I’m On the Edge update Tuesday 23 August 2022

I’m on the edge 23 August 2022: Ambika takes the report. Adhi says give me the reports. Ambika says the report says everything is fine. The baby and Devi are fine.Urmi says to Masa that phone got in the ditch. MAsa slaps her and says you are so stupid. Go from here. Phone rings. Urmi takes the phone. She smiles.

Doctor checks devi and says you are fine now. You can go home. Deevi asks Ambika where is adhi? AMbika says I told him you and the baby are fine. devi says how much lies will we tell?

Adhi comes home in anger. He says the keeper told me urmi shoved devi. He throttles urmi and says how dare you harm devi. Masa says leave him. Adhi says whyy did you do it? Masa says listen to me. Devi says please leave her. Adhi says she tried to kill my child. Devi says there is no child. I lied, there is no child in my womb. Adhi says i know. Your lie was exposed to me way earlier. He shows her the video. Devi is in tears. Adhi is very angry.

Adhi says you thought you are educated and I am not. Devi says please listen. He says when bua sa told me that child is fine I was so happy. I was so angry. I went to the place. People gave me this phone. He shoves herr. He says you must thinking why I did all this? Because I wanted to hear form you. He throttles her. How dare you make me fool. You said such a big lie. I hate you. I made a mistake by trusting you. I hate you. he sits down and cries. Devi says please listen.. I will tell you. Jhe says you fooled me. This is the last time. I will kill you. He shvoved her. Devi says i did all this for you. I wanted to you see yourself and the emotions in you. There is a ram in you. He says I am the beast who married to taka revenge from you. Get lost. He shoves her and says you are out of my house and my life. I hate your face. Get lost.

Devi packs her bag. Ambika stops her. She says you can’t give up like this. Don’t let your dream shatter. because of your goodness there was a bit change. Don’t give up. Devi says I have lost, i wanted to tell Adhi truth. But now everything is over. i don’t know whats right and what’s wrong. Ambika says nothing is over. You didn’t sign the papers.

Devi says I must leave this house. Kesar comes in. She says please don’t go. She is in tears. Kesar says you brought hope in my life. Devi says don’t be sad. Mukun is back in this house. Keasr says my life is dark. Urmi says to Devi hurry and pack your stuff. Devi takes her bag. Urmi says I am here to take care of Adhi. She gives her divorce papers.Devi is leaving the house. She recalls when she entered that house. Devi sits on street.

Devi looks back Bhootu isn’t there. Devi is shocked. Devi says you came here as Bhootu God to show me the truth. I promise you I won’t give up. From today I am Devi. I won’t change for anyone. I will not leave that house.

Kesar faints. Devi gives her water and says are you okay? Keasr says I am fasting.. I wont drink it. Mahek says can I help her in this pooja? Baba says you can only do this with good intention.Devi sits with Kesar in the pooja. She does all the rituals. She applies tilak on Adhi. He stops her. Masa says don’t even come near my son. Devi a wife’s place cannot be taken by anyone. No one can stop a wife. I know you will try but It won’t worry. She applies tilak on adhi’s forehead. Masa is angry.

Next: I’m on the edge Wednesday update


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