Every Girl’s Dream update Wednesday 22 February 2023

Every Girl’s Dream 22 February 2023: All family members sit to have dinner, Daksh smirks at Krisha. Jaya says it’s good that we are all sitting here as a family. Krisha says I think someone has cast an evil eye on this family. Jaya says I was thinking to send Devraj and Daksh away from here, where they would be safe. Devraj says I am not scared of anyone. Jaya says I am not asking you to hide but you have to protect this family. Devraj says you are right, my family is most important to me and if it’s for them then I will go away. Aarav says where will they go? Daksh says we can go to our other haveli. Devraj says no, we won’t go there. Jaya says we can decide on another place. Daksh says no, I want to go there only. Devraj says fine, Krisha thinks why does he want to go there? Minakshi says it will be a honeymoon for Devraj and Krisha also. Krisha blushes. Daksh thinks I will make that honeymoon hell for them.

Krisha comes to her room and sees Devraj on his knees, she asks if he is proposing to her? Devraj says I am just wearing my shoes. Krisha says I thought you would say romantic. Devraj looks away and says that haveli is filled with our memories. Daksh and Maya spent a lot of time there, Daksh had a panic attack when he went there after Maya’s accident. Krisha says then why did you agree? Devraj says I couldn’t say no to him, will you be my support? Krisha holds his hand and says I am always with you. Devraj thanks her and leaves. Krisha says Daksh is up to something but I will protect Devraj.

proposing to her? Devraj says I am just wearing my shoes. Krisha says I thought you would say romantic. Devraj looks away and says that haveli is filled with our memories. Daksh and Maya spent a lot of time there, Daksh had a panic attack when he went there after Maya’s accident. Krisha says then why did you agree? Devraj says I couldn’t say no to him, will you be my support? Krisha holds his hand and says I am always with you. Devraj thanks her and leaves. Krisha says Daksh is up to something but I will protect Devraj.

Scene 2
Daksh talks to himself and says I haven’t stopped loving Maya that’s why I message on her phone on every major occasion. I am angry that Devraj and Krisha are still together. We will go to the place where I met Maya and I will separate them there only.Daksh arrives at the haveli and recalls a childhood memory. How Daksh was sad after losing his father but he met Maya there as a child. Daksh, Devraj and Maya became friends there. The flashback ends. Devraj and Krisha hold hands and come to the haveli. Daksh glares at them and thinks it could have been me and Maya but I lost her, I won’t let them be happy together here. Daksh thinks this is my last attack.

They all go in the haveli. Daksh looks at the photos and gets sad. He looks at Maya’s photos, Devraj asks if he is fine? You should take some rest. Daksh says I will show Krisha around, let’s go. Krisha nods. She starts going with him. Devraj says I hope Daksh feels better.Daksh brings Krisha to the study room, Krisha says some people are fake. Daksh says don’t praise me that much, let me show you another place. He brings her to his room and says this haveli is special to me. Daksh says no one can hear anything in this room. He locks her in the room. Krisha screams to open the door. Devraj comes to Daksh and asks where is Krisha? Krisha is screaming to open the door.

Daksh tells him that she went around. Devraj says I want to propose Krisha here. Daksh says that’s a good idea, I will take your picture and make a portrait for you both as a gift. Daksh asks him to go and get ready, I will go and check on Krisha. Devraj leaves. Daksh smirks as Krisha is still locked in the room.Krisha is screaming to open the door. Daksh comes there and laughs at her. Krisha says when Devraj knows about your reality then he won’t spare you. Daksh says I was just pranking you before I leave.

Krisha says where are you going? Daksh says I will keep an on you both for the next 24 hours when you both separate. Krisha says you can’t do that. Daksh says Devraj wants to propose to you but he won’t be able to do that as I will separate you from him, he leaves. Krisha is worried.Devraj is packing a gift and smiles. He sees Krisha coming there, he says you look pretty. He says poetry for her and she blushes. Devraj holds her hand and brings her to the garden, he sprays flowers on her. Tujhe mein rab dikhta hai plays. Devraj comes to her and is about to kiss her but it all turns out to be his dream. Devraj gets Jaya’s call and says I will check. He gets a video of himself in the towel on social media.

Daksh is watching Devraj’s video and says he is going viral but it was posted from Krisha’s page. He checks it and it was not posted from her page. Devraj comes there and tells Daksh how dare you to do that? Krisha comes there too. Devraj says you couldn’t leak my private videos like that. Daksh is confused, Krisha smirks and thinks I can play tricks too. Daksh says I didn’t do it. Devraj says it’s about my honor, you can’t do this. Daksh says it was my mistake. Devraj asks him to delete it. Krisha takes his phone and says I will do it, she asks Devraj to calm down, I will handle it. Devraj leaves. Krisha tells Daksh to not play with her, she leaves. Daksh is angry and says soon I will go far away but before that, I will separate them both.

Krisha comes to Devraj and says it’s just a video. Devraj says it’s about my family honor. Krisha says people will forget it soon, don’t worry about it. Devraj says you don’t understand. Krisha says then you should also read how girls are drooling over your video. I should be angry. Devraj laughs and says I don’t care about others, I just love one person. She asks who? I don’t think you have the guts to say it. Devraj says I have got the guts after meeting you. He pulls her closer and they both fall down on the bed. Krisha says I told you, you can’t confess. Devraj says just wait till tonight and I will tell you everything, you will get clues to find me. Krisha says I will always find you even without clues. He smiles and is about to kiss her but she runs away.

Devraj comes to the garden and looks at the ring he bought for Krisha. He imagines her everywhere. He says you can’t keep polluting my imagination. Krisha says you can practice with my imagination. Devraj says you are right, he says some poetry for her. He says I can’t bore her like this, I have to get Daksh’s help.

Next: Every Girl’s Dream Thursday update


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