I do 13 February 2022: The imposter tells Razia how he had seen rajni at the temple, and tried to steal this house by imposing as Vikram, and asks her instead whats the matter. she is tensed. She silences him with some money, and says that he should remember that if her secret is with him, then his also is with her.
The imposter assures her and goes on to taunt her about her sophisticated stealth, but razia stops him that he should leave, and not even be seen around her daughter. She says that he must leave before dawn, so that noone sees him, and blames him for her plan failing to get rid of badi bi. She warns him that
Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Dilshad is shocked to see the whole kitchen in the mess. As zoya comes out, she too is shocked as dilshad expresses bewilderment at the mess in the kitchen. Asad comes and eats the pizza from zoya’s slice, and tells her that she should be ready to get her wishes fulfilled.( MITWA) As asad leaves, she is giggling.
Dilshad vents out her entire frustration, as she makes asad do all the cleaning.
Asad tries to shift the blame on zoya, but she reprimands him. finally as they all begin to start cleaning, Zoya and asad, along with the other ladies are cleaning up the mess on the table and everywhere in the kitchen. zoya accuses asad of not appreciating her poetic sense. He says that he doesnt as its not poetry. Zoya says that she has a poetry for this too. On dilshad’s and nazma’s encouragement, she breaks into her impromptu poetry:
They all are amused at this. asad says that this isnt poetry but a bad joke. she too asks him to go for a trained cook to teach him. She says that first of all, he should clean it all. Zoya and the ladies are all together in teasing asad, who’s been cornered. Dilshad says that their couple is the best, and they may keep fighting but their relation is forever.
Asad is pasting a copy of zoya’s wish list on the isnide of his wardrobe. Asad says that zoya might have taken away the wish list from him, but he remembers everything, and goes on to the second thing on his wish list, which would require a great deal of effort. Ayan comes in through the window, and asad after teasing himf or doing that, hugs him tightly. Ayan says that he’s come saving his life from Haseena. He goes on a rant about how b*t*hy she is. He starts impersonating his laughter, to asad’s pleasure.
Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Haseena comes in ayan’s residence, to check the fairness meter with nikhat, and expresses horror that ther’s no change, and goes on to taunt her about the same. shirin calsm her down and makes her sit. The imposter says that its her fault too, and says that they should only use imported creams, that are reliable and not the indian ones. Rajni is surprised and says that she doent need any creams and is beautiful as she is. Haseena says that she can joke well, and asks her not to interfere in their matters. The imposter too agrees that they dont belong here. But rajni motions him to come to the side. She tells haseena that what she is saying, is wrong too, and that she should treat her with respect.
Haseena asks nikhat to go in. But rajni doesnt let her go, and neither goes herself. Haseena asks shirin to tell them to go inside, and she complies. Rajni resignedly goes inside, angered when haseena taunts that she wouldnt have tolerated this. She reminds Rajni that she should order for two dozen american creams, so that nikhat can grow fairer. Haseena tells shirin that she should keep the girls in taming, and not let them loose. She tells her that this isnt their innocent Humaira, and hence now that rajni’s husband is here, they should allow her to go with her husband. shirirn is tensed.
Scene 4:
Location: Asad’s residence
Asad tries to assure ayan that he loves humaira, but he isnt willing to accept. Asad explains him that when a person belonging to them, goes far away, then they realise the worth, and he says it from personal experience. He admits that love does change a person. Ayan blames himself for humaira’s condition, and now he starts valuing her love. He says that if a person loves so badly, then he too cant say no. Asad says that he would have to accept it someday, and the day that happens, his life would change and he wouldnt know too. Ayan asks him why has he called him here. Asad hesitatingly says that he needs his help in knwoing someone, and shows a poster of Salman Khan when ayan asks who. Ayan asks if he’s serious. Asad looks curtly at him,
Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
rajni asks vikram to gte those creams, and he curtly says that he would. ayan and nikhat are wondering where is badi bi, when ayan asks about humaira, and is told that they are together in the guest house, vikram and The imposter eyes the jewellery, and asks if its true. humaira says that its nikhat’s and she had given it to her to wear. Rajni asks about her mangalsutra and is told that he would bring it very soon. As he begins to eat at the sight of food, and asks rajni to join, she says that he has kept the roza for him, for his well being. As the imposter is busy eating away, rajni is concerned. ayan wonders what kind of a man is he, one side he wants to take her home, and on the other side he doesnt even listen to what she’s
saying. suddenly rajni finds ayan at the door, and rushes out to see, but ayan is gone by then. however nikhat sees rajni’s concern and anxiety for ayan, and is tensed.
razia is shocked to see the imposter on the gate, while she is fixing Badi bi. razia asks how he stepped inside, as she had locked it. He says that he’s a thief and he knows how to open locks. Razia is angry, and asks him to leave the house right away, or else. He taunts her that she looks like a filmy vamp, but she forgets that he knows the secret, and he can stay as her daughter’s husband, as long as he wants. Hence she should keep
He tells about humaira’s wish for a mangalsutra. He says that she should give him some money for her daughter too. razia is shocked. She gives him soem money, and he leaves happily. Razia is frustrated at this new problem in her life. Before he leaves, she comes to him and says that the money fopr free isnt digested easily, and hence he would have to do something for her, and that is to get rid of badi bi, as humaira is sleeping here only, and she cant take the risk. He evilly says that he can keep humaira with him for the night. razia is in a rage, and says that she would kill him. She warns him that badi bi is related to her, and she did this to her, then what should become of him. She says that she would manage humaira, and she wouldRazia thinks that after she gets rid of badi bi, she would have to do soemthing about this imposter, otherwise she’s going to be endlessly threatened.
Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Dilshad calls zoya, and gives the keys to the safe, telling hr the combination, and also the papers of the house, insurance and the factory. zoya is boggled and asks why is she told about this. Dilshad says that one who can handle asad can handle these things too, and she would. She says that now she can die in peace, and zoya is angry at this. dilshad says that she would live to see her grandkids, and also get nazma married. She says that she’s concerned for nazma, as she has always been pampered by
nazma hears this from a distance and is tensed. Thinking about her prospective marriage, nazma is shocked. Dilshad decides to find for guys. zoya says that they should ask
dilshad says that there’s nothing like it, as had there been, she would have told them herself. nazma is tensed.
while working in the kitchen, she hears the sound of a motorbike zooming, and wonders what noise is it. she goes out to see but cant find anything, and resigns back to work. But just then asad vrooms in on the bike, full salman style, and she is shocked beyond her wits, and excited with pleasure. Asad goes on an impersonation of Salman khan and his style of romancing, along with singing and dancing, just to please zoya, and fulfill her second wish, while zoya is shocked beyond belief that he’s capable of doing that. She is overwhelmed at asad’s gesture.
Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Zoya applauds asad’s effort, and he is happy but he is embarassed when nazma and dilshad too come and see. Asad says that it was just for her, but they all get together and tease him, on his singing and dancing abilities. Asad gets hurt and goes, but nazma and dilshad says that they are leaving, and apologise for watching his show for free. They leave.
While zoya is in splits of laughter, asad looks smilingly at her, and says that she should always keep smiling, and he can see her dimples all the time, and thats what he wants.(MITWA MOMENTS) Zoya is shy, and says that he shouldnt give her so much happiness, and give some time before realising her wishes. Asad says that then he would wait before fulfilling her next wish. Zoya says that as it is, the next wish cant be done ton ight, as its raining, and gives him time to fulfill it. As asad progresses backwards, she too goes into her room.
zoya gets in to her bed, and is about to sleep, turning off the lights, she sees thousands of starts illuminating the ceiling, and she remembers her wish, that she wants her beloved to hold her hand under a clear starlit sky. she gets up, and is shocked when asad comes and holds her hand, pleasantly surprising her. She is overwhelmed with gratitude, and they both lie together on the bed, staring at the starlit ceiling. zoya says that he had asked for some gap before the next wish. He says that he did that and gave exactly a 15 minutes space. She laughs out, and says that she cant digets this much of happiness. She says that she wouldnt be able to come down from heaven if this continues.
Asad says that he doesnt know about her, but for him, heaven is where she is. They stare at each other romantically, holding hands. (RAB NE BANA DI JODI0 He gets up and asks her to come with him. she is puzzled where is he taking her. He helps her get down the bed, and they both leave the room.
Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Rashid is shocked at the wish list of haseena, who seems unsatiable. razia reprimands him for being such a miser. rashid says that he doesnt understand what would keep her satisfied. shirin too does the same to try and convince him, but he is very angry. They see nikhat and the other girls listening to him, and he composes himself and says that she shouldnt bother, and its just marriage related tension. Shirin asks them to go inside. They comply. As they go back, rajni asks if she wants her marriage to be like this. Nikhat says that neither she nor imran wants it. Rajni asks her to say something then, as its her marriage after all, along with imran’s. She asks her to speak up, before its too late, citing rashid’s tension. As she leaves, nikhat is tensed.
Rajni is sitting lonely, while ayan comes and asks what is she doing, referring to her as humaira. then he composes himself, and asks why hasnt he broken her roza. she says that she never found the mangalsutra, and says that it doesnt look nice for a married woman without a mangalsutra, and vikram had got it with so much love, when he didnt have any money. She says that she feels ashamed that she’s such a bad wife, that she cant even preserve her mangalsutra. Ayan is tensed, seeing her sad. she says that she cant understand where it went. ayan is tensed, remembering his guilt. .
While razia and rajni are sleeping, ayan comes in and stealthily and places the mangalsutra by the bedside, and closes the door as he goes out. That wakes up razia, and she finds rajni sleeping. She gets up.
thinking it stime for sehri and everyone to wake up, and she has to finish the task before that. She takes badi bi out from under the bed, and says that its good luck, that badi bi is about to get rid, from her life, and their house too. She is scared and shocked at vikram placing a hand on her shoulder. Vikram, teases her about being scared. Razia asks her to shut up, and get to work. razia and the imposter together take badi bi out of the room, assuming rajni to be asleep.
After they wheel her out, Rajni wakes up and wonders if anyone came here, and is surprised to not find razia in the bed, and assumes that she must have got up for sehri, but then thinks that this isnt the time for sehri. She eyes the mangalsutra and thinks that vikram must have spent the entire night searching for it, and decides to go and thank him for this. She gets up and goes out stealthily.
Rajni opens the guest room, and is surprised to not find In the backyard, they are trying to fix badi bi inside the car, where the imposter starts panting and decides to ask for extra money fro this from razia, but she snubs him off. Razia tells him to leave badi bi at some desolate location, and leave the car too, as noone uses it too. The imposter says that how can he leave the car, and decides to throw badi bi, and keep the car to himself. He reassures her that the work would be done. razia leaves frustratedly. The impsoter expresses his sadness, tauntingly at badi bi, that he would have to do this for the sake of money. But the car doesnt start at all. he then decides to take take her in another car. Meanwhile ayan finds rajni walking out, and is tensed himself and follows her.
As he is putting badi bi in the car, and about to sit and start, he is alarmed at the sight of rajni calling out to him, and asking whats he doing here. He says that he came out for freah air, and saw the car bonnet open and was trying to close it, while badi bi is stuffed inside it. Rajni thanks him for finding the mangalsutra, and asks him to put it around her neck. He tries to ward her off, while she says that she would wear it through him only. He says that she should try it herself, and gets on stucking badi bi inside the car. And then behind Rajni, ayan too comes rushing as to what are they doing here. While badi bi desperately tries to call out for ayan, who is unable to see her, vikram is shit scared. rajni tells what vikram told her. rajni says that maybe the car is wrong. Ayan gets to see the car, but is stopped by vikram, who asks him to put the mangalsutra around her neck and put the neck, as his hands are soiled. this shocks both ayan and rajni. rajni shyly complies, while ayan puts the mangalsutra around her neck.
Next Monday update I do