Married Again update Sunday 12 January 2020

Married Again update Sunday 12 January 2020


Married again 12 January 2020: Abhi asks for a dialogue from vikrant. Sarita goes to the kitchen to get their beverages. Abhi finds vikrant staring at her, and reminds that his ipad is about to fall, while staring at mumma. Abhi asks for coming along with him, for his help. They begin to surf together for good dialogues. Vikrant makes him practice it.

The next morning, abhi shows sarita how vikrant is angry over not finding brown socks, and punsihing the servants. sarita offers to find it for him. She relieves the servants from the punsihment. She finds vikrant in afurious mood, when she enters the room, and reprimands him for messing up the room. He says that she’s to be blamed for this, and that she shouls quieten up now.

While vikrant is getting ready for office, sarita offers to help, and find things for him in his almirah. he turns around and says that he doesnt need anyone’s help. Sarita orders him to stand straight, so that she can untangle the mangalsutra that is loked in his tie’s knot, and reprimands him for simply obey her orders.

As she does so, vikrant eyes her romantically. she finally finsihes and asks him to move now, but he is spellbound. finally she gets him to, and finds the socks for him, and says that he was to be blamed for getting angry, as he couldnt find the socks. She says that now due to him, she has to clean this up again.

He is mesmerised by her, while she is confused. she says that he shouldnt get angry so much, and is boggled to find him smiling. She jerks him back from the trance, and he is embarassed, when she asks if he was thinking about her. He tries to leave, but she stops him and gives him the socks amused all the while.

Kamla calls for raj, when she finds sohan trying to work himself. Raj reprimands him for trying to do things on his won, when they are here for him. kamla asks him not to scold sohan. Sohan says that she may havbe seen the anger but not to concern behind it, which has forced him to be angry on his father, and blesses his child, for such love on him.

Raj hugs him, while divya and sarita watch this and sarita is happy that her plan is working, and sonner he realises the importance of his family, the sooner will raj comes to his senses. She talks to raj, about sohan’s health. Sohan says that til the time raj is here, nothing would happen to him. raj is at discomfort

Granny praises divya, and her down to earth nature with raj. kamal says that she has to change sohan’s dress. raj tries to do it, but sarita takes him aside as she has to talk to him. Sarita pretends to be careless about sohan’s condition, and focusses more on collecting m oney, for their escapade. Sarita reminds him that he isnt going to be with his family, and hence he shouldnt bother so much.

Raj asks if she hasnt gone mad, and how did she change so much. Sarita reminds him of the promise, and the fact that she has to be selfish, and plays him in his own coin. She says that right now their priority is to gather as much money as they can, to settle abroad. Kamla comes and asks them who’s going abroad. Sarita says that raj is planning for honeymoon with divya. kamla is happy and hopes that sohan gets well soon. Kamla asks for his meds, and raj tells where are they. sarita takes their leave, as she’s getting late. raj is tensed.

Location: On the road
While rohan is roaming with kajri on the road, he is surprised to find shiela, waiting for an auto. she too sees him, and asks how is he. kajri asks how dare she try to talk to him. But rohan asks her to be quiet. Shiela asks if he can give her a ride. Kajri refuses, but rohan says that it wouldnt be a problem, as its in their way. He takes shiela’s bags, and their hands accidentally touch. Kajri is irritated. They all get in the car and drive off. There’s a visible tension in the car, where shiela thinks about her game plan, and how she would do it

Scene 4:
Location: Vikrant’s residence
Vikrant is doing his work, on his ipad, and remembers sarita’s orders in the morning, amd starts smiling. But then he also remembers sarita’s fights with him, and wonders why is he thinking about her so much, when she has clearly stated that they dont have arelation, and that she’s is just abhi’s mother and thinks that this has to stop, and he would have to stay away from her. As sarita washes her hair, and is drying giving it a jerk, it falls on vikrant’s face, who’s falling in love with sarita, as time passes. She embarassedly passes by, wondering if he’s falling in love with her.

Vikrant leaves and lies on the sofa, and sarita turns around to find him like that. abhi thinks that he is fedup sorting out their enemity. Abhi orders them, that since their fight is over now, they would sleep together in the same bed, along with him. He makes them sleep on their sides of the bed, and they both enter a romantic eyegaze yet again, love clearly in the air. Finally she looks away, and he does so too, while abhi sleeps between them.

Physiotherapist talks of exercising Sohanlals leg..! She advises Raj to take him to specialist..! Raj thinks of Saritas words of saving money! Sohanlal says no ways expending so much! Raj says no matter how much money is expended.. the treatment has to be top notch! Divya thanks the girl for the good acting and she says this is to ensure a friend gets her love!

Divya thanks her! Vikrant is having breakfast and says veggies are great .feel like kissing Kakas hand! Servant says its made by Sarita..! She serves Vikrant and says clean ur face before doing anything else! Vikrant wipes his face..! Sarita asks if Rohans mom wont say anything? She says nothing to say..whatever Sarita does falling right! Abhi comes but is sad..!

Sarita asks what happened? Vikrant asks about rehearsals..! Abhi runs inside his room! Sarita rushes to him ..but he has locked the door..! She asks him to open the door..! Vikrant asks what is the matter? Sarita asks why not sharing the matter with Sarita.. ! Vikrant says if u dun open will break it! Sarita says is he crazy??

Abhi is a kid.. he is crying.. if he breaks the door..he mite faint! Sarita says him with love…! Sarita says we need to act.. so he will come out on his own! Vikrant screams and Sarita says.. keep quiet.. and says.. we just need to fight.. he doesnt like seeing us fight so he will come out on his own! Sarita starts screaming.. u like to shout on me always.

Vikrant says coz she is wrong! Sarita says..what is my mistake? Vikrant says.. she is his mom .. so she has to know..! Sarita says.. din do anything! Vikrant says ever since she came he is spoiled! Sarita says Mr. Akdu ..n Vikrant says Mrs. Jhagdu! Abhi comes out of the r0oom n asks them not to fight! Sarita asks Abhi to share what happened? She says i dun hide anything from u .. so now u dun hide..share!


Sarita says did i make any mistake.. then sorry..! Abhi says when ir reached school ..all teased calling me duffer.. and joker! Abhi says wont go to school from tomorrow! Vikrant says fine.. no need to go. .i will teach those kids a lesson! Sarita says he wont go to school long will he hold Vikrants hand n walk? Sarita says.. Vikrant is Abhis confidence. .what about his self confidence? Vikrant screams.. but Sarita glares and so he walks off..!

Raj rues that the amount being lost in Sohanlals treatment will i save ?? He to leave him like this and go? Raj is worried… Divya watches him and call out to him! She asks if there is any trouble? Especialy about money? Raj asks who told u? Divya says am ur to be wife.. can know what can be the issue.! She says ever since Sohanlal fell ill Raj is worried..! Divya says proud to see his love for Sohanlal.. n that he is his support..!

Divya gives some money to Raj..saying she withdrew from bank! Raj hesitates! Divya says.. this will help for Sohanlals treatment..! She says only 9 more days to our wedding.. no need to worry…! Divya says she will empty his wallet after marriage. .n thats a wifes right..! Raj asks what if we dun get married? Divya says.. no problem.. whatever i am.. whatever i have learnt.. n earned.. is all coz of her..! Raj says din mean that. am troubled..! Divya says can understand.God is testing him ..and her love..!

Raj looks at the money left by Divya! Vikrant is pacing in his room and cribbing that Sarita is going to teach him what to say to his son? He asks what does she mean..he should send his son back to the place where people fought with his son? Dun understand this style of parenting .e.xplain! Sarita make him sit on the bed n says understand.. u love ur son n wanna give him all . .but kids should try n find out solution to their problems without any protection or suport! Sarita asks whose supprot did he get? No ones..! But ur successful ..!

Sarita says dunno ur past but know that u fought all ur battles on ur own.. so let ur son grow like u! Vikrant says .. am an orphan ..but Abhi has a dad! Sarita asks ..u want Abhi to be touf with u or weak coz of u? Sarita says.. let Abhi grow.. let him learn.. he will make mistakes but learn..! Sarita says every mistake can be a way to the right path..!

Sarita says.. u and i will solve Abhis problems.. by showing him the way not by solving his problems..! Sarita says.. joker thing is very small.. he has to learn a lot.. see a lot.. bear a lot.. if he stays like a Prince in his Dads world.. he cant become King in the outside world! She says..we have to explain to Abhi that he has to face every problem n solve them…! This is both our exam too..not just Abhis! ikrant says.. worried i will fail..! Sarita says. he is a big businessman who solves problems all the time. .n this is small issue ..he will solve correctly..!

Vikrant says am successful businessman but am unsuccessful father! MAde mistakes reaising Abhi..! Sarita holsd Vikrants hand n says.. no more mistakes.. m with u.. we will explain Abhi that . he has to face these things and be stron like his dad..! Vikrant squeezes Saritas hand..and thanks her..! Sarita says ‘Apno ko thanks nahi kehte’..! She gets up and her saree pallu is stuck under Vikranst boot..! He removes it and puts it in order on Saritas shoulder n says sorry ! She thanks him n he says Apno ko thanks nahi kehte..

Sarita tells the teacher.. to give Abhi a chance! She says like parents like u who want fair competition n dun pressure the child! She agrees to give Abhi another chance! Sarita says thanks.. Abhi will do great job. .n this is not just about Abhi victory byut mine too! She celebreats an turns n sees Vikrant standing..! He is smiling! Sarita checks Vikrants forehead.. n asks if he is ok? He asks why? She says coz smiling is injurious to his health..! He asks if teasing him is fun for her? She says smiling is good for him..! She says he is like a kid.. err rather a kid..! Vikrant pulls SArita to him n asks if he is a joker that she keeps laufing seein him?

Next: Monday update married again



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