Imlie 3 august 2024: Agastya feels sad recalling Imlie’s confronting words. He notices Ashu standing in front of him. Ashu turns his face around. Agastya asks if he is angry on him. Ashu nods yes. Agastya says he is marrying someone else than Imlie, but Ashu’s position in their life will not change. Ashu says Imlie cried because of Agastya, Agastya is very bad and he will not talk to him. Govind informs him that everyone are waiting for him downstairs.
Agastya then walks to mandap and sits besides Binni for the wedding rituals. Imlie reaches there on her cycle. Govind asks her what is she doing here, family will get upset if they sees her, one can’t change their face, she should forget Agastya and move on. Alka asks why is he sending a guest away. She tells Imlie that even after Imlie and her aunty’s evil motives, our family is happy. She welcomes Imlie in.
Imlie shatters seeing Agastya taking pheras with Binni. Pheras complete, and Panditji asks them to sit for the next rituals. He asks Agastya to fill the bride’s hairline with sindhoor. Imlie recalls taking oath that her hairline will be filled only with true love. Agastya recalls Binni trying to steal his wallet and running away. He recalls catching her and she saying she is not a thief and was just trying to escape from the family as her family is forcefully getting her married. Agastya convinces her to act as his wife in exchange of money till his critically ill grandmother gets well. Out of flashback, Agastya hesitates to apply sindhoor. Binni herself leans forward and fills her hairline. Panditji then asks Agastya to fix mangalsutra in bride’s neck. Agastya does. Panditji announces that the wedding is complete as per rituals, now bride and groom can take elder’s blessings.
Navya walks in with gifts and tells Daadi that she is so happy today after destroying them that she brought gifts for them. Avinash asks her to stop it. Navya says when she was destroying them, she wasn’t silent, then why shall she be silent now. Masked killer Bhola is seen hiding in gift cart. Vishwa with Sonali and Amar reaches Bulbul’s house and asks about Imlie. Bulbul informs that she went to attend Agastya’s wedding. Sonali says she got a call that Agastya is marrying some other girl. Vishwa says killer’s targets Agastya, Imlie, and Ashu are under same roof; it means Chaudhry family is in danger.
Agastya takes Daadi’s blessings first. Bhola silently gets out of the cart and hides. Daadi looking at Imlie blesses them to forget the past mistakes and start afresh. She asks Rajni to drop them to their room. Agastya walks away with Binni. Imlie stands crying looking at the havan. Tujhe Yaad Na Meri Aayi.. song plays in the background. Bhola heads towards her when Ashu walks to her and Bhola hides back. Ashu says Kyachu made her cry, he is really bad, let’s go from here. Imlie says Daada, Daadi, and all love him a lot. Ashu says they make her cry. Imlie says she is crying as she is leaving him here and says she will come and pick him up in the morning. Ashu greets her bye and walks away.
Agastya walks into window. Imlie looks at him. Binni draws a curtain. Imlie picks her cycle and is about to leave when her cycle chain loosens. She bends to fix it. Bhola walks towards her when Vishwa’s car enters and he hides again. Vishwa tells Imlie that her life is in danger as masked killer is somewhere around. Imlie warns him to dare not touch her. Sonali asks Imlie to stay back here tonight. Imlie asks if she is out of her senses, Agastya is in a room with his newly wed wife, she can’t stay here at any cost. She leaves. Vishwa says he will make arrangements for her safety.
Agastya thanks Binni for her help. Binni says even she benefited from this marriage. Agastya sleeps on the floor while Binni sleeps on bed. Vishwa calls inspector Surya Reddy and informs him that he will surrender himself tomorrow, but today he wants Surya to send some constables to guard outside Imlie’s house today until masked killer is caught. Surya agrees. Vishwa then asks Navya about the killer’s locket which has his and Avinash’s childhood photos. Navya says she doesn’t know about it and justifies her revenge against Chaudhrys. She walks to her room, calls Bhola, says they should call Agastya and Imlie to factory, and gives him an idea. Bhola kidnaps Ashu. Next morning, Imlie wakes up and sees Bhola’s message.