Imlie 7 august 2024: Agsatya tells Imlie that he will not leave her so easily and will be with her forever. She asks if he is sure. He acts and then says sure. They get into car and leave. Navya’s aide is seen cutting car’s brakes. Agastya asks Imlie to stop frowning and think about the future. She says even he will get wrinkles if he frowns. Agastya asks again if she has thought about their future. Imlie describes how she will sleep peacefully on bed as her back is aching after sleeping on floor, make Agastya clean his room, make a space for her clothes in his bedroom, etc.
Agastya notices a speeding car in opposite direction and takes a turn. He realizes his car’s brakes have failed and pushes Imlie and himself out of the car. Car falls from the cliff. They both also roll on the ground and reach cliff end.
Daadi eagerly waits for Agastya. Sonali says she just spoke to Agastya and he will be home soon. Alka says Imlie is with Agastya and she remembers a day when Kairi was with Dhanraj and they were waiting for Dhanraj to return home. Daadi warns her not to talk about inauspicious Kairi. Alka says their lives have turned a hell since Imlie entered their lives. Sonali asks her to stop accusing Imlie and says if any problem arrives, Imlie will solve it like she does usually. Rajni asks Alka to stop frightening them and pray that both kids return home safely.
Agastya hangs from a tree at a cliff end. Imlie tries to pull him up and pleads him to come up somehow. He says he can’t. She searches for her mobile and shouts for help. Agastya says he won’t survive and asks her to take care of his family in his absence. Tree bark starts breaking. He expresses his love for her. She does same. Bark breaks and he falls down deep into the jungle. Imlie cries loudly and then sits senselessly. Villagers notice her and inform police.
Police reach Chaudhry house and inform Chaudhrys that Agastya met with an accident. Daadi stumbles hearing that and asks in which hospital he is in now. Inspector says he fell down from a cliff and his team is trying to search for him. Constable walks to Imlie. Imlie asks if babu is found. Constable says police team is coming to search for him, but it’s difficult survive after falling from the cliff. Imlie gets angry on the constable and runs towards cliff to search for Agastya. Constables stop her.
Chaudhry family reaches the spot and panic. Daadi asks why did Agastya come here. Constable says only Imlie can tell as she was with him. Imlie sits senselessly in a police van. Rescue operation continues. At night, Sonali offers water to Imlie and assures that Agastya will be fine. She notices sindhoor in Imlie’s hairline. Imlie says she has trust in her faith. Constable informs that rescue team found a dead body. Chaudhrys are shocked to see Agastya’s watch in dead body’s hand.