Gangaa Written Update for Monday 11th February 2019

Gangaa Written Update for Monday 11th February 2019



Precap: Prahba says, Niru also disrespected us. I wont come here again even if you (Madhvi) will call me. She leaves with Yash.

Next: Tuesday Update on Gangaa

Ganga begins to pack Sagar’s stuff and she notices blood on his jacket and remembered the fight with Yash. Janvi’s words echo in her head. Sagar asks her what she is thinking. She asks him if she should tell the truth.

Yash comes to meet Janvi but she is surprised and asks him why he came here now Mr Niranja has scolded you a lot, Yash replies it’s all because of you and compliments her saying You look very cute in anger. She gets angry but he warns her again and asks her how much will you pay me to lie? I can tell everyone you are my accomplice tomorrow.

She says you cannot do so but he doesn’t mind it. I can do anything. No one can even imagine what all I can do to you. She gives him money. He tells her not to worry about police or court. I will handle everything. You should just keep giving me money like this. He leaves.

Ganga forcefully brings Sagar to Chaturvedi house. He tells her that he doesn’t want to go home and told her don’t you remember how Dadi insulted you? Mom was even there standing quietly. This meant she also does not trust you. She again asks him to come.

He asks her what happened to you. What happened to your self-respect! How did you forget everything so easily? She replies that she hasn’t forgotten anything. I am not going home but you are! Sagar is shocked. I cannot go. She reminds him of his London trip. Pack your bags. I don’t want you to destroy your future or career. He denies.

I cannot leave you alone in all this. She says it is enough that you thought so much about me. Babu is here. Ganga tells Sagar to go to London if he respects their friendship or her even a bit. Janvi smiles as she hears their car approaching the house, I know that Sagar won’t leave Ganga, She thinks this relation is my pride.

I don’t want anyone to blame me for ruining your future tomorrow. For friendship sake, please go. he says no but she insists. Janvi thinks Ganga is stupid. It is very easy to make people like you stupid. This is your fate. You used to feel hurt seeing me with Sagar. You yourself came to give him to me today! She smiles.

At the Chautervedi’s house, Sagar, Ganga and Niranjan comes back home. Janvi is happy and informs everybody that Sagar is home. They all come towards the main door. Meanwhile, Ganga forces Sagar to come back to his home but Sagar refused. As they enter Janvi hugs Sagar and welcomes him and she also appreciate Ganga for bringing Sagar back home.

Niranja is surprised to see them and enquires from them why did they come? because they didn’t want to come home initially. Ganga replies that she is here to bring Sagar back to Chautervedi’s house because she wants the best for him and he has to travel back to London tomorrow and I can take care of myself and will fight this case by myself and I won’t bear to see him destroy his future for my sake.

Niranja believes her and says that She has always being a strong and good girl and I have always known that my dearest son Sagar is like me who would always fight for justice. Janvi is surprised to hear all these from Niranjan she then asks Niranja if he doesn’t want Sagar to have the best future and career.

Amma ji tells Niru that he is Sagar’s father and I believe you care about your son’s career and want him to grow in life. Niru sarcastically replies that he should go and concentrate on his future. I am here to help Ganga. Janvi tells Sagar to pack his bags but he refuses to leave Ganga alone in this situation.

Ganga tries to tell him against it but he tells her that she took a decision for herself. This is my decision. I will go back to London after completing my work here. I will find a good lawyer; make a strong case and should be relieved that you will win. I will go then only. Everyone is taken aback except Niru, Pulkit and Supriya. He leaves with Ganga.

Madhvi cannot believe it that he did this. Amma ji asks Niru why he dint stop Sagar. He goes inside quietly. Janvi is getting restless. So much happened yet they are together. I will have to do something. At their room, Madhvi is not happy with Niru because of what he did just now.

Niru defends himself that he did not do anything. I did not ask him to stay back. Everything happened before your eyes only, you knows how he was convincing Saga because I understand you both but you knew he won’t listen to anyone if he makes up his mind to it. Thats exactly wgat happened.

Niru finally says that he does not want Sagar to leave India that Ganga needs him the most. People are disrespecting her. Don’t you want her name to be cleared? Madhvi thinks she does not want wrong of Ganga but she cannot bear their closeness.

Supriya is feeling bad for Ganga she says she knows Ganga is innocent because Whatever that happened is false, she asks Pulkit if he found the account which was used? Pulkit replies no that they make sure it is untraceable.

She also tells Pulkit that she believes there must be a way to prove Ganga’s innocence. He shows her Photoshop. She says this is what was done with that video. Can we prove it? he nods. She makes him get up and sits down to send a video to Sagar.

Pulkit leans down to write Sagar’s Facebook identification. They both get alert. Sagar speaks to a lady in London’s firm. She tells him to make up h is mind in 2 days or he will lose the position. The girl calls Janvi. Your work is done.

Janvi is sure Sagar will have to go to London at any cost now. Sagar is in a fix. What should I do? Ganga tells him that he will have to go. I told you many times not to risk your future for me. Babu is here. He will handle everything. Don’t worry about me. She asks him to have tea. He receives mail from Supriya. He shows the video morphing technique to Ganga.

Ganga says Yash planned to ruin my life using this. I can prove my innocent with it. Sagar says it can be a very big proof. She wants to tell Raghav ji. He asks her if she had a work with uncle.

Ganga tells Sagar that Mr Niranja has asked Raghav ji to get a good lawyer for her. It will help me as a proof. He is surprised. He has already spoken to a lot of good lawyers. He must be coming. She is about to go when he holds her hand. Wont you feel bad when I will leave? She composes herself before turning to look at him. If you are staying back only for the sake that I shouldn’t feel bad, then you must go back!

Raghav ji tells Niru abut the two lawyers he spoke to regarding Ganga’s case. We should talk to Gupta ji. Niru is not happy to know that Sagar is leaving for London. He tells Raghav ji to go ahead. Sagar is walking on the road. He thinks of the entire situation and of his father’s words. A girl asks him to buy balloons. He doesn’t want it but then thinks to pay her.


She refuses to take it. I am not begging. I am selling to work and earn. Buy it if you want or keep your money to yourself. He thinks of little Ganga.

He stops the girl and gets talking to her. Her name is Munni. She is working so she can arrange money to go to school. He offers to do it. I am not doing any favour on you. Think of it as a loan. You can return it when you will grow up. She asks him to give it in written. What if people back out tomorrow? he is once again drawn back in past where Ganga had also made Sagar write that he will always be with her.

Munni shakes him out of his reverie. Sagar writes his number on a piece of paper. Ask your father to call me. She thanks him and goes. The priest gives Prasad to Sagar. He asks about Ganga. Liars win in Kalyug. You will meet many people who will support lies or liars but no one supports the truth! He leaves. Sagar is in thoughts.


Madhvi is in no mood to eat or drink anything. Janvi is eagerly waiting for Sagar. Why is he still not here? We have to leave tomorrow. there is so much to do.
NIru tells Madhvi not to be worried. Your son is leaving for London tomorrow. he fulfilled his duty by appointing a good lawyer for Ganga. Sagar comes just then. Niru tells him to pack his bags. Janvi offers to help him.

Sagar asks her to bring his tickets.
Janvi gives it to Sagar. Packing will take time. Sagar thinks of pundit ji’s words. He tears the tickets. I have to help Ganga get justice and punish Yash for his misdeeds. I will fight her case. Niru looks proudly at him. I am very happy at your decision. I am glad to know that he will help Ganga.

Amma ji tells Sagar that they will all be ruined if he supports Ganga. Madhvi also tells him the same. Don’t stay here. Go. Niru denies. Sagar has decided to support truth. You all want him to back down? Should he sit quietly fearing insults or disrespect? He is my son. He wont sit peacefully till he does what he wants to.

Janvi tries to convince Sagar to go back to London and if he is okay with the idea of her leaving for London without him. Sagar replies that he’s sorry but he cannot leave right now that he has to help Ganga. Janvi begs him not to destroy his career for anything that he has to go, Janvi thinks to herself that she can never leave him here with Ganga and tore her tickets back to London then she told Sagar that she cannot leave him in all these problems.

Sagar asks her if she’s ready to help him with the case, Janvi says Yes that she will help him. Pulkit cones and tells Sagar that he’s very proud of him. Janvi and Sahil are discussing on the phone and she tells her that she does not care about Ganga but she is staying back only for Sagar. Sahil replies that she has to open her eyes.

You can try to avoid it but it won’t work, Janvi replies that she has never lost. Sahil also try to make her understand. You are only wasting your life and career by staying here. She ends the call saying it is her life and her call. She calls Sagar next. I want to meet Ganga. Janvi tells Ganga she wont leave for London till she gets justice.

I am sorry for believing the lies against you like others but I promise you that I will do my best to help you now, Ganga is shocked. Ganga is confused as well as surprised by her words. Sagar tells her to accept Janvi’s help that it is good that there is another person to help you.

Next: Tuesday 12th Update on Gangaa



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