Find all new February teasers for Eva’s I dare you to leave here….
Also see:
Friday 1 February 2019
Episode 73
Alan tells his mother that he met Valentina Murat. Elsewhere, Carolina is interested in wooing Mauricio.
Monday 4 February 2019
Episode 74
Carolina starts working in Mauva and feels happy to be near Mauricio.
Tuesday 5 February 2019
Episode 75
Leonel looks for Nuria to find out where his son is, and Nuria asks Mica where she took him.
Wednesday 6 February 2019
Episode 76
Silvia is about to retire from her job as a prison warden and suggests that Julieta moves in with her.
Thursday 7 February 2019
Episode 77
Leonel walks around the hotel yellng and ordering the employees around. Alexis tells him he accepts his offer to be his spy.
Friday 8 February 2019
Episode 78
Carolina learns that Mauricio is in love with Valentina and promises to make a move on her when he can. Leonel tells Nuria he knows their son died and gives up on her.
Monday 11 February 2019
Ep isode 79
Valentina finally decides to go to Cancun with Fernanda after Rene talks her into it. Beto travels to Delia’s home town to ask her about the birth of his child.
Tuesday 12 February 2019
Episode 80
Osvaldo tries to find out if Angelica is staying at the hotel. He asks Alexis, who tells him about Gonzalo and Mauricio’s special guest.
Wednesday 13 February 2019
Episode 81
Valentina apologises to Gonzalo and he accepts her apology. Beto goes to the lab to do the DNA test to find out if Tobias is his son.
Thursday 14 February 2019
Episode 82
Micaela asks Beto why he’s so distant, and he says he needs proof of something he is suspicious of. Meanwhile, Mauricio and Valentina argue.
Friday 15 February 2019
Episode 83
Gonzalo cordially greets Rene, but Mauricio and Raquel don’t like him. Leonel advises Monica to sue the Murats.
Monday 18 February 2019
Episode 84
Adriana tells Fabricio that she wants to meet her aunt, but he doesn’t understand why because she is a murderer and is in jail.
Tuesday 19 February 2019
Episode 85
Maite and Angelica agree to have breakfast and clear everything up. Fernanda hears Osvaldo’s name and asks Angelica if he is the man with whom she was unfaithful.
Wednesday 20 February 2019
Episode 86
Raquel says that Mauricio loves Valentina, prompting Valentina to want to ask Mauricio if that is true.
Thursday 21 February 2019
Episode 87
Valentina uses part of the inheritance that her father left to live comfortably.
Friday 22 February 2019
Episode 88
Beto tells Mauricio why he wants to take his family away. Adriana prefers to be with Tobias than Fabricio.
Monday 25 February 2019
Episode 89
Adriana plans to take her aunt to Spain, along with Tobias. Nuria starts a war with Valentina.
Tuesday 26 February 2019
Episode 90
Carolina invites Mauricio to have dinner in her house, so that he can meet her mother, Ileana.
Wednesday 27 February 2019
Episode 91
Rene gets engaged to Valentina. Fer suggests that Valentina takes it easy and finds out more about Eugeno.
Thursday 28 February 2019
Episode 92
Ileana manages to be alone with Gonzalo. Felix suggests to Nuria that they steal things from Gonzalo.
Credit: Tvsa