Kim Kardashian, Trump, Obama, more celebrity accounts affected by the twitter purge

Consequent to the Thursday purge announced by Twitter, celebrities and political figures are experiencing a drop in their followers number; a drop that runs into millions for some and thousands for others.

Notable amongst them is fashion Icon Kim Kardashian, current US President Donald Trump and former US president Barack Obama.

Trump has lost a total of 400,000 thousand followers and still counting, Kim lost 1.7million followers in the first day of the purge while Obama who currently seems to be the worst hit with over 2.5 million followers already downsized in the first day.


Also, Rihanna had lost 900,000 since 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. And Justin Bieber, saw a ‘healthy’ dip in followers, dropping nearly 3 million followers to 104 million on Thursday.

US president Donald Trump

Twitter noted Wednesday that locked accounts are different from spam and bot accounts — two other issues that have plagued the platform — in that they were usually started by “real people,” but the company is unable to verify they’re still being run by their initial creators.

source: yahoo

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