurya says I know bride’s side does this arrangement and you dont have budget but I wanted mine and Mahek’s wedding to be great, Kanta says but budget? Shaurya says i am not splurging, its Mahek’s money, she is going to spend it. Mahek says dont joke about it, dont spend money like that, we will have simple wedding. Mahek says to Shaurya that dont ignore it, by naming your property in my name, it wont become mine, Shaurya says to Mahek that if money is mine then let me do what I want with it, Shaurya’s father comes there and says its not your money but your father’s which you got as heir, all are tensed, Father says did you forget or should i remind you?

Karona says when did you arrive? Father says i came when i smelt my money being burned, you didnt leave any way so I had to come, father says to Sharma family that first time Shaurya ranaway from wedding but this time you have trapped him fully, congrats you have come fully prepared to get everything, Jeevan says its not that, they love each other, Father says stop this drama, you used your daughter to trap this fool Shaurya and she mad Shaurya name all property to her.

Mahek says dont say that papa, father says I am not your papa, you can make these fake and forceful relations with Shaurya and her mother but not with me. Shaurya shouts shut up Rajesh Khanna, neither I accepted you as father nor you accepted me as son, if you cant be part of my happiness then leave, father says see his opinion about me? if i didnt bring him in this house when he was teen then he would be selling tea on stalls, I gave everything to him, Shaurya says you spent money which you got as husband of Karona and all this money, I have earned all this with my hardwork, its not yours.

Shaurya says I feel disgusted to call you my father, Shaurya’s father slaps him across face, all are stunned. R am your father, if i had slapped you earlier then you wouldnt have this tongue today, Shaurya charges at him but Mahek holds his hand. Rajesh sees grandma and says you are here too? you must not be alone, your daughter and son in law would be here to enjoy too, all beggars have come together, enjoy the wedding now, he leaves. Balwant says I think we should leave, Mahek is in tears and leaves, Shaurya looks on.

Rejesh says to Karona that have you gone mad? you are hiding such big secret and making them get married? if they get to know it then we will lose all this property. Svetlana comes there and asks him to drink and cool down, and dont make Karona understand, she is blind by her son’s love, Karona asks her to shut up, Svetlana says there will be big problem, Shaurya has brought outsiders in this home, Rajesh says there wont be problem till I am alive, he leaves. Karona glares at her and leaves. Svetlana says we will do everything and Rajesh will be blamed for it.

Shaurya is drinking wine and recalls what happened with Rajesh in function, how he slapped him. Mahek comes there and puts hand on his shoulder, Shaurya looks away and drinks more wine, he looks at her, Shaurya says when i was 5 years old, my father married another woman for money, i remember my mother spending life and died because of hunger and illness and my father didnt even come to see her once, i would be begging on streets today.

Shaurya drinks more, MAhek says he is your father, if you keep this much hatred then you will get hurt only, Shaurya laughs being drunk, he says tomorrow is my wedding thats why I am drinking, see I am happy, look at my face, I am happy, Mahek is hurt to see his state, she hugs him and thinks that I will try best to remove your bitterness and bring you and your father closer.

Karona calls Kanta and says we are coming. she ends call. Shaurya says lets go maa. Karona looks at Rajesh ignoring them, she says i pray that my son get every happiness. Mahek comes there and says to Rajesh that i made your favorite sweetdish, please taste it and get ready. She shows him will and says these are property papers which Shaurya named to be. Shaurya says what Mahek? Mahek says you named everything to me to gain Kanta’s trust so I am also giving everything to papa to gain his trust. Mahek says to Rajesh that I dont know where to sign on these papers, please tell me. Rajesh reads papers and looks at Mahek suspiciously, he reads thoroughly. Jeevan and Kanta comes there too.

Rajesh asks what is this is joke? its written that Shaurya cant take this property from you. Shaurya says i added this clause in will so that if Mahek gets emotional sometime and wants to transfer property to anyone else then she cant do it. Rajesh says then why playing this game with me? he throws papers and leaves. Shaurya grabs Mahek’s hand and says i told you its useless to expect him to understand emotions. Karona sees them and thinks what will happen when Mahek will know that Shaurya did accident of Mahek’s parents? they all leave.
Svetlana is in grandma’s room.


Svetlana says tomorrow Mahek’s palanquin will be taken out but for marriage but to graveyard, and all will doubt Rejesh as he created drama, grandma looks on, Svetlana smirks. Grandma says be careful that no danger fall on Shaurya. Svetlana says you are feeling love for him? Grandma says I love myself most but he is my grandson and I shouldnt take sin of murders more. Grandma drinks wine. Svetlana says you drink, you threaten and you murder then you worry about sins? Grandma looks on.

Sharma family and Shaurya’s family are sitting in cars. Kanta asks Mahek to sit with her. Nehal says let Shaurya and Mahek go in one car as they will be separated till marriage, let them spend time together, Shaurya says only my sister in law understands about my heart, he takes Mahek’s hand and goes to car.

Shaurya is driving car and sees Mahek silently sitting, he holds her hand but she takes her hand back. Shaurya pulls her cheek but she frowns. Shaurya says have good mood, its our wedding day. Mahek says dont irritate me, Shaurya says i havent started. Mahek says papa? Shaurya says dont talk about him, I have been bearing him since childhood, you will get habituated to him too, Mahek says sorry.

Svetlana, Grandma, Mohit, Sonal and Nehal are in one car. Svetlana messages her goon and murmurs goodby lovebirds. Sonal asks if she said something? Svetlana says nothing.

Shaurya is driving his car with Mahek sitting inside. They see someone lying on road with bike fallen down. Shaurya stops and asks man what happened? Man says he fell down, now its your turn, goons spray chloroform on Shaurya, he faints, they tie Mahek’s hands, Mahek says Shaurya save me please. Goon ties Mahek’s hand and puts black cloth over her head and takes her from there while Shaurya is unconscious.
Karona, Vicky and Kanta are in one car, Karona says I am not seeing Shaurya’s car ahead of us.


Shaurya wakes up in his car and sees Mahek missing, he is dizzy but looks around and says Mahek? he sees flat tire of car and screams Mahek. Shaurya says I will find you Mahek.

Goons have thrown Mahek in deep ditch, she is lying there unconscious.

Karona calls Mahek but says its unreachable. Kanta calls Mahek but she doesnt pick up too. They get worried.

Shaurya is looking around for Mahek. He sees bracelet on road which he gifted to Mahek and follows the path.

Mahek wakes up and sees herself lying in a deep pit, she whimpers and says Shaurya? She sees her hands and feet tied, she cries for Shaurya. Shaurya is searching for Mahek.

Karona says to Kanta that there is something wrong. Mohit gets message and inform his car members that Shaurya and Mahek’s car is missing. Grandma smirks, Svetlana whispers to that act like you are worried for them.

Mahek sees glass piece in pit, she holds it with her tied hands and starts cutting ropes using glass.

Shaurya is running on road to find Mahek. He buys water bottle from stall and drinks it. Shaurya says I have lost my wallet, seller shows him wallet and says it has your photo, some guys came and gave me this wallet when I asked for money, Shaurya asks where did they go? he says straight ahead, Shaurya gives him money and leaves.

Svetlana says to Sonal and Nehal that maybe Shaurya went straight to honeymoon skipping wedding? Grandma says Shaurya is not a kid, he might have gone to hotel. Svetlana messages her goons to finish work.

Goons start filling pit with sand in which Mahek is crying, Mahek gets scared and screams for Shaurya.

Kanta prays for Mahek’s safety, Karona says everything will be fine.
Shaurya reaches pit site, he goes in bulldozer which is filling pit with sand, he beats bulldozer’s driver. Shaurya beats goons, they try to overpower but he keeps beating them until one goon hits his head with wooden stick, Shaurya falls near pit and sees Mahek inside it, Shaurya says Mahek I am coming. Mahek cries seeing him. Goons try to handle Shaurya.

Svetlana messages her goons to bury Mahek in that pit.

Shaurya stands up and starts beating goons again. Goons runaway being afraid of him. Mahek starts feeling dizzy in pit. Shaurya calls out to Mahek, he finds rope in bulldozer, he ties one end of rope to bulldozer and throws other end of rope in pit, he climbs the rope and goes in pit, he comes to Mahek, he hugs Mahek tightly and says I am here, I wont let anything happen to you. Mahek lies her head on his shoulder and faints. Shaurya says nothing will happen Mahek, I am here. Mahek hugs Shaurya’s back, Shaurya ties rope to him and Mahek and starts climbing the pit. He brings Mahek out of pit and holds Mahek, he balances her and lies her on sand, he lies back too tiredly, Mahek holds his hand.

Shaurya and Mahek are lying on pit site. Shaurya wakes up and looks at Mahek, he gets up with difficulty and calls our to Mahek.

Svetlana gets call from goon, she takes call, goon says your nephew saved the girl but I didnt take your name behind all this to him, Svetlana is stunned.
Shaurya finds water bottle, he sprinkles water on Mahek’s face, she wakes up and hugs Shaurya. Kanta, Karona and Vicky, Kanta asks what happened? Karona asks if they are fine? they nod, Kanta asks who did it? Mahek says dont know, she tells them everything what happened. Shaurya says we should take Mahek to doctor, Mahek says I am fine, dont tell anyone. Kanta takes Mahek from there. Shaurya says this was not normal robbery but attempted murder, I will find out, dont tell Mahek.

Shaurya brings Mahek to five star hotel for their wedding. Shaurya holds Mahek’s hand in five star hotel, she gets tensed seeing Kanta but holds his hand and smiles. Jeevan says this is place heaven, we never thought Mahek would get married in such nice place, Ravi says this hotel is God’s gift. Shaurya brings everyone to their rooms, he settle everyone in rooms. Shaurya asks Mahek and Nehal to take rest, Nehal says just call when you want to come in and I will leave room for you and Mahek, she takes Mahek and leaves. Shaurya sees Svetlana going to her room, he opens her room door, she asks what is this rubbish? Shaurya says I am warning you, whatever happened with Mahek today, if I find you are reason behind it then I wont send you to jail but make you leave world, Svetlana says I dont know what happened with her. Shaurya says i will keep an eye on you 24/7 and wont let any scratch on her, I wont spare you if you are involved, he leaves, Svetlana gets tensed.

Next: Tuesday update on Mehek 

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