A love to die for 3 march 2022: Wasu says to Mr. X go from here I will handle everything. Arohi says wasu is with her own son’s enemy? Why? They go outside. Arohi comes outside. Wasu sees her. Arohi says I knew all this was drama. You being so innocent and a good mother.. You were pretending all that. You are helping Mr. X who is trying to kill your own son? Why are you doing that? Wasu says I saw Mr. X going anf I was trying to catch him. How can you question a mother’s love? Arohi says don’t do this drama. You are helping Mr. X. I saw it myself. Tell me me who is Mr. X. Wasu says there he is. go catch him.
Arohi collides with Opasna. She falls down. Arohi says you collided with me to save Mr. X right?? She says you can’t trust anyone. Arohi says who are you with? opasna says I am doing it for myself. I hate your deep. He murdered my brother. I wont sit down until I avenge it.Abhi says to Arohi you can’t see reality. Arohi says I trust him. Abhi says he is Mr. X he attacked me last night. Arohi says deep is outside and injured. They come out but deep isn’t there. Abhi says open your eyes and see the trut. Opasna says to Virat I have to do so much for this money. Our lives would be set with this money. We can divide it. Her man calls her and says that diamond is found. Please come. Opasna and Virat come there. Tara is there too. She says that money and diamond are in this building. Go in and check I will look out here.
They go inside the shutter. Virat sees a locker. Virat opens it and takes out money and diamond. Virat gives bag to tara. She runs with it. Tara is in the car. The biker was someone else.The bikes runs and takes off the helmet. It was deep.ARohi says where is deep? His phone is off too. Deep comes and puts hands on his eyes. She says where were you deep? I was so worried? He says you were worried.. Did my enemy provoke you in between? She says I trust you. No one can provoke me against you. He says I always only wanted you to trust me. DEep comes close to her. Deep puts hands on her eyes. Deep screams.. Arohi says who is it? Deep..
Someone has stabbed deep. The person in hoodie runs. Arohi screams. She was dreaming all this. Arohi says where is deep?Deep calls Arohi. He says I have all money and diamond. I am coming home soon.Aroi comes to wasy’s room. She sees many paintings there/. Arohi sees deep’s painting. The eyes in the paintings turn on and she faints.Mr. X says Arohi you are with me again. I wont harm you. I will be in front of you without mask. She is roped. Arohi says show me your face. You can’t harm deep. I am with him and will always be. He says deep has to die. His secret will be out on 15th Jan. ANyone can die. Someone around you is with me. He calls his partner. Everyone’s phones ring in the screen. Arohi is dazed.
Mr. X says one of them is with me or all of them? Arohi takes his phone to see the number but the last dialed number is hers. She says you are crazy. Someone calls him and says what.. He says deep played with me. He took my money. He has risked your life and his own too. Mr. X calls Deep and says listen to Arohi screaming. She is with me. Do as I say. There will be a car outside your house. Go and sit in it. You will know what to do next. Mr. X says this time deep will die. he will be close to death. Look at this time watch.Tara says where is our money. We have to get that money. Opasna says we will take it back to him.Guru ma says to Abhi how long will you keep the promise of not killing deep? Abhi says I can’t wait anymore. He has to die.
Mr. X says to Dee. if you try to run from the van it would be deep’s last day. A video plays in front of Arohi. She broke the handcuff and took a phone out. arohi called Abhi. Abhi takes of Mr. X mask. arohi says thanks Abhi. You asked Mr. X’s men to leave me by pretending to be him. Arohi comes home. Bell rings. Arohi says this could be deep. She opens the dor. It’s Lohri invitation from Mr. X. Arohi says what could e the reason? Mr. X calls Arohi. He says you are thinking right. DEep will be there in that Lohri. You will see him dying lying. You have only 15 minutes.Deep is brought to lori party. His man says Mr. X asked us to bring you here. Fire this lohri. Arohi is in that room. If you don’t do what I ask you will see us burning that room. Deep picks the fire. Deep burns down the whole setup and runs. HE comes to that room. Deeo saves the girl tired there. It was tara. Tara says thank God you saved me. Mr. X kidnapped me here. He says in heart then where is Arohi?
Someone hits deep on the road. Abhi comes with a gun and puts it on deep. DEep puts his gun on Abhi. Abhi says you are Mr. X. Deep says you could be Mr. X too. I did so much for you and you planned all this? You provoke Arohi against me and my family. I am sure you are Mr. X how else would you know my location. Arohi comes there and says stop please. Deep says he has to die today.Arohi says no please. Mr. X looks at them. Arohi says please stop it. Deep says this abhi has to die. Mr. X presses a button on the remote and where deep is standing blasts. Aroi is dazed.
Next: a love to die for Friday Update