Destined by fate update Wednesday 20 September 2023


Destined by fate 20 September 2023: Kanha twists Rishi’s finger when he misbehaves with Kusum. Rishi asks if this is how he treats his would be jijaji/BIL. Saroj asks Kanha to leave Rishi’s finger. Nakul asks Kanha to break Rishi’s finger. Kanha spares Rishi. Rishi shouts if this is house they treat their son-in-law/SIL, people wash SIL’s feet and they are humiliating him repeatedly. Kanha warns him to leave. Rishi walks away fuming. Kusum gets upset with all the drama and starts crying. Sayuri comforts her. Yash asks Kusum not bother about Rishi’s behavior and leaves.

Daadi Mausi tongue lashes Saroj for her son’s behavior towards Rishi and insists her to hold Gayatri’s feet and convince her to accept Kuusm. Saroj says her sons love her daughter immensely and reacted according, she will speak to them. Daadi Mausi says men are very sensitive towards their women and don’t like any stranger to touch them. Kusum walks in and hears their conversation. Saroj says she needs to take a decision. Kusum says Rishi is not like he portrays himself.

Kanha gets tensed when he notices Sayuri’s BP shooting up. Sayuri says she is worried for Kusum and wouldn’t tolerate if Rishi even comes near Kusum. Kusum tries to explain Saroj about Rishi’s nature, but Saroj gets adamant under Daadi Mausi’s influence. Gayatri calls her and says she wants Kusum to perform bhoomi pooja as they won a decade long land case with Kusum’s auspicious steps. Daadi Mausi praises Rishi that he didn’t inform about his insult to his mother, so Kusum shouldn’t reject this alliance.


Nakul expresses anger towards Rishi in front of Rashmi. Sayuri asks Kanha not to worry about Kusum as she will not let Rishi near Kusum. Kusum visits a market where Rishi’s aide threatens her to change her route on Rishi’s order. Kusum gets afraid. Bhanu and Indu notice them and asks goon who is he and why is he trouble their daughter. Goon says Kusum is his would be bhabhi. Kusum says he is Rishi’s friend and she knows him.

Daadi Mausi calls panditji to check Sayuri’s kundali. Pandit checks kundali and says Sayuri would face problems during her pregnancy and asks her to wear a holy thread to protect her. Kanha enters. Saroj requests him to agree for Sayuri and baby’s sake. Kanha agrees and lets Panditji tie protective thread on Sayuri’s wrist. He asks Saroj and Daadi Mausi to stop worrying and trust Krishanji as trust is the most protective cover.

Next: destined by fate Thursday 


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