Happy Hearts 9 February 2022: The Episode starts with Happy listening to the family’s argument. Chintu asks her to relax, family is just worried, they will be calm soon. He says I will get tea for you. She says I should make tea for you. He says its same thing. She praises him for helping her and fulfilling her responsibility. She cries and tells her one dream to settle mum and Smiley, so that they live with dignity, where they need not bow down in front of Pratap and Kuki. She says I was on right track, you came into my life, the closer you came to me, my dreams went away, I wish you never fell in love with me, don’t get me wrong, you are a very good person, you supported me, I didn’t give my consent, I got helpless, all this happened because of Rocky, Biji and Rocky didn’t wish me to come in this house, so they did this, they defamed me, I lost my honor, I m here as the bahu of this house, all my dreams shattered because of Rocky.
Kulwant blames Rocky. Biji argues with him. Happy says we lost our dignity and roof also, I m in a marriage which I never wanted. Chintu gets sad. Happy says you feel this is fair, no, this isn’t fair, people will expect me to worship you, I can’t do this, I respect you, but I can’t give you the status of my husband. She asks what was my mistake and cries.Bhatia gives a drink to Rocky. Rocky says I m feeling restless hearing about their marriage, my Biji and mom are crying, they are in pain because of Happy. Happy says help me, let me go from here, I will do farming or anything. Chintu cries and asks her to sit. He says I understand you and I respect you, I love you, it doesn’t mean you also love me, you can note down the money I m spending on your family, you can earn it and throw on my face, I will like it, you will also like it, when you have enough money to take care of them, then you can leave me if you wish, I won’t stop you. Happy says no, this is very complicated. He says I know my family won’t let you do a job, we will handle this, give me some time. Happy says this is amazing, I would have believed this if you told this to me two days back, but the last two days taught m that life isn’t so easy, any person can stoop low and ruin you, do me a favor, leave me alone.
She cries. He goes and says as long as I m alive, I won’t let you get upset, I will get the old smiling Happy back.Chintu helps Sandhya and Smiley. Sandhya says Happy isn’t answering me. Smiley says she is angry on you. He says she is upset, you know Happy, give her some time, I will fix everything. Sandhya praises him. Biji and Madhu insult Happy. Chintu comes and says Happy won’t stay here. Happy says no, I will stay here. Chintu says I will stay in storeroom, Happy go to the room. Happy refuses. She asks him to go to his room. Chintu says they are torturing her in my presence, what will they do if I go out for work. Happy says why is this happening to me. She misses her dad. Happy hears Madhu’s annoying words. Chintu gets cake for Madhu. Madhu refuses to cut the cake. Chintu says I will drop Happy to Sandhya’s house. Biji asks where are they living, you are paying the rent for their house.
Chintu says I feel you are annoyed with me, but won’t be annoyed for long. He tells his sisters that he will finish his work and come, then he will spend time with them. He asks Happy to go for Pagphere, Sandhya wants to meet her. He greets everyone and leaves.Lawyer shows the will to Chintu. Chintu says I m very sure. He signs the papers. Lawyer says I m seeing the power of one sided love, its tough. Chintu says I don’t do anything easy. Lawyer says much has happened with Happy, will you be able to adjust like this. Chintu says its better I live happily right. Lawyer says don’t talk about dying, go home and call me that you reached. Chintu says yes, I will leave. Rocky meets Happy outside and scolds her for marrying Chintu. She says I didn’t wish to marry Chintu, you are responsible for ruining my life, I had to get married there, my life became hell there, I hate your family, lave me alone. He asks what game are you playing, remember always, I will not spare you. She asks him to get out of her sight. She shouts I hate you. Rocky sees Chintu coming. Rocky hiding from Chintu. Chintu picks Happy in his car and goes. Rocky says I will not spare Happy.
Chintu and Happy meet someone for her job. The man goes to attend a call. Happy slips. Chintu holds her in arms. O re piya…..plays…. He says sorry. She says I should say sorry, I vented my anger on you. He says I know you are tolerating a lot, I would have shifted with you if it was possible, but I have to be with my family to fulfill my responsibilities, sorry. She asks him to never leave family, family is most imp, he is helping her a lot already. She says I will go home and have food. She asks him to have food prepared by Sandhya. The man says the lift is faulty, repair work is going on, you can go by that lift, workers are using it. Happy says we can’t wait for hours, we shall go by using this lift. The man goes. Happy and Chintu take the other lift.
Chintu says I have sent you a number, Bappi will manage everything if I m not in your contact. He says we shall wait for some time, it looks risky, I doubt on it. Happy says have faith on yourself, don’t worry and come with me. Biji and Madhu come to Sandhya and argue with her. They warn Sandhya. They say don’t send her to us, we want to get rid of her, if anything happens to Chintu, we will not leave her. The lift trolley gets scared. Happy says why did this stop suddenly. Chintu says I told you, I doubt on this. They shout for help. He asks Happy to jump out. She says no, you go. He says my weight is much, you have to jump out. He makes her jump out of the lift. She asks him t come. She asks him to hold her hand. The lift falls down from much height. Chintu sees Happy for the last time. She shouts to him. He holds some pole. She asks him not to worry, she will do something. She shouts for help. She gets a rope and tries to help him.
He says I weigh a lot, the rope won’t help. Biji says Chintu means the world to us, we will do whatever it takes to save him, Happy will suffer all her life if Chintu gets hurt. Biji and Madhu leave. Chintu holds the rope. Happy tries to pull him up. He recalls his family. The rope slips from his hands. He falls down. Happy gets shocked. Workers gather down. Happy runs to Chintu and shouts. She asks him to talk to her. He holds her. Ambulance comes. Madhu gets the birthday surprise from Chintu. Madhu reads his cute note of apology and wishes. Madhu hugs the note and flowers, saying I love you too Chintu. Happy takes Chintu to hospital and says you will be fine, don’t worry. Chintu is taken for treatment.
Nurse gives Chintu’s phone to Happy. Happy sees his family pic. Madhu says I couldn’t talk to Chintu because of Happy, I will prepare kheer. Kulwant gets Chintu’s call and says he will live long. He answers and gets shocked. They ask him what happened. Happy prays for Chintu and cries for him. She says even Chintu has dreams to fulfill, get him well, please. The family members come here and see Happy. Biji scolds Happy. Happy says Chintu fell off the lift, doctor is treating him, he will get fine, don’t worry. Everyone sees Chintu and cries. Biji says Chintu will get fine, I will pray for him. Doctors try to save Chintu. Happy says Lord, you can’t do this with Chintu. Doctor comes and says he had got a head injury, he had lost a lot of blood, we tried our best but we couldn’t save him. They get shocked and cry.
Next: Happy hearts Thursday Update