Happy Hearts update Saturday 19 February 2022

Happy Hearts update Saturday 19 February 2022


Happy Hearts 19 February 2022: The Episode starts with Rocky missing Chintu and wearing his gifted watch. He says don’t know if he has forgiven me. Simmi says he can never be angry on you, focus on deal. He hugs her. Sania asks the man to keep an eye on Happy and find out. Bhatia asks is everything according to plan. She says yes, I had never imagined that I will do this to do this to get Rocky back in my life, he is my friend, but Happy has interfered in our friendship, he doesn’t even talk to me. Rocky says I got the platform ticket. Happy says wow, really, why didn’t you book train ticket.

They argue and blame each other. She says we have no time to fight, the meeting is imp for us, we can’t waste time. Happy says we can use technology, we will figure something out. She cries and asks TT to let her board the train, its imp to reach Delhi. TT says sorry, I can’t help.Happy says my husband, his family is dangerous, if I don’t reach there on time, they will never let me go Maayka. She cries and tells her sad story. Rocky looks at her. Rocky says don’t create a scene, everyone is watching. Happy asks TT to understand, what will she go through. TT scolds Rocky and says real men respect their wives. He says I can give you one ticket, you have to sit and travel. Happy says thanks for saving my life. She asks Rocky to pay him.

Rocky pays the fare. Happy thanks TT and boards the train. Rocky says people were staring at you. Happy says so what, we got the ticket. A man informs Sania. Sania asks Bhatia to let her handle her deadly goons. He agrees.Sandhya and Smiley are in the market, and argue. Smiley jokes and gets scolded. They leave. Ranveer is following them. Happy and Rocky get seated. The people stare at them. He says they were watching the scene, they would be thinking of your drama here. She says ceasefire, a married couple has fights, we are fine now. The lady says you both look cute together, stay fine with love. Rocky says you talk some sense into her, she has driven me crazy, she never listens, she does whatever she wants to do, people blame me. The lady praises Rocky and asks Happy to thank Lord to get such a nice husband. Happy says you are right, what should I do when her husband is always talking to his mum, so I get angry sometimes. The lady says every girl is upset about it. Rocky says she starts nagging me all the time, she should talk lovingly. He asks can’t you talk lovingly. Humdum mere….plays….

Happy tells about his Biji’s interference. Rocky says lets solve this today, I will forget my family and world, will you talk about love now. The train starts. Happy asks what are you doing. Rocky says see, no one is here, she doesn’t like me, she hates him. She says no, I like him. He says tell me the truth. The lady says your chemistry is great, you look cute while fighting, come on say I love you and hug him. Rocky says fine, I will say it again for you. He says I love you. The lady asks Happy to say it too. Happy says I love… I will be back. She goes to the train’s door. Rocky comes to her. He says you were acting so well so I thought to continue. She says we would have got exposed. He says I don’t know how married people behave. She says yes, even I m not married. She stops and recalls her marriage with Chintu. She cries. Rocky recalls Chintu and cries.

He asks her not to get senti for 24 hour marriage. She says it was a marriage, Chintu married me and did a lot for me in those 24 hours, no one did that for me. He asks what problem do you have, you look okay, you will find a boy. She says I don’t need anyone. He asks why, you need to settle down, get married again, you won’t work all life, get married and have few kids, be happy with them. She asks him to think about himself. She says you will get married at least three to four times, you are mad, no girl can tolerate you. He says when I get married, I will the award of best husband. She says we will see. He says you will come to me and beg me to marry. She says better I jump off this train. She slips. He pulls her and asks why are you standing here, stay away from door. He says I want fresh air. He says you will never find a better man than Rocky. Happy recalls RV’s words and asks have you seen RV, he is a great man, he has a progressive thinking, learn from him.
Rocky and Happy sharing the food. She says Chintu gave you this watch. He says its good, right. She sleeps on his shoulder. He smiles. Humdum mere….plays…. Anaya and RV have a talk. She says I hope you don’t dispose someone by considering old. He asks really, you think so, I can never distance you from me.


She says I know, you can’t live without me, is this drama and romance done, shall we do some work. He says sure. They sit to work. Sania’s henchmen board the train and look for Happy. Rocky wakes up and sees Happy sleeping. Smiley gets a blank call. She gets the call again and scolds. Sandhya answers the call. Smiley says leave it, maybe its some prank call. She switches off the phone. Ranveer says I like to torture her, I won’t let her be at peace, I will scare her a lot. Rocky passes by the goons and sees gun with them. He hears the goons talking about Happy.


He goes and wakes up Happy. He takes her and rushes. The goon asks them to stop. He says the guy shouldn’t be harmed, target the girl. Rocky pushes him. Rocky and Happy jump down the train and fall in dry grass. They run into the forest. They hide from goons. Sania waits for the goon’s call. Bunty asks what’s all this. Sania says one should focus on goal, I want to make Happy suffer, I want Happy to have fear in eyes when she dies. The goons shoot at Happy. Rocky asks her to hold his hand and just run. They hide under the bridge. The goons reach there and try to find them. Goon informs Bhatia that they are finding Happy, work will be done.

Bhatia says fine. Sania asks what did they say. Bhatia says they will find her, don’t worry. Sania gets hyper. Bunty calls her mad. Happy says we won’t survive. Rocky says I will take you from here safely, you will fine, we will escape, you have to fulfill your dreams, you will get married and have kids, you will sleep in peace, you won’t die. She cries. He hugs her. She sees the goons. He says trust me. She shows a bike. He says I will ride it, how will we leave. She says you won’t let anything happen to me. He nods and says you will live. Happy shouts on the goons and throws stones at them. The goons try to catch her. Rocky goes to the bike. Happy runs to Rocky. She gets caught. She shouts Rocky and closes eyes. Goons point gun at her. Rocky rides the bike and comes to hit them. Happy gets on the bike. They flee. Goon shoots at Happy.

Next: happy Hearts Sunday Update



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