The girls too salute at the flag and it is time for national anthem. Gangaa steps forward. Bulbul is happy thinking that Gangaa will be singing alone and no one will sing with her. Gangaa too thinks the same. Reena thinks of how Gangaa had helped her. She steps forward and sings along with Gangaa. Bulbul and her gang eye them unhappily. At Sagar’s school, the kids submit their presentations. Chaturvedi family wishes good luck to Sagar. Ganga thanks Reena for singing with her.
Principal explains to the kids about the significance of the day. Ganga looks at the flag and thinks of Babu’s words. She salutes the flag once again. She can see that the base where the flag has been put is bobbing. The flag is about to fall but she holds the pole in time. Everyone looks at her in surprise. All the teachers rush to help her. They put the flag back in its place. The lady chief guest recites a few lines of a patriotic poem. Principal ma’am applauds Ganga for the respect that she has for their flag. She has become an example for everyone. The kids and teachers clap for Ganga.
Ganga smiles. Gunwanti too appreciates Ganga. Bulbul isn’t happy. Teachers distribute sweets to all the girls. Ganga gets two laddoos. Reena is concerned for Ganga. Ganga gives her both the laddoos as she cannot eat them. Will you come with me to the other school? Ganga nods. It is Sagar’s school after all. There are dance performances happening in Sagar’s school. Yash does a solo dance. Ganga and Reena watch it from a distance. Prabha shouts out loud for her son. You did a fab job! He got this talent from me. Yash is not happy to notice Ganga there. It is time to see the presentations that the kids have made.
Chandar is sure he will win this time. MLA whispers something in one of his guy’s ears. Ganga is sure Sagar will win. But I added something in his presentation. What if it ruins it? Please don’t make him lose. Sagar wins. He is confused to see his presentation though as he dint adds the lady in the centre. Who made this? Ganga is really happy for him and so is Chaturvedi family. Ganga tells Reena that this is her Sagar. MLA gives trophy to Sagar. Amma ji gets up from her chair in excitement. Niru makes her sit. Sgaar is surprised to see Ganga standing there. He shows her his trophy as he understands that he won because of her.
The same guy comes there too. Verma points it out to MLA. The guy looks at Amma ji / Kanta’s photo again. Come soon. I have loads of work. I have to find Kanta in this big city! Amma ji kisses Sagar’s forehead lovingly. The man walks past her but neither of them notices each other. Amma ji certainly feels something but doesn’t get to see him. MLA meets that man at a corner. The guy knows MLA’s lies too well so he came here directly. MLA replies that he cannot talk here. We will meet later. The guy leaves but only after warning him that he wont go back from here without meeting him. Amma ji and the guy don’t see each other yet again. The lady chief guest leaves. Principal announces inter school competition that is due after 2 weeks.
All the schools from Banaras will participate in it. Please register your names with your teachers if you want to participate! Sagar gives his trophy to Ganga. She shows it to Reena. I was just praying that you too only should win. Congratulations! She introduces him to Reena. He is sad thinking that she is her friend while he is nothing. Madhvi and Amma ji too join them.
MLA greets Niru. Pulkit observes them talking and thinks that they have become friends. MLA asks Niru why he is so interested in such an ordinary case. NIru asks him the same question. Why do you talk to me about this case every time we meet? Niru promises to find out what is in this case that a MLA is so much interested in it. I will have to fight against your BIL but. You know my style of working. I don’t sit at peace while I find the problem!
Everyone is in the car waiting for Niru. Sagar asks her if she enjoyed in the school. She affirms. I had lots of fun. You stand out in the crowd. I was so proud when you won that trophy. Amma ji notices that man standing nearby. She is in for a shock. He is the same guy, right? It cannot be! Maybe I am imagining it. Babli congratulates Sagar for winning again. Amma ji is lost thinking about the man. Did I see him only or did I imagine it? Everyone notices her lost in thoughts. Maharaj ji brings sweets. Sagar shows him the trophy too. I dint do it all thought. Ganga joins them. She brings water for Amma ji. Maharaj ji congratulates Sagar. Ganga was putting something in your presentation. I thought maybe she might ruin it.
Sagar confirms with Ganga if she did it. She nods. Niru and Madhvi talk in favour of Ganga too. Niru realises now why Sagar was so confused seeing his own presentation. It is all Ganga’s hard work. Ganga thinks that everyone is praising her but Sagar will certainly fight me. He surprises her by saying sorry to her. I wont because of you. This trophy should be yours. Ganga denies but he points out
that it is theirs. We will share it. Ganga holds the trophy along with him. Everyone looks on happily.
Pulkit compliments Ganga for making Sagar’s collage all the more better. Sagar says I will win in inter school competition too, that too without your help. Niru comes there. He calls out for Ganga. Pulkit hides his phone. Niru gives a notebook to Ganga. She sweetly says thank you to him. Sagar gets his atlas too. Niru tells Sagar to prepare his best but it isn’t wrong to take Ganga’s help. She might have some great idea which can help you. You can find out a lot many new things by discussing it with one another. He suddenly realises that Pulkit was going to participate in a romantic comedy play. It dint happy. Pulkit lies that his partner fell ill so they had to cancel it. It was at the last minute.
Niru gets a call from Raghav ji so he leaves. Sagar thinks why his brother lied again. Ganga asks Sagar if her school too will get to participate in that competition. He nods. Your school too would have got the registration form. She wonders as to who will participate in it when no one was even ready to sing the national anthem. At night, Amma ji is yet again thinking about that man. She doesn’t pay heed to what Babli says. Ganga gives her medicines. She asks Babli what she is reading. Babli reads a poem for her Rabindra Nath Tagore’s). Ganga looks at her in confusion as she dint understand a word of it. Babli shares that one should continue moving ahead in life even if you have someone by your side or not. You should never stop. Amma ji announces that it is time to sleep.
Next day, everyone laughs at Ganga when she tells them that she too wants to participate in the inter school competition. The other teachers too mock her. Their school have never won in years so no one calls them. How will you go? Gunwanti hopes it would come true. Ganga gives her hope. We can win now atleast. Gunwanti reasons that they can only think about winning if someone calls them in the first place. They all go out for prayers. Ganga makes up her mind to participate. I will have to get the invitation for my school anyhow!
The man shows a young Amma ji’s photo to the people in the market. Madhvi too is in the market. She is talking to Maharaj ji about something when that guy comes there. He shows Amma ji’s photo to the vegetable seller asking him if he recognizes her. Madhvi glances upon it too by chance. The guy leaves by then. This face looked similar. I wonder whose photo it was! I couldn’t see it clearly.
Ganga comes to Sagar’s school. She requests the guard to let her in. I want to meet Principal Sir. He knows me. The guard declines. Even the peon cannot help her. She notices Yash and requests him to let her go in. Yash tells the guard and peon not to let her in or Sir will fire you both. Ganga reasons that she will only talk to sir and leave. Why will they fire them? Please let me in Chacha. Sagar too comes there. She tells him what she has come for. Please help me. Sagar requests them but they cannot let anyone inside without checking their ID Cards. Ganga shows them her school’s ID card but still doesn’t get to enter as it is of some other school. She threatens the peon now that he will lose his job if he doesn’t allow her in.
I am from my school for some important work. I am not here for fun. Is it also a rule that kids from other school cannot come inside for important work too? My Principal Ma’am will complain to Sir then. You both will get punished. Plus Yash too will get punished. Show my Card to Sir. If he agrees then call me inside. I will go back if he says no but I wont budge from here till he says something. Go inside now. (I love this girl! 🙂 ) Peon leaves. Sagar calls her hero. Yash is sure Sir wont call her in. Right then Peon returns. Come inside girl! Ganga points out that her name is written in the Card. Why are you calling me ‘a girl’? Open the door then only will I come. Peon takes her inside.
Principal agrees to let Ganga participate in the competition. I know you wont return till I allow you. He gives her the form. She is thrilled. He shares that all schools can take part. Your school was never inclined for it. Ganga thanks him and leaves. My school will also participate this time!
Sagar asks Ganga what she will do. She wants to sing. He replies that she will definitely lose then. You sing real bad! Ganga retorts that she doesn’t sing that bad. She asks him if she can write essay then. He recalls the precious essay that she had written on ‘my family’. That was good for in-house only. Niru and Madhvi stop to hear their convo. Sagar tells Niru and Madhvi about what Ganga did today. Niru happily nods. Now Ganga too will take part in the competition.
Ganga is happy as Babu is happy. Principal Sir also agreed. Niru nods. Ganga will also participate and win.
Ganga says bye to Babu as he turns to go. He smiles and says bye to her before leaving, Ganga tells Sagar that even Babu is sure she will win. He asks her what she will do. She suggests playing kabaddi. Sagar suggests her to take part in a debate competition. You always argue. You will surely win. Ganga retorts that she never argues. Madhvi smiles seeing their nok-jhok. You should help her. Ganga tells her not to ask him for help or he will later show off. They bicker again. Ganga gets an idea. I will dance. Sagar wants to study now. You think your school students / teachers will agree and let you participate?
Ganga is sleeping. She sees the same dream and Niru’s probing questions echo in her head. She wakes up screaming Bappa. Why that man keeps coming in my dream again and again? I saw stampede again just like that day (stampede at the ganga ghaat). Bappa I miss you a lot. Why did you leave me? She joins both her hands. Amma ji is fast asleep. Ganga moves her bedding near her bed. Principal ma’am is advising teachers to change their style of teaching the girls so they find it interesting. Ganga comes there. She gives the form to Principal Ma’am for Inter School Competition. Everyone is surprised. Principal Ma’am is curious. How did you get it? Ganga replies that she achieves anything that she decides upon.
My Bappa has taught me. Can I participate now? They ask her what she wants to do. Ganga shares that she can dance. Principal points out that they will need a group for it. Such competitions hold group dances or group programs. I don’t think the girls here would be interested for it. You should think of doing a solo act. Ganga remembers about the debate competition. Principal Ma’am agrees for it. Ganga wants to try to make more girls agree for it so they can dance. Principal Ma’am advises her to talk to more girls.
If they agree then you can inform us. Ganga thanks her. Bulbul has overheard their convo. Principal Ma’am remarks that this girl doesn’t know how to lose. She finds her way out of any problem. She doesn’t know anything about defeat. Bulbul makes up her mind to make sure no other girl takes part in the competition.