A lockdown love story 19 February 2022: Sheetal Bua defends herself laughing at everyone that people crossleg themselves by mistaake and fall, even if they find someone doing it by mistake, they cannot send her/him to jail, etc. Sonam tells Pratham that he wrongly alleged Dhruv and asks him to apologize. Dhruv says its okay as Pratham was concerned as a father and apologizes Sonam for all the mishap. Shashikant says more than saying I love you, saying sorry is more important, all well that ends well. Ankita says she will prepare dosa for everyone as a treat. Dhruv’s friend says he will not go without having dosa.
Bua provokes Nutan that her plan failed and instead of separating, they reunited; now see what she will do. Everyone sit in a living room. Batasha serves tea to everyone. Bua starts her drama and says everything is good so far, in future anyways Sonam and Dhruv will stay in Mumbai and not serve old parents. Drhuv asks why is she raising the same issue. Bua says wherever she goes, she tries to solve the issue, it is clear Sonam will not stay in Prayagraj. Dhruv says he will answer this question; if this kind of situation arises, he will stay in Prayagraj and serve his parents seeing his career also doesn’t affect, he has promised Sonam that he will not force her to sacrifice her career as its her childhood dream and he will not break her childhood dream. Bua says why should he sacrifice and not Sonam, she has to clear it right now. Sonam walks to them and says she and Dhruv will together serve paa and maaji and problem will be solved if they support her like they support Dhruv and consider her as daughter.
Bua continues provoking and says Nutan sacrificed her life for this house and served family whole life, everyone want to know if Sonam can do that. Pratham says even he agrees with Bua and he will not send his daughter where she has to sacrifice her career and dreams.Dheeraj asks everyone to stop as he is also alive to serve his parents. Shashikant stops him and says even he wants to know Sonam’s decision, like Dhruv is supporting his partner, even he has to support his partner. Bua signals Nutan next. Nutan says Sonam has to decide whether she has to become daughter or not with her decision, etc. Dhruv says a few people have problem with Sonam, so Sonam will return to Mumbai after lockdown; he will marry no one else than Sonam, he will serve his parents his whole life alone and will never marry, that is his final decision.
Nutan angrily walks to her room. Bua follows her and asks how was her plan; Sonam may be highly educated, but she cannot win over her, now she will return to Mumbai; Nutan has to think how to break this alliance as soon as possible. Nutan says she is waiting for same. Bua describes how she crosslegged Sonam and made her fall and rest of the incidents and asks Nutan to praise her. Door opens, and they both stand tensed.Sonia enters Nutan’s room. Nutan and Bua get tensed seeing her and asks why did she come here? Sonia says she came to pick her mobile and leaves with mobile. They both relax and thank god that Sonia didn’t hear anything. Subhadra walks to Sonam and informs that Sheetal Bua crosslegged her and made her fall. Sonam angrily asks to Bua and asks why did she crossleg her and made her fall. Bua nervously asks who told her, she didn’t. Sonam says her mom heard their conversation. Other family members gather. Bua denies repeatedly.
Sonam crosslegs her and makes her fall saying her leg casually fell on Bua and Bua fell like she fell with Bua’s leg. Nutan asks what did she do. Sona makes her also fall. Subhadra realizes it was her imagination and thinks if she informs Sonam about Bua’s scandal, she will take revenge, so its better she keep silent. She says she just came to check on her and walks away.Dhruv comes to change Sonam’s dressing. Sonam insists him to first apologize his parents for his misbehavior and then change her dressing. Dhruv hesitates. Sonam says he looks s*xy with the 3 lines on his forehead when she gets tensed. Dhruv smiles. She finally convinces him and takes him to living room where Shashikant trashes Dhruv’s friend with slipper. Dhruv says he loves him a lot and apologizes for his mistake. Shashikant stands silently.
Dhruv continues apologizing Shashikant. Shashikant gets Bua and Nutan’s video on his mobile, he fixes ear phone and hears their conversation. He then says until he is alive, only his decision matters in this house, so he wants this issue to stop right here. Dhruv and Sonam get happy hearing that. Shashikant tells Dhruv that he spoke a lot, but he is forgiving him.Tanya informs Subhadra that Nutan forced Ankita to have green chilli for her mistake. Subhadra gets worried and says she doesn’t want Sonam to face same situation, even she saw something. Sonam enters and asks what did she see. Subhadra informs that she heard Bua informing Nutan that she crosslegged Sonam and made her fall. Sonam walks to Bua and hugging her asks why did she make her fall. Bua gets nervous and asks who told her. Sonam says her mother heard their conversation and asks the reason. Bua nervously says Sonam was about to break her wedding, so she was heading towards her to stopped, but slipped and crosslegged he; because of this Sonam’s alliance didn’t break.Sonam says she should change her dressing daily as a punishment. Bua says acts, but Sonam gets adamant and says they are friends now. Bua somehow changes dressing. Sonam shakes hands saying they are friends now and she will make her fall if she tries again.
Next: a lockdown love story Sunday Update