Can you see me update Thursday 24 February 2022

Can you see me update Thursday 24 February 2022


Can you see me 24 February 2022: Suchi goes to her room. Pihu sadly says she will go away after her marriage in 3 days and will not help her find her mother. Suchi asks her not to worry and goes to change. Pihu thinks she will not let bhurbhuri go. She sees children throwing paper ball on Gulgule and troubling him, gets an idea to trouble Vimal and make her run. Gopal smiles and shows her laddoos. She throws laddoos on Vimla. Vimla shouts who is it and finds no one. Pihu continues and Vimla falls down. She goes in and yells at Suchi’s family. Suchi scolds Gulgule.

Gulgule says he did not. Pihu says she did and apologizes. Suchi angrily walks to her room and Pihu follows her apologizing. Suchi scolds because of her, her mamma had to bear Vimla’s scoldings, she is bad bhooth like other and pushes her to get away from this house.Pihu cries loudly with Gulgule. Gopal says if 2 people cry together, they will become best friends. Pihu stops and sass she does not want to befriend balloon. Gopal says when he used to do mischief, his mother Yashoda used to forgive him as nobody gets angry with children for long. Pihu runs to Suchi’s room and apologizes her, then acts as falling. Suchi gets worried for her and asks if she is hurt and makes her sit on sofa, then says bhooth don’t feel pain.

Pihu says she does not want her to marry and go with Vimla, who will help her find mother then. Suchi assures her she will.Vimla tells Rishab that her friend’s son got scooter and car as dowry, but he is not getting anything. Rishab says Suchi will get him all that after marriage, he will grab all her money, he will not get a beauty like Suchi though. Vimla says beauty is not everything. He asks her to rest him. He calls police and complains that Suchi is conning people in lieu of placement agency and they should catch her. Inspector asks who is he. He says their well wisher, disconnects call and changes sim. Vimla says she cannot see him doing all this. He says he learnt conning in her womb, this all is normal to him.

Suchi’s family gets ready to go to Rishab’s house. Pihu asks Suchi how can she go, they have to find mamma. Suchi acts as falling ill and sends family saying she will rush for sometime. Family reaches Rishab’s house and say Suchi is ill and resting in bed. They leave. Vimla brainwashes her husband that Suchi is fine and is just acting and insists to prove herself. Husband agrees and accompanies her in car.Suchi plays hide and seek with Pihu. Pihu hides near door. Pihu’s mother comes and touches door emotionally. Pihu feels her mother on the other side and shouts mamma she is not the other side. Mother leaves crying.

Pihu opens door and does not find mamma. She cries that she wants to meet her mamma. Suchi consoles her and plays with her on toy horse. Vimla with her husband enters house.Suchi plays with Pihu and goes in to bring toy when Vimla brings her husband and Rishab to show that Suchi is lying that she is ill and is perfectly alright. Pihu sees that and shouts Bhurbhuri Vimla has come. Vimla’s husband sees Pihu on bed and scolds. Pihu acts as ill and tries to get up, but father asks her rest. Rishab asks if her business did not flop. Suchi asks what. Rishab says he means who is taking care of her business. She says assistants are there. Husband takes Vimla and Rishab from there. Suchi thanks Pihu and asks if she wants to have noodles.

Pihu says yes and walks with her into kitchen and says her mamma used to cook tasty noodles. Suchi lights on gas. Pihu reminisces her fire accident and runs panicking that fire is very bad. Suchi consoles her and Pihu describes her whole incident. Suchi says fire is friend instead and helps them a lot, sometimes it makes mistakes like Pihu did yesterday. Pihu asks really, then how to befriend fire then. Suchi says let us light lamp.Police comes to arrest Suchi and tells she is duping people by in lieu of her placement agency. Suchi says they are mistaken. Family returns. Inspector shows news paper advertisement. Suchi says anyone can print advertisement.

Inspector says police is not fool and they have investigated well. Rishab enters and acts as helping Suchi and takes inspector aside. Inspector returns and says he did not know Rishab has such big contacts and says he is sparing Pihu but is canceling her business license. He leaves with team. Pihu’s family thanks Rishab. Rishab says it was his duty. Pihu also thanks him. Pihu’s family tells Suchi is going to marry in 2 days and they have to face this problem. Pihu gets sad that Suchi will go in 2 days, then how will she meet her mamma then.Rishab returns home and informs Vimla that he did. She says Suchi is indebted to him now, but they lost her income after marriage.

He says Suchi is very talent, he will ask her to open another company and make her its CEO. Vimla says then it does not matter if he marries her choice girl or Suchi.Suchi rests on her mother’s lap. Mother pampers her and says they will go to Lal Chowk’s Krishna mandir and pray for her. Pihu says her mother also go to Lal Chowk Krishna Mandir. Pihu says then they will go. They both reach temple holding Pihu’s toy horse. Pihu sees a woman and tells Suchi that is her mamma. Suchi goes and speak. Pihu says sorry that is not her mamma. Suchi gives prasad to lady. Anandita comes there and buys pooja thali and gifts it to a lady saying she is angry on god and will not pray, but is sure Gopal loves her Pihu. Pihu sees a girl running away with her takbak/toy and runs behind her.

Suchi runs behind Pihu and child. A speeding car heads towards girl. Suchi saves child and meets with an accident herself. Pihu stands crying. Gopal is seen smiling.

Suchi meets with an accident while trying to save a girl. Pihu shouts burbhuri. People gather around Suchi. Suchi murmurs pihu, pihu and collapses. Pihu runs home and tells Suchi’s each family member that Bhurbhuri met with an accident, but nobody can hear her. A man comes and informs Sarita that Suchi met with an accident and she needs to be taken to hospital. Family rushes Suchi to hospital. Doctors take her into operating theater. Nurse comes out and says Suchi lost lot of blood and needs A+ blood transfusion.

Sarita goes in front of Krishna idol and reminiscing asking Suchi to go to Lal Chowk Krishna mandir prays Gopal to save her daughter. Pihu tells not to pray Gopal as he separated her from her mamma. She turns and sees Bal Gopal standing. She asks him where does his mamma stays. He says Brindavan. She says she will complain her mamma against him and runs. Gopal runs behind her.Suman with Rishab and family reaches hospital and asks how did accident happen. Rishab asks why did not they inform him before, if Suchi’s face is fine. Everyone look at him. He then says he means if Suchi is fine.

Sheetal says Suchi lost a lot of blood and is in operating room. Suman starts praying.Gopal runs behind Pihu and stops her. Pihu pleads him not to kill Suchi like he killed her. Gopal says he cannot kill anyone, soul is immortal and it just changes body like old clothes, even she is not dead, Niyati writes till when human will be alive. He then walks a bit and shows his parmavatar.Doc informs Suchi’s family that her condition is critical and her uterus needs to be removed. Vimla says without uterus how will their family lineage continue. Sarita says child is not yet born and Suchi’s life is important, she permits doc to go ahead with operation.


Vimla says she will not permit Suchi’s uterus removal. Sarla says her daughter’s life is more important and she breaks alliance. Vimla yells she cannot do that. Sarla says she already did and she is tired of Vimla’s tantrums and dowry demands. She vents out all her frustration and asks Sankalp to kick them out. Vimla and Rishab leave.Pihu sees parents bringing their dead son and crying, requests Gopal not to kill Suchi. Suchi stops breathing during operation. Docs leave. Suchi’s soul gets up, goes and hugs Pihu. Gopal smiles.Suchi comes and hugs Pihu. Gopal plays flute.


Pihu realizes she was imagining and asks Gopal what happened to Bhurbhuri, if she is fine or became bhooth. Suchi’s family cries seeing her dead body. Suman cries loudly. Sarita stands shocked and asks doc to check Suchi as she is still alive. Suman cries Suchi is dead. Sarita scolds her and asks doctor to give defibrillator shock to Suchi. She scolds whole family. Pihu comes and stands in a shock. She asks Gopal to do something. Gopal smiles and leaves. Suchi starts breathing. Family rejoices. Doctor asks nurse to fix oxygen mask and asks everyone to go out. Pihu walks out with family and says Suchi will be fine, there is nothing to worry. Sarita looks at Gopal’s idol.

Doctor comes out of operating theater and says it was a miracle, Such is out of danger but cannot become mother in the future. Father asks if they can meet her. Doc says only 2 people and they should not tell anything that will tense Suchi. Father warns family not to speak nonsense in front of Suchi and walks in with Sarita. Suchi opens eyes and says she is fine, don’t worry. Doc asks them go out and let patient rest. Parents walk out. Pihu walks in and touches Suchi’s hand. Suchi is surprised that she can see her. She tells Bhootu I can see you. Pihu says Bhurbhuri I saw you sometime ago and hugged you. Suchi emotionally says she can touch and see bhootu, she has cute dimples. They both hug emotionally.

Suchi reaches home. Sankalp tells her that Rishab’s family had come and were worried about her. Suchi says tomorrow is her marriage and house is not yet decorated. Sankalp says they postponed marriage until she gets well. Sarita asks him to decorate marriage mantap with real flowers as Suchi likes real flowers. Suchi nods yes. Sarita walks out silently and goes to kitchen. Suman asks her when will she tell Suchi that her marriage is broken. Sarita hugs her and cries. Pihu hears that and asks Gopal to help Suchi. She goes to Suchi’s room and tells her that she asked Gopal to give her a cute baby like her as she cannot have baby, sees Suchi asleeps and sleeps next to her.

Rishab’s father tells Vimla he will find out why Suchi’s family broke alliance. Vimla yells that he did not listen to her and this is what happened. She knocks Rishab’s door and asks come out and yells her son is suffering because of brokes. Father says Rishab is a big broke, he could not pass MBA in distinction and does not have a job. Rishab comes out and taunts father that he is a big broke as he did not send him to US for studies and give him money for business, he does not even have 25 lakhs. Father slaps him and leaves. He yells he has to bear insult because of Suchi.

Suchi wakes up and sees Pihu and Sarita sleeping on her bed. She goes down calling papa. Gulgule says papa has gone out. Vimla comes with jewelry bag and yells to return her shagun
Money and take waste jewelry. Suchi asks what happened. Vimla yells to ask her mother who broke alliance. Sarita comes and asks her to shut up. Vimla yells that Suchi cannot become mother again and repeats. Drama continues.

Next: can you see me Friday update



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