Dream girl update friday 4 February 2022

Dream girl update friday 4 February 2022


Dream Girl 4 February 2022: The Episode starts with Samar saying Bua has gone. Laxmi gets off him and says thank Lord. He asks would she misunderstand you. She says not me, you… She leaves. He says why me and smiles. Meera comes home and recalls the old times. She tells Manav that she came after one year and seeing what changed. Manav says time changed, go inside, everyone is waiting for you. Manav brings her and says Ayesha… Ayesha smiles seeing her and Sona comes in between.

Nandini says she missed her a lot, now their family got complete, and now she will not it break.She sees Manav and says never. Ayesha says Mithi and she has made special things for Meera. Sona says she made her fav food and takes her. Manav smiles seeing Ayesha. Ayesha pampers Mithi and Meera thinks Ayesha is lucky and has talent, why am I ugly and unlucky, how do I look a member of Sareen family, Ayesha makes me feel more ugly, I hate her. She tries imitating Ayesha. Ayesha gives her juice.

Meera sees everyone busy and spits in the juice. She gives it to Ayesha. Ayesha says how sweet and takes it. Ayesha drinks it and Meera smiles. Sona asks Nandini should we plan for tomorrow. Nandini says yes. Ayesha asks what. Sona says we kept Jagrata for Meera as she came home safe. Ayesha says I have photoshoot tomorrow, can’t we keep it later. Sona says you will be busy all the time, we can’t postpone it.Its morning, Laxmi exercises to faint and Samar wakes up and falls off the bed. He asks whats she doing. He says you would have fallen. She says she was practicing.

She says some filmi lines. He says acting class started in morning. Mithi sees Meera sleeping and takes her pic. Meera wakes up and asks what did she do. Ayesha greets good morning to Manav and he asks are you sure you won’t have problem with me and Nandini sitting in puja. She says is my thinking so short, you will be mine even if you sit in puja with her.He says she is so understanding and they laugh. Mithi says Ayesha gave her new tab and she has everyone’s pics. Meera asks her to go. Mithi asks her to see the pics. Meera asks her to delete her pic. Mithi deletes it. Meera says never take my pic and Mithi says I have an old family pic.

Meera sees it and sees Ayesha beside her. She says delete it and Mithi refuses. Meera throws it and it breaks. Manav and Ayesha hear the sound. Meera says she will beat Mithi. They come to her and Meera acts sweet to Mithi and talks normally.Manav asks what happened. Meera says she was taking pics and tablet fell. Mithi says she has thrown it. Meera asks her not to lie and says she is putting blame on me. Ayesha says its fine, I will get new tab, but keep it safe. She takes Mithi. Samar sees mum’s missed calls and calls Sona. He says he is fine and she asks who is there with him. He says my neighbor and she asks him to show his face. He says he will come.

She asks him to come as she kept Jagrata for Meera. He asks how is she. She says she is calm. He says he can’t come. She says its your duty to come. He says fine, I won’t stay at night.Laxmi comes to office and gives letters to everyone. Karan reads it and is stunned. He asks everyone to see the letter, its from Laxmi. Amrita asks why is he shouting and he shows her the letter. She reads that Laxmi has come to Mumbai with her dreams and when she got a chance to work with them, she felt she got a first stair and they have done her ragging and insulted her, she will suicide now as her dreams have broken. Laxmi shouts and falls and they all get tense.

They all rush to her and ask what did she do seeing her bleed and Ayesha comes there. The staff panics as they all will go to jail if she dies. Ayesha says what did she do, if police involves, it will be big issue. The peon says no one went in jail till now. Ayesha says call ambulance. He says she was fine, she took extra ketchup also, who knew she will do suicide. Ayesha says ketchup and goes to her cabin. Ayesha checks the CCTV footage and how Laxmi arranged the ketchup layer to show its blood and fool them. Everyone ask Laxmi to open her eyes. Ayesha says they all have got fooled by Laxmi’s acting, even I. She recalls Manav’s words and sees Manav coming. She gets tensed and thinks if Manav sees this acting, he will be more impressed.

Ayesha stopping Manav by acting as if she got leg sprain. Laxmi gets up and starts laughing. She says she has fooled the casting directors, no need to call police and thanks Karan for kerchief. Amrita gets angry. Laxmi says I m a good actress. Karan asks is she fine, they all got tensed and work stopped by her cheap joke. She says work stopped yesterday too when you joked, nothing happened to anyone. Amrita shouts Laxmi. Manav says lets go to your cabin. Ayesha says its fine. Amrita scolds Laxmi. Ayesha thinks it means prank ended. She says she appointed the girl for grooming, but she is not sincere, so all staff is annoyed with her.


She says she will train her, you want to make her an actor. He says this is not fair. She says I will tell you if the problem increase. He says I know you will manage everything. Ayesha asks him to go to his cabin. Karan says I will do your complain to Ayesha. Ayesha says I hurt myself today because of you, you should be out of here before you hurt me. Laxmi says I wish Ayesha and Manav saw my acting, they would have cast me today.


Karan and everyone complain to Ayesha. He asks her to take strict action and Manav should know. She says he should not know this, he has his own tensions, he does not need to do the foolish staff, you felt that amateur girl’s joke real. Karan says it was so real. Ayesha says enough, cover your mistakes. Laxmi says all will be fine, Ayesha will praise me. Laxmi talks to Ayesha. Ayesha scares her as all staff is complaining about her, and this reached Manav. She says she will manage. Ayesha fools her and says she can’t let her office energies disturb, all are annoyed, say sorry to them, if anyone support and forgive you, I will talk to Manav and try my best that you continue this job. Laxmi says I think they are very much annoyed.


Ayesha says then you can’t continue job, as you want a friend to support you. The peon hears them and goes to tell Karan. Ayesha says you are not bad actor Laxmi, but you want to take my place and this is very bad. Laxmi goes to Karan and apologizes. She apologizes to everyone and no one forgives her. Amrita comes to Laxmi and praises her for managing so well. She asks will she allow Nandini to sit in puja with Manav. Ayesha smiles. Amrita says it means you have a plan.

Nandini and Sona do the Jagrata arrangements. Ayesha comes home. Sona acts sweet to Nandini and blesses her. Nandini says if Meera’s mum does not do puja, then who will do it. Ayesha gifts Meera her designer dress. Manav smiles. Ayesha says she has sent Samar clothes and so she came late. Nandini says she did much late and says all arrangements are fine and they argue. Manav thanks Ayesha and hugs her. Nandini thinks how does she stay calm and smile. She thinks she will see when Manav kicks her out and where she goes. She tells Nandini that this dress will not suit her, and Ayesha will not let anyone look better than her.

Laxmi thinks she will lose the job and comes in Ayesha’s cabin. She sees around and smles. She says she is alone here for the first time. She talks to her pic and says you are the best, I want to be like you. She talks to herself and says she can get Samar and he can get his heroine. Samar sees Laxmi and says if she sees me, she will come with me. He hides his face and smiles. She takes another auto. She thinks she is going to Ayesha’s home and can’t go empty hand. She stops to buy flowers and Samar changes his clothes in car and goes. She looks on.



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