Illusion update Monday 7 February 2022

Illusion update Monday 7 February 2022


Illusion 7 February 2022: Rani informs Chanda that Pooja did something to Suman. Kabir hearing that runs first and sees Pooja giving CPR to Suman and asking him to call doctor soon. Doctor checks Suman and says she got minor heart attack and Pooja’s timely CPR saved her. Rani gets jealous hearing thaat and her plan failing to ruin Pooja’s image. Doctor says someone should observe Suman for a few days. Kabir says he will. Pooja says she will and starts taking care of Suman. Suman wakes up and panics seeing her and shouts what is she doing here, if she wants to kill her. Kabir calms down Suman and says she was taking care of her and saved her life. Pooja runs out and cries.

Kabir notices her and decides to reunite her with her mother. He informs about his decision to Jay who asks him to think again as they got back all their wealth. Kabir says he took this decision after much thought.Chanda laughs seeing Rani slipping and falling and holds electric switch board. She gets electric shock and her hair get crimpled. Rani laughs on her next. Pooja grooms Chanda’s hair. Chanda praises her that she is not that bad.Pooja does tulsi pooja in the morning when Kabir brings her mother Arundathi. Pooja emotionally rushes to hug her when Arundathi slaps and shouts why did she ruin PK’s family and betrayed them, she did not teach her all this, it would have been better if she was still mentally unstable, etc.. Pooja shatters seeing her mother’s behavior. Arundathi continues cursing and yelling at her. Rani acts as consoling her and takes her away. Pooja shatters more.

Suman informs Chanda why Pooja married Kabir. Kabir enters and apologizes for bringing Pooja’s mother home without their permission. Suman says he did right, though Pooja is cruel, she cannot be deprived of her mother’s love, she will apologize Arundathi for the troubled she and her family faced by their family.Pooja continues crying in her room. Kabir walks to her and says he or Suhani did not tell truth to her mother, he doesn’t know who told it, he just wanted to reunite her with her mother, it is up to her whether to trust him or not. Once he leaves, Rani walks in and reveals that she told whole cooked up story to their mother and brainwashed her against Pooja. She returns to mother’s room and continues brainwashing her against Pooja when Suman walks in and apologizes her for the trouble her family faced because or PK and says she had transferred a house and land in Arundathi’s name when she learnt about PK’s wrondoings and has those papers with her, she will transfer that property in Rani’s name now. Rani smirks.

Rani accepts that she brainwashed their mother and warns if Pooja snatches Kabir, she will snatch maa from her. While having dinner, Arundathi praises Kabir’s good qualities and feels sorry for Pooja’s wrongdoings. Rani smirks hearing that. Kabir asks if she will not give a chance to Pooja. Arundathi says Pooja troubled him the most and says she will never forgive her.. Pooja walks in. Arundathi gets up angrily saying she will not have food after seeing Pooja’s face. Pooja tries to stop her, but she walks away pushing her away. Pooja runs to her room crying. Kabir gets up and walks behind her, irking Suman and Rani. He walks into Pooja’s room and asks her not to hide her tears. She says she did mistakes and deserves this treatment, she did so much to get her mother back and her mother herself slapped her.


Kabir says she is thinking in a wrong direction and should give some time.Pooja walks to her Arundathi and requests her to beat her till she wants but forgive her, she realized her mistake by seeing Kabir taking care of Arundathi. Arundathi hugs and forgives her. Pooja wakes up from her her sleep and realizes it was her dream. She sees Kabir shivering sleeping on couch and drapes blanket on him. He holds her hand in sleep. A romantic song plays in the background. Pooja then walks to Arundathi and Rani’s room and pampers Arundathi while she is asleep. Once she leaves, Rani wearing Pooja’s clothes walks into Suman’s room and steals property documents.


In the morning, Suman cries that her property documents in which she transferred some of her property in Rani’s name are missing. Jay shows CCTV footage where Rani wearing Pooja’s dress stealing file and says Pooja has done it. Pooja walks in and Suman alleges her. Kabir says Pooja cannot do it and seeing footage says her face is not visible. Pooja continues pleading it is not her when Rani picks file from her cupboard and says Pooja stole it. Pooja says Rani must have kept it like she threw mangalsutra in garbage and brainwashed maa. Rani says she didn’t and acts pleading not to allege her wrongly. Kabir says he trusts Pooja and knows what Rani can do. He drags Rani towards door warning she cannot stay in this house. Arundathi tries to stop him folowed by Pooja accepting blames on her. Kabir says she has changed and he knows what she can do. Suman stops Kabir and says she will not let him send Pooja out and he is trapped by Pooja’s completely, if Rani goes even Pooja will go. Kabir leaves Rani and walks to his room. Pooja walks to him and asks why didn’t she send her out, she deserved punishment. He says asks her to get out and once she leaves his inner voice emerges and after a long confrontation says Kabir has fallen in Pooja’s love, so he is trying to protect her.

Next: illusion Tuesday Update



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