Happy Hearts 14 February 2022: The Episode starts with Doctor treating Kulwant. Happy thinks to make property papers again, since it got spoiled. Biji and everyone come home, and get angry seeing Happy. Biji asks Kulwant is he fine. Kulwant says I m fine. He stops Happy and thanks her for saving him and their house. He says she had come before Rocky and saved my life. Simmi thanks and helps Happy. Rocky tells inspector about Bhatia’s crime. Inspector says you want to drag his name without any evidence. He scolds Rocky. Bhatia comes and tries to strike a new deal with Rocky. Rocky refuses and says a hotel will be built by my brother’s name. He goes.
Bhatia asks inspector to keep an eye on him. Rocky comes home. Madhu slaps him for cheating them and taking Kulwant’s sign. Rocky cries. He apologizes and asks her to give him one chance, he will do anything to fulfill Chintu’s dream. Rocky sees Happy. She goes. Madhu hugs Rocky. Happy walks on the road. Rocky goes to help her. He worries for her and follows the auto she hires. She pays the fare and gets down the auto. He calls her family. She sits in Rocky’s jeep. He drops her home. She recalls Chintu’s words. She says maybe you are good at heart, Bhatia is evil, he is using his power for bad work, I understood this when he accused me and my mom. Rocky recalls this. She says if men don’t respect women, they can’t be tr usted. She explains him not to believe Bhatia.
She says men have to make women feel safe, women shouldn’t be scared of men. She goes. Rocky comes home and says I thought Happy is wrong and did this to save you, my ways were wrong, I didn’t want to hurt anyone intentionally. He promises to set things fine and prove him right. Happy talks to Chintu’s pic. Rocky is at the bank. He calls Bappi. Happy says I m ready to go to Chandigarh. Manager says great. She goes to the bank. Rocky explains the project to bank manager. He gets angry when the manager doesn’t show interest. The manager scolds him. Rocky apologizes and asks him to read the project file once. The man tears the plan papers. Rocky beats him. Happy comes and looks on. Rocky is thrown out. He comes home. Doctor tells him about Kulwant’s need for pacemaker, so that he survives.
He asks Rocky to arrange money. Rocky gets shocked. He asks how will I do it now, chintu used to tell me that I have to get responsible, I didn’t pay heed to his words. Happy is confused to leave Amritsar. Smiley asks her what’s left in the city now. Happy recalls Chintu. Rocky going to sell jeep and bike to arrange money. The man says you won’t get 5 lakhs when you do this. Rocky thinks it got very late when I wanted to change. He misses Chintu. He talks to the tea seller Chintu and blesses him. The boy gives him a candy and asks him to enjoy. He gets the message inside the candy. Happy talks to Simmi. Simmi says Rocky and dad don’t tell anything to us as we are girls, they don’t trust us. Happy asks her not to worry. Smiley happily packs the bags. Happy calls doctor to know about Kulwant.Doctor says he needs a pace maker urgently, his family is already facing a lot of problems, explain Rocky that time is less. Smiley says I will buy a huge house for you. Happy says you are so excited to go to Chandigarh. Its morning, Bappi asks Rocky not to lose. He says I m going to give papers to Happy. Rocky avoids Sania. They argue. He blames Bhatia and Sania for cheating him. She says I m just trying to help, I can’t even think of harming you, my dad is innocent. He asks her to keep doing the same and he will do what he wants to do. He goes. She cries.
Happy tells Sandhya about Chintu. Bappi comes to them. He gets a call and asks someone to finance Rocky’s project, it will have big benefit. Happy asks what’s the problem. He tells everything. Happy signs the papers. Rocky meets the doctor. He says I will do anything but arrange money. Kulwan says my state isn’t bad. Happy just thinks of Chintu. Rocky tries hard to get help from his friends. None helps him. Happy stays in dilemma. She thinks if Rocky and Chintu’s words. She says I have to help Rocky in fulfilling Chintu’s dreams. Sandhya doesn’t allow and asks will you leave your dreams. Happy says Chintu sacrificed his life for me, he gave me half his property as he trusted me. Smiley gets annoyed. Sandhya asks her to stay with them. She says you forgot how Chintu’s family behaved with you. Happy says Kulwant needs a pacemaker, Rocky changed after chintu’s death, give me a chance to fulfill chintu’s dreams. Smiley says you are doing wrong. Happy asks Sandhya to give her one chance. Sandhya agrees and asks her to take care. Happy hugs her.
Next: Happy Hearts Tuesday Update