Anupama asks the Reporter what did you say just now. Reporter says how can Indian eat food with their hands. Anupama tells that they eat food with their hands, as Food and Bhajan starts with God’s name. She says we move the thorn from our way and don’t keep fork on the table. She says we respect your culture, and you shall respect our culture. She asks if you didn’t understand then my boss will do the translation. She requests the reporter to taste their food. The reporter sits to have the food. Anupama gives the spoon. The reporter says she will have food with her hand. Baa appreciates Anupama for keeping respect of their culture.
The Goons threaten Toshu. Toshu calls Pari’s school and asks if Angel is fine. Teacher says yes, and tells that someone came and pick her from
the school. Toshu is shocked and falls on the goons’ feet asking them not to hurt his daughter, says she is small. Anuj searches for Toshu and comes there. He says I scolded him unnecessarily. The goons warn Toshu and leave. He sees the model wearing the diamond stuff.
Anuj thinks Anu is magic and praises her in his heart. Anupama turns to look at him. Anuj gets a call and goes. He asks Aadhya to calm down. Aadhya tells that Shru got unconscious after the Police gave her papa’s ring. Anuj says he will come there after the event immediately. The Assistant comes to Toshu and tells that diamond locker shall be opened. Toshu goes there and the assistant takes the jewellery. The models walk the ramp wearing the jewelry. Toshu looks at the locker open. He then thinks of Kinjal’s words. He goes to Anupama’s stall and says I am sorry Mummy. He puts diamond in the purse. Anupama asks Toshu what is he doing here?Toshu says he didn’t have anything due to the work and that’s why came here. Anupama serves him food and then makes him eat with her hands. She apologizes to him for calling him as thief and tells that she felt proud of him seeing his hardwork. Toshu gets teary eyes and says sorry. He says he has to go. He goes. Vanraj sees Toshu worried. Just then the security bell rings. The Police comes there and asks them to gather in the hall. She says they are closing all the exit gates. Vanraj and Yashdeep ask what is the matter? The Police officer that the most expensive jewelery is missing. She says they will check everyone one by one. Anuj comes there and apologizes to Mr. Zaveri. Mr. Zaveri says this is not acceptable. Anupama signs Anuj not to panic. The security check starts. Toshu is in the back and waits for Anupama’s turn to come. Anupama turns come and her bag is checked. The Police checks her bag and says you may go. Toshu looks on. The Police officer stops her and says I forgot to check the side pocket. She finds necklace there and tells that she has found the necklace. Everyone is shocked. He says arrest her.