force of attraction update Saturday 7 September 2024

force of attraction update Saturday 7 September 2024


Force of attraction 7 September 2024: Shiv and Shakti come to the family. Mandira asks Shakti if she is okay? she says we all feel it was all someone’s plan and not an accident, we feel someone is trying to harm you. Shakti says you are right, someone is trying to harm me. Dadi asks if she saw someone? Ragunath asks how the glass broke in the hospital? Shakti says I know how, someone shot at Shiv and it hit the window. Ragunath says who shot him? Mandira asks Shakti if she noticed the number of the truck that followed her? she shows her the truck number. Dadi says I am sure the same man must have shot at Shiv, who would it be? Gayatri shouts enough.. this is all done by this Mandira, she is our real enemy. She tried to kill Shiv and then attacked Kartik.

Dadi says what are you saying? Gayatri says that’s the truth, she can do anything and her reality is so evil, how dare she try to kill my kids? I will finish her. She takes a knife and says I will see if you fear for your life like you make others fear for their lives. She tries to attack her but Mandira runs away from her. She tries to take the knife from her. Shakti requests Gayatri to calm down but she doesn’t listen. Mandira and Gayatri are fighting over the knife but Shakti grabs the knife and cuts her hand in the process. Her blood spills, Shiv rushes to her. Gayatri asks Shakti why she stopped her? I want to kill her. You shouldn’t have stopped me, I would have gone to the jail if I killed her but my kids would be safe then. Shakti says Mandira is innocent, she didn’t do anything. Gayatri says what are you saying? you know she is behind all this, why are you saving her? Shakti says you are mistaken, it wasn’t Mandira. Dadi says Gayatri has gone crazy, she is blaming Mandira for no reason. Ragunath says how dare you to attack Mandira and how dare you open your mouth? Shiv says enough.. Shakti is hurt and you all are blaming each other. He goes to get first aid. Mandira smirks at Shakti and says good girl. The flashback shows how Mandira had shown a video to Shakti in which Rimjhim is in the bathroom and Keertan leaves a live wire there, he keeps the switch to it in his hands. Shakti got scared and gave the bullet shell back to Mandira. The flashback ends. Shiv brings the first aid and tends to Shakti’s hand. Shakti cries in pain, Shiv says you have to get stitches. Shakti says I can’t get it. I am scared. Shiv says you have to relax and let me stitch your hand. Shakti cries but he doesn’t listen to her. Sakti is scared but Shiv gives her an injection and stitches her wound. Shakti is mesmerized by Shiv and doesn’t feel any pain. Shiv says we are all done. Shakti says I was looking at your hand instead of mine. He asks why? Shakti says your hands didn’t shiver today, Shiv is surprised to hear that. Gayatri says Shiv was scared to treat anyone because his hands shiver but today his hands didn’t shiver. Dadi hugs him and says my kid is fine now. She thanks Shakti and Ragunath says Shakti did what medicines couldn’t do for years. Mandira says this is a miracle. Shakti says I gave him confidence and took over his fear, he is a doctor and lost his confidence in an accident and he got it back because of another accident. She tells Shiv that he is the bet surgeon, his stitches are perfect. Mandira is angry hearing that.

Mandira tells Padma that Shiv wasn’t scared to give stitches to Shakti, I instilled fear in him for years but he wasn’t scared today to tend to Shakti, Shiv is getting fine but if he becomes fine then we are gone.

Mandira is angry and tells Padma that she gave medicines to Shiv all these years so he would shiver and would be scared to treat patients but he wasn’t shaking today. If he becomes fine then it will be bad for us, I used him as a puppet but I am losing control over him now. Padma says how are things changing here? Mandira shouts because of Shakti and that Gayatri is supporting her. She even tried to kill me, I wanted to kill her right there but I had to pretend to be a nice person and that Shiv didn’t even stop her, this is all happening because of Shakti, she gave strength to that fool Gayatri. Padma says you were a queen on this house but your position is in danger now, Gayatri could have killed you today. Mandira says I won’t spare Gayatri and her son now, I will destroy her family now.


The goon tells Manorama that they will send them to the Lord. He slaps Chacha. Manorama snatches the gun from him and tells them to move back and don’t touch my husband, I won’t spare you. She beats up the goons and tells them to apologize to her husband. The goon says I won’t spare you and your daughters now, he runs away with his partners.

Shiv asks Shakti if she is okay? Shakti says I have the best doctor with me so I have nothing to worry. Shiv says you should pay me now.. actually, I am indebted to you, you saved my son and my mother today. You did well by protecting Mandira and telling everyone that she is innocent. Shakti thinks I wish I could tell him that she did it to protect Rimjhim. Shiv says if anything had happened to Mandira then everyone would have blamed Gayatri, I might have lost her like Gauri. Shakti says I won’t let anything happen to Gayatri and Kartik, I promise. Shiv smiles and kisses her forehead, he leaves from there. Shakti says he is proud of me but I am not proud of myself, I could have exposed Mandira today, I could have told everyone that she got Gauri killed and made Shiv like this but I couldn’t expose her because of Rimjhim, I failed today, she cries. Mandira comes there and says you will fail every day from now on, you can never expose me. She slaps Shakti hard, Shakti says how dare you.. she tries to slap her but Mandira grabs her and says you think you could beat me up like before? you will see what I am capable of. Shakti says I am not scared of you. Mandira slaps her again and says your time is up, I have your life in my hands. She shows her the video of Keertan romancing with Rimjhim and strangles her by putting a necklace on her. He apologizes to her. Mandira tells Shakti that if you attack me again then we will take revenge on Rimjhim. Shakti says don’t hurt her. Mandira grabs her face and says keep begging me, I like that. Shakti says do anything with me but don’t hurt Rimjhim, she is innocent. Mandira says she is your sister so she has to pay for your deeds. Gayatri will pay as she tried to kill me. I know your weakness is Shiv and Gayatri is protective of him so I am going to attack Shiv to pain you both now. He will break down and you both won’t be able to do anything. Shivratri is coming so I will use Shiv’s blood in it. Shakti says don’t do that. Mandira says if I can kill Gauri then I can kill Shiv too. If you can save him then try that but Shiv will die on Shivratri. Shakti begs her and says don’t do that. Mandira says prepare to be a widow now. Shiv comes there and asks if everything is okay? Mandira says yes, I just came to check on Shakti, she protected me so I wanted to thank her. She hugs Shakti and whispers that soon he is going to die in front of you. She leaves from there.


Chacha tells Manorama that they have to leave now, she shouldn’t have attacked the goons. Manorama says they threatened to reach our daughters, what have you done? Chacha cries

Shakti hugs Shiv and cries. Shiv asks if she is okay? she nods. Shiv says don’t lie to me, I know what’s up. Shakti thinks if Shiv heard everything? Shiv says how could you hide such a big thing from me? shakti looks on.

Shiv tells Shakti that he knows everything, I know you don’t want to drink this milk and get better soon. Shakti says I don’t want to. Shiv says stop it and drink. He makes her drink it. Shakti thinks he loves me so much, I won’t be able to live without him. She gets a milk moustache so Shiv laughs at her. Shakti thinks she has to protect him at any cost, she recalls Mandira’s words that she is going to kill Shiv, she starts crying and hugs Shiv. Shiv asks why are you crying? I won’t laugh at you, he makes a milk moustache on himself and says you can laugh at me. Shakti hugs him and thinks I can’t tell him about Mandira’s threats as she will harm him more then, I have to fight this alone and have to save Shiv, Rimjhim and Gayatri from 


Mandira. Shiv thinks to make Shakti smile somehow.

Chacha tells Manorama that he took a 20 lacs loan to get Rimjhim married with Ranjan but it broke off and he couldn’t pay back the loan. Manorama says they won’t spare you till they get their money back. They might try to harm our daughters. Chacha says don’t worry, I will do something to arrange the money, he leaves. Manorama says I can’t tell him that my daughters are stuck with Mandira and have to fight her there.

Keertan asks Mandira how could she threaten Shakti to kill Shiv? Mandira slaps him and says she dared to slap me so I am going to teach her a lesson, she would be a widow soon. Padma says calm down, we are not murderers so stop thinking about killing Shiv. Mandira says I never lose and I can go to any extent to teach Shakti a lesson, Shiv has to die now. Keertan says what about Dada’s will in Shiv’s name? Mandira says don’t worry about that, I know what to do.

Shiv comes to Kartik and sees him making a sketch of his family with him and Shakti. Kartik says Shakti is a superhero, she saved me silently. Shiv smiles and recalls Shakti protecting them all the time. He says you are right, he says Shakti is upset so can you help me in making her smile? Kartik says sure.

Chacha comes to meet with the goon who gave him money, he begs him to give him some time to arrange the money. The goon says how much time you need? Chacha says give me 5 months, please. The goon says I am giving you 5 days so arrange our money otherwise, you know we will go to your daughters and get money from them. We know they married in a rich family. Chacha says okay, he comes outside to find Manorama there, she says how will we arrange money? he says lets go from here for now.

Shiv brings Kartik to Shakti and says he is not sleeping and wants to hear a story but I don’t know any story. Shakti asks Kartik what he wants to hear? the electricity goes off, Kartik is scared of the dark and hugs Shakti. Shiv puts on candles around the room and starts telling a story to Kartik. He makes shadows on the wall and Shakti joins him to make Kartik laugh. Their hands touch and they both stare at each other. Shiv sees Kartik asleep, Shakti says let him sleep here. We can sleep on either side of him. All three of them get in bed to go to sleep. Mandira sees them from the window and says she can sleep peacefully for some days but then I will take away all her happiness.

Chacha tells Manorama that they have 5 days to pay off the loan. Manorama says to do something, they can’t go to our daughters, they are already in trouble. Chacha asks what happened to them? Manorama says nothing.. I am just worried. Chacha says don’t lie, tell me what happened. Manorama tells him everything, how Rimjhim fought with her and went against her and Shakti because of Mandira. Chacha says you should have told me before. Manorama says I didn’t want to worry you more. Don’t worry, the Lord will show us the way.

Shakti wakes up in the morning and finds Shiv staring at her. Shiv says I know we are just friends but we crossed a line tomorrow night, he shows her lipstick marks on his body and says this happened after I went to put Kartik in his bed. Shakti is shocked to see that.

Next: Force of attraction Sunday



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