A lockdown love story 21 march 2022: The Episode starts with Dhruv asking Sonam to leave. Sonam asks them to listen. Shashi says what’s there to see now, you know our terms with Raghav, still you went to meet him. Sonam says no, this video is fake, its edited, it has no truth, Raghav had a proof against Nutan, Sheetal, Milky and her mum, I went there to get proof. Nutan says you always blame us, you are a bad character girl, blame us that we took you to Raghav. Sonam says no, I went there on my own. Dhruv says you didn’t get the proof, so you slept with him. Everyone gets shocked. Sonam says you didn’t help me when I asked you, ask Bablu and Hulchul, they know the truth. He says if you don’t leave, this video will get viral, where will you take Hulchul and Bablu to explain, just go. She says yes, I m not at fault. He gets angry.
He scolds her. He asks her to just go if she regards him her husband and this house as her Sasural. He cries. He says if you don’t go, I will call the police. Sheetal asks Shashi to make her leave. Sonam cries. Shashi says you met Raghav and did a wrong thing, I have always supported you, but not today, you have to leave, it will be better for this house. She asks how will I live with this blame.Shashi says its better to live with this blame than getting the character defamed. Sonam says fine, I had stayed here on your faith, I will go when you don’t have faith on me. She goes and packs her bags. Nutan smiles.
Nutan recalls going to Raghav and meeting him. She asks why did you call me here to meet. He says we have a relation, why did you come to meet me. He plays the confession video. He asks her to join his hands. She asks her to save her, then she can help him. She says make this girl out of our house, then I will give you a right price, anything you ask for. Raghav asks how do I believe you. She says enemy’s enemy is friend, we have the same motive, you should believe me., you have the video, if I don’t keep my word, then leak this video, do you agree. He says yes. FB ends. Raghav says I have agreed to Nutan and got first than Dhruv, Dhruv always defeated me, now I will defeat him with Nutan’s help. Shobha laughs. Shashi asks Batasa to drop Sonam outside. He asks Sonam to go to Mumbai. Sonam cries and says I will decide what will be good for me, no need to drop me, I will go from here, but remember one thing Dhruv, you have given me 7 days to get proof and forced me to go in 3 days, its wrong, its not justice, you don’t care for this, our love has become a game, I lost, you won. Dhruv turns away.
She says the game is over now. She cries and recalls Dhruv and her moments. She leaves.Nutan asks Milky to shut the door. Milky shuts the door. They smile. Raghav says the game isn’t over, it begins now, it will be fun, Dhruv be ready. Dhruv sees Sonam leaving and cries. Sonam turns to see his window. He hides. Sonam calls Subhadra. She says sorry, I couldn’t clear the stain on my name. Subhadra says its fine, I m sorry, I told you to fight this battle, we may have decided wrong, win and lose don’t matter, come back home, I promise, I will never let you remember this. Sonam says I also want to come back. She gets kidnapped. She shouts. Subhadra hears her screams. Sonam’s phone drops. Subhadra asks what’s happening there… She worries
Milky saying Dhruv, you won, your family has won, Sonam lost, you are still smoking for that girl, I will not tolerate this. He says I will see what you will do. She throws the cigarettes. He shouts. She says I will do what a wife should do. She goes. He angrily shouts. Shashi, Nutan and everyone hear him shouting. Nutan asks why is he shouting so loud, Dhruv…. She asks Shashi to stop him. Shashi says son’s shout hurts the parents, but you have no heart, you just have selfishness and greed, you are responsible for his state. He says you have broken Dhruv’s life, I will not come to see him or fix anything. He goes. Subhadra calls Dhruv. He says our relation is over now, there is nothing left. She says listen to me, relation is over, it doesn’t mean I don’t care for Sonam, she was talking to me and call disconnected, she is in trouble. Dhruv says I don’t know, she is careless, she will come to Mumbai, don’t call me again, I will not answer your call. He calls Sonam.
Someone picks the phone and answers. The man says this mobile was fallen on the road, it was ringing. Dhruv asks where is Sonam. The man asks who, I just found this phone. Dhruv says you had stolen this phone. The man says I will leave the mobile in the temple, you can get it and find your Sonam. Sonam is brought to Raghav. Raghav stops Sumitra from getting in between. Sonam shouts for help. Raghav removes the cloth from Sonam’s face. He flirts with her. Sonam gets angry.
Sumitra says its not good to force any girl. Raghav asks Shobha to explain Sumitra not to ruin his excitement. Shobha asks Sumitra to cover her eyes and go to the kitchen. Raghav says that room was close to my heart, you ruined it. Sonam says you don’t know what I lost because of you, leave me. Sonam tries to run away and shouts for help. Raghav faints her down. He lifts her in arms and takes her. He says you won’t do this again. Sumitra says you are doing wrong Raghav, its a sin. Shobha says he is so strong, he lifted the girl. Dhruv comes to the temple and gets the phone. He looks for Sonam. He calls Bablu. Bablu says Hulchul’s Nani died, he had gone there. Dhruv asks Bablu where is Sonam, what’s the new drama. Bablu says I don’t know, she was right, you were wrong, her character was questioned, she had fought for you, she didn’t care for her respect to get proof, you had ousted her twice, you think she did a drama. Dhruv says I don’t want to hear this. Bablu disconnects. He says we will go and find Sonam. Bablu and Guddu leave.
Raghav smiles seeing Sonam. Nutan calls Raghav and asks where is Sonam. He says I have her in front of me. She asks why, she left this house, let her go to Mumbai. He says your work is done, not mine, I like Sonam, I will not let her go. She asks what. He says like you have Milky for Dhruv. She says don’t say nonsense. He says I will not talk to you. He disconnects. She says Sonam is with Raghav, what does he want.Dhruv asks the people about Sonam. The lady says she had come for puja, did she disappear. Bablu and Guddu come. Bablu says I m upset with you, we came as matter is about Sonam. Dhruv says Subhadra said Sonam was talking to her and then shouted, I tried to contact and got phone on the road. He asks how did you get the scratch. Bablu says when Sonam went to get proof at Raghav’s place, we had a fight with him and got hurt. Dhruv recalls Raghav’s words.
He says Raghav has done it, he was interested in making Sonam out of the house. Sonam gets conscious. She tries to run. Raghav asks her to save her energy and not try to run. He says just tell me, you are mine, then I will run with you like a horse. She says let me do. Dhruv rings the bell. Raghav says Dhruv has come here to find you, I have to hide you now. Sonam shouts for help. Raghav ties her up. Bablu says Raghav is delaying in opening the door, he would be hiding Sonam. Raghav hides Sonam. Dhruv gets back. Bablu and Guddu try to break the door. Raghav opens the door. Shobha smiles seeing Dhruv.
Next: a lockdown love story Tuesday Update