Curse of the sands 23 July 2021: Ram gets severe headache trying to remember his past and holding his hand on trishul injures it and smearing his blood on Kali’s forehead collapses. Kali sprinkles water on him and wakes him up, asks if he is fine.
He says yes, let us return to palace before anyone doubt them. She takes him to palace and drops him in his room. He sees blood on her forehead and asks how did she get it. Seh smiles and asks him to rest. He asks how can she smile with injury. She says he did this. Mohini passes by and hearing Rana speaking to someone stops. Dayimaa walks to her and asks if she found out where her shadow is.
Mohini says no. Dayimaa says she should find out her shadow soon before it is too late. Mohini says she is right, her powers are incomplete without shadow. She walks away. Kali tells Rana to rest as Mohini and her shadow’s risk are still on them. She walks out of room. Dayimaa asks what happened to her forehead. Kali says Rana smeared it. Dayimaa gets happy and prays for Rana and Kali’s togetherness. She then sees blood drop on floor and asks whose blood is it. Kali says must be Rana’s. Dayimaa checks and thinks it is neither human nor chudail’s blood, some new enemy has entered palace.
Kali returns to her room. Vanraj hugs her from behind. Kali thinks Rana is hugging and asks what is he doing. Vanraj speaks. She pushes him and asks what is he doing here. He asks why did not she return to meet him, he knows what is happening between her and Rana, etc. Rana hears sound and walks towards Kali’s room.
Vanraj tries to force himself on Kali and insists to kiss him. Rana sees that and walks away thinking how is that man related to Kali. Kali slaps Vanraj and warns to go away, but Vanraj continues forcing himself on her. Dayimaa reaches there and warns Vanraj to leave Kali, else she will kill her. Vanraj says she cannot harm him. Dayimaa pulls knife. Kali stops her and says he is her friend and has gone mad, she will explain him. She asks Vanraj to go. He walks away saying if someone else touches her, she will kill him.
Dayimaa consoles Kali. Kali says she is fine and wants to be alone for sometime. Dayimaa informs Kali how Vanraj was cursed to be half human and half animal and is threat for Rana, so Raj Purohith promised to kill his son but has not yet; if Vanraj sees Rana, he will kill him.
Rana runs behind Vanraj. Siya/Kali follows him. Dayimaa stops her and says she should go before Mohini calls her. Mohini walks to Dayimaa and asks where is Kali. Dayimaa says she must be somewhere around and asks if she found her shadow. Mohini says no, now she will use her bhura jadoo to find out her shadow. Rana follows Vanraj to jungle. Vanraj hides. Rana searches him. Vanraj grips Rana’s neck from behind.
Rana pushes him and says he does not want to fight with him, he just wants to know how is he related to Kali. Vanraj attacks him again. Rana confronts, but Vanraj easily overpowers him and beats him brutally. Kali reaches there and tries to stop Vanraj. Vanraj pushes her and continues assaulting Rana. Kali brings fire and threatens Vanraj. Vanraj being a tiger gets afraid of fire and shouts to keep it away from her.
Mohini tells Dayimaa she will use her bhura jadoo/black magic to find out her shadow. She cuts her palm and gets desert sand and says this will lead her to her shadow. She follows sand which leads her to a room, but she does not find her shadow there. She sees a message on floor suswagatam/welcome. Chains then tie her hands. She pleads DK/Dayimaa to help her, but Dayimaa says Mohini cut her hands, how can she help, thinking Mohini killed many and now let her die. Mohini starts disintegrating.
Kali helps Rana and tries to take him from here. Vanraj shouts she is doing wrong, he will not spare Rana at any cost. Kali says they should take Mohini’s help to kill Vanraj. Rana says he will not take Mohin’s help with her black magic. Vanraj gets up and tries to attack Rana.
Mohini’s hands are tied. She pleads DK/Dayimaa to help her. Dayimaa says how can she as Mohini cut her hands, thinks she will not help Mohini, let her die. They hear someone laughing. Mohini’s hands disintegrate and she is freed. Dayimaa asks what is happening. Mohini says someone has captured her shadow and using it against her, without her shadow her powers are incomplete. In jungle, Vanraj tries to attack Rana when Raj Jyotishji stabs Vanraj from behind.
Next Saturday update curse of the sands