Kindred hearts update Friday 21st June 2019

Kindred hearts update Friday 21st June 2019


Friday update on kindred hearts

Prev: Thursday update on kindred hearts 

Adi brings baba home. Nisha comes there, baba gets scared. Nisha tries to sweetly talk with baba but Adi pushes her away and says dont you even try to touch him, you will pay for what you did, baba you dont need to be scared, i am with you, Adi takes baba away. Nisha hums song and smirks evilly.
Adi brings baba to room and says i will come, baba says dont leave me, Adi says i wont leave you. Adi angrily looks on. Adi comes in lounge and grabs Nisha’s shoulders, he says what you did today, it was not your fault but mine, i kept your truth away from my family but not anymore, i will bring your truth out to family, i dont care about divorce, it will happen when it has to happen, you have to answer for your deeds now. Nisha says nobody is home, all have gone to pray for Neha’s baby, you will have to wait but i have a offer, if you want to divorce me then i wont protect, i have three conditions, if you agree to them then i will get separated from you. My first condition is that you will give me 50% share of your property, your house and your wealth. My 2nd condition that i want a penthouse in posh area and my 3rd condition is that you will give me money in alumni every month as much as i want. If you agree with these 3 conditions then this divorce will happen peacefully, nobody will leave from this house, nobody will protest, i will silently leave, you just have to agree. Adi says fine, i will give you anything you want but you dont think that your truth wont come out to family, i will give you money, penthouse everything you asked but then what you are saying should happen, you will leave my family alone and i wont bear you near my family ever again, he glares at her, he calls someone and leaves. Nisha looks on tensed.

Jhanvi is jogging with Survi and recalls her sweet moments with Adi then how Nisha called him her husband, she runs faster and says i am so dumb, everything was infront of me but i couldnt see that Adi is already married. Survi says you didnt know anything, it was mistake, you didnt do anything deliberately, Jhanvi says no, i will give my resignation tomorrow at any cost.
In morning, Adi is working in his office. Adi calls broker and says i will transfer money tonight. Nisha calls Adi and says i was thinking i will be living in penthouse so i should see how it is, it should be of my liking, Adi says i will choose best to make you go away from my family, it will be great. Nisha says but it would be good if i see its images, can you meet me? Adi says i dont want to see your face, Nisha says we are separating and we are adults so we should handle this maturely, meet me and show me images, Nisha says i am near your office, near shop, you come there and show me images, i also want to talk to you, Adi says fine, he ends call and leaves his office to meet her. Nisha sees him leaving, she is hiding in his office, Nisha comes in Adi’s cabin and says i have to take penthouse’s prints from his laptop. She starts working on Adi’s laptop.
Jhanvi comes in office with her resignation. She is approaching Adi’s office without knowing that Nisha is in there. Nisha is trying to open Adi’s email but she doesnt know password, she enters daughters names as password.

Adi comes in restaurant where Nisha asked him to come, he says there is something fishy, she called me and didnt come here? He calls her but she is not picking call too, he says something is fishy.

Nisha starts logging in Adi’s laptop. Jhanvi comes there and is shocked to see her in Adi’s cabin. Nisha says hi, can i help you? Adi comes there and says what are you doing here? he sternly says what are you doing here? Nisha says Adi.. Jhanvi says i will come later. she leaves. Adi closes door and shouts on Nisha what are you doing here? Nisha says cant i come in your office? he shouts no, Jhanvi is hearing everything outside cabin. Nisha says i will come later, she leaves. Adi comes out of cabin and asks Jhanvi anything urgent? She sees him tensed and asks if everything is fine? he says you go back to work, he leaves, Jhanvi tensely looks at her resignation letter in her hand.
Adi comes to baba, baba goes hysteric and says dont kill me, Adi says dont worry, its me, Nisha wont do anything to you.
Adi calls Raj, Raj says Nisha might be wrong but your family will be hurt, Adi says i dont care about Nisha, she has to leave, Raj says what if she files for Chinni and Binni’s custody? Adi says i will keep my kids with me even if i have to do anything for that, Nisha has to leave, he ends call and says i will end everything today Nisha, he leaves, Nisha has heard everything.
Kaka and kaki comes home, Adi says kaka you are like my father, i have never disrespected you and never hid anything from you except one secret for 7years because i was scared that you would be hurt, i didnt want your heart to break. You people think that Nisha is best wife and daughter in law, its a lie, Nisha always wanted to break this house, she only acts like she loves this family, she wants to throw you all out of house, she only loves power and money, she wants all this wealth to herself, remember she wanted Raj to go to Ahmedabad with kaka and kaki?

she didnt want Raj’s success but to make family leave house, Nisha doesnt care for anything in this house, Nisha is a liar and she is deceiving everyone, i dont care what she wants, i will give everything to her that she wants but she has to leave this house, i cant let her hurt this family anymore. Kaka says enough how much more will you lie? Adi says i am not lying, Nisha is faking everything, kaka says Nisha is faking? its you who is faking. Kaka shows him photos of penthouse and says you are buying penthouse for her to throw her out of house? if Nisha didnt find these pictures then we wouldnt know what you were upto. Adi says i didnt buy this penthouse for myself, it was Nisha who wanted that penthouse, she asked me to buy it, she is lying it. Kaka says if you dont agree with it then i will show you more. Kaka plays video in which Adi is saying to lawyer that everything will become after their wealth is divided and he gets his share. Kaki says what is this Adi? Adi says i was not talking about wealth share for myself, Nisha asked me to give her half of the wealth only then she will leave house, Nisha says why you are lying Adi? you told me that you want to take your wealth share and want to get separated from family, you even bought penthouse for yourself.

Kaka says lawyer sent property division papers too, Adi says i didnt ask for it. Nisha says why you are doing this Adi? our family lives together with so much love then why you want to get separated from them? Adi tries to argue but Kaki gets dizzy seeing all that and falls down. Adi says look at me Kaki, can you think i can do that? i cant even think about that, i am your son, will i do that with you? i am your son, read me that can i do that? Kaki says like every mother i thought that i know my son very well but today you proved my motherly love as a lie, you have made me lose faith in motherly love, in myself too. I loved you more than my own son and you are asking to get separated from us? Adi shouts that i am not lying, Nisha is faking and lying like she does everytime, she is putting all blame on me. He says to kaka that Nisha deliberately ate sleeping pills to put blame on kaka and kaki. Adi says to Neha that Nisha made goons throw chemical mixed colors on you. Adi says to kaka that Nisha locked baba in car on road and left him on road, thank God Jhanvi found him. You know on Raj’s wedding day Nisha left baba near garbage can, this woman is a liar. Baba comes there and says Adi i know i cant memorize anything but that doesnt mean you can take advantage of me, Nisha never did anything bad w ith me, she never locked me anywhere, she never left me near any garbage can, infact she found me and brought me home, why you are putting false blames on her? Adi is shocked and hurt seeing Baba denying Adi’s words. Baba looks at Nisha who smirks at him.


Flashback shows Nisha coming to baba and says you got saved when you were able to get out of car but now be on my side because whom i want to hurt now from family will not be saved from me, baba gets scared that she might hurt other family member, flashback ends. Adi says only i know truth of this woman. Kaka slaps Adi across face and Nisha’s truth is that she broke her relation with her parents for us, she lives here like our daughter, she loves us like no one else, Adi you have told us your decision, now i will tell you my decision. Kaka says to family that pack your bags, we are leaving, Nisha says where are you going? Kaka says dont stop us. Adi says to kaka that this is your house, you dotn go anywhere, if you are miffed with me then i will leave but you dont go anywhere, Adi begs to him and folds his hands pleading him to stop, Adi says to kaki that what you want will happen, he asks Raj to explain them, Raj says to kaka that let Adi explain. Kaka says i dont want to hear anything from Adi, you people always listen to me right? now listen to my decision. Kaka says to Adi that you wanted to divide wealth right? not division will happen for sure, Kaka points at kaki, Kaki cries and gives house keys to Nisha and says take care of this house and yourself, baba is tensed seeing her give house keys to Nisha. Kaka takes baba from there, all family members go to pack luggage, Adi is nervous. Nisha smirks and says it was good plan to expose me but what did you get? hatred of family, Nisha says to Adi that i warned you so many time to not irritate me but you dont take my warnings seriously, lets see if your so called sincerity filled truth will win or my fake lie, she dangles house keys in Adi’s face, Adi is fuming in anger and helplessness, he clenches his fist.

Nisha says to Adi that lets see if your sincere truth is going to win or my fake lie, she dangles keys of house in face and leaves. Adi panics and sees Kaka leaving with family, Adi begs Kaka to not leave, kaka ignores him, Adi asks Raj to stop them but Raj ignores him too, all family members goes out of house with luggage, Adi cries and breakdowns. Nisha smirks and blows kiss towards Adi, Adi glares at her, Nisha shrugs, shows him house keys and leaves. Adi sees his empty house, family has left his house. Adi sees his and Nisha’s picture on staircase, he takes it off and throws it away in anger.


Adi comes in gazebo of house and falls on floor, he screams in pain and hits on floor, he cries. Otherside Nisha is laughing and showering money on her, lying on bed of money, mujhe dedi saze plays as Adi cries.
In morning, Adi is sleeping on couch in office, he hears footsteps. He comes out of his cabin and sees Kaka and Raj leaving office. Adi stops kaka and folds his hands, he says please comeback home, you are miffed with me so i will leave house. Raj says listen to Adi once, kaka says you are taking his side? i used to be proud that brothers are always on one side but now you are taking his side to break this family?

Jhanvi comes there and sees commotion. Kaka says to Adi that you wanted wealth? you wanted property? you got it, Adi sits in his feet and says please comeback home, please believe me, Nisha is not like what she pretends like, from the time she has come in this house, she has been faking it, give me chance to bring her truth out, i bear her antics for many years as you chose her for me but what she did with baba last day, i couldnt bear that, kaka says enough, why you are lying just because you wanted to break relation with Nisha? you have got everything you wanted, i have given you wealth, property and house but you have lost your family, you would be alone now, kaka leaves. Adi cries and is in pain. Jhanvi sees all this.

Kaki wakes up from sleep and starts crying, Neha asks what happened? Kaki says i have seen bad dream about Adi, he has chosen wrong path but he is like my son, i am worried for him, what if anything happens to him? Neha says dont worry, dont take tension, Kaki says everything is destroyed, everything is falling apart, i have been separated from my son, she cries.
Jhanvi sees Adi standing in corner. Adi sees her and understands that she heard everything. Jhanvi comes to him and says i dont know what problem is but.. Adi says problem is that my family is breaking, i couldnt save my baba’s house, i have lost everything. Jhanvi says to Adi that you dont lose till you dont accept it, you love your family so much that you can give up anything for them and kaka can leave everything for his family, why you dont give up things which are making your family drift away from you? leave those things so that your family can be with you, Adi thinks about her suggestion and thanks her. Adi sees letter in her hand and asks what is this? she says nothing important, Adi leaves. Jhanvi looks at resignation letter in her hand.
Adi is driving his car and recalls Jhanvi’s words that if he gives up things which is making him lose his family then he wight get them back.

Otherside Jhanvi is sadly sitting in her garden. Maa says to Jhanvi that you didnt resign? Jhanvi says nothing is fine between Adi and his wife, i thought i would resign and would get rid of my feelings, when i think about my feelings, i feel so selfish, i know i have love for him in my heart but i have not forgotten my upbringing and values, i just want to help him and soothe his problems, Maa says what are you saying? Jhanvi says i wont become second woman in his life, i just know he has problems with his wife and i will help him out, i will take his pain away. Maa says you wont do it, its delusion, you have to stay away from Adi, its his family matter and you should remain away, this will hurt you only, you look strong but you are weak from inside and i wont let you do it, Jhanvi says i will do it, i am doing this as his friend, she takes resignation letter and tears it into pieces.

Next : Saturday update on kindred hearts

Kindred hearts full story 

Kindred hearts teasers June

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