A lockdown love story 11 March 2022: The Episode starts with Milky’s mum coming home to ask about Milky. Dhruv thinks did they take Milky with them. Bhavani says Dhruv, we made a mistake, we got the other lady. Dhruv says its a blunder, how can you kidnap wrong girl, did you send her to Mumbai. Bhavani says no. Dhruv says drop her back to home. Bhavani says I don’t have that girl. Dhruv asks where is she. Bhavani says we met police on the way, they took the girl, don’t tell my name to police, we got saved by difficulty. Dhruv scolds him. Dhruv says she would have got conscious by now. He worries and says Milky would have come home if she was with police. Shashi says call the police. Milky’s mum and Dhruv worry and stop him from calling police. Nutan and everyone look on. Dhruv says I don’t find this right, Milky can be in any problem. Shashi says no, she would be fine. Milky’s mum says yes, if anyone kidnapped her then… Sheetal asks why will anyone kidnap her. Milky’s mum worries.
A lockdown love story 10 march 2022
Dhruv asks where is Milky. Sonam says you were planning to send me away, you are so careless. He asks her to say what is she hiding. She says I know you well, go and find your wife, people will taunt you. She says if everyone knows you had sent the kidnappers, what will people think. E gets a call and goes. Hulchul asks what happened. Dhruv says Bhavani kidnapped Milky instead Sonam. Hulchul says its too much. Bablu sees Milky getting up and turns her unconscious again. Dhruv says she would have come if police took her. Bablu says shall we come to find Milky. Dhruv says I will come. Sonam laughs at Dhruv.
He says you can laugh, I will come back and see you. He goes. Sonam calls Hulchul and asks will everything get fine. Hulchul says yes, we will leave Milky once her mum makes the confession. She thanks him. She prays that her name gets cleared. Shashi asks Milky’s mum not to worry. Milky’s mum sits praying for her. Hulchul and Bablu take Dhruv to some places to keep him busy. Sonam says just two hours, then my name will get cleared. Nutan says I m scared, did Milky go out in bhaang effect. Sheetal says we fed her bhaang for romance, not to run away, Dhruv will find her. Time passes. Milky’s mum says we made a mistake but Milky is paying the price, now I don’t have time, I will call everyone and tell the truth. She asks Ankita to call everyone. Sonam looks on. Dhruv says we didn’t get Milky, where will she be. Bablu says maybe the people who stopped Bhavani was real police. Shashi asks what happened, have patience. Milky’s mum cries and says Milky is paying for my sin, I feel she went away from me. Nutan asks which sin, nothing will happen to Milky, our sorrow is same, don’t worry, we are with you.
Milky’s mum says no, Milky’s life is in danger, let me tell them the truth. Sonam sees the time. Sheetal asks what truth, everyone knows, Milky is missing, Dhruv will get her. Nutan says say it in heart. Shashi shouts on Nutan and says let her say. Milky’s mum sees the time. She says every person makes mistakes, I also did a mistake. Sonam cries and looks on. Milky’s mum says on the marriage day….. Door opens. They see Dhruv beating Hulchul and Bablu. He gets Milky back. Milky goes to her mum. Shashi asks what’s all this, where was Milky. Dhruv scolds his friends. He says they both kept Milky captive.
Dhruv scolding Hulchul and Bablu. He recalls doubting Bablu and checking Hulchul’s call log. He says they both kidnapped Milky, I will tell their truth if they can’t say it. Nutan asks what do you mean. Dhruv gets Sonam out of the isolation net. Sheetal says everyone can get the corona, run fast. Dhruv says she doesn’t have any corona, she was playing this drama to stay here. Dhruv says Sonam got Miljy kidnapped, she is more dangerous than corona, Hulchul and Bablu helped Sonam to come back and ruin our lives, then they planned Milky’s kidnapping. He scolds his friends.He says I felt you will always trust me, even if my parents don’t, you came in Sonam’s words and cheated me, did she chant a mantra in your eyes. Bablu says she isn’t an outsider, we regard her Bhabhi. Hulchul says we believe she is our Bhabhi even today, you were busy in making her out of the city. Dhruv says Sonam, you snatched my friends also, anyways, your truth is exposed, what will you do now. Sonam cries.
Milky asks will you snatch my husband. She raises hand on Sonam. Hulchul stops Milky. He says Dhruv should have stopped this hand. Hulchul says Dhruv got trapped in hatred. Milky goes to Dhruv and says Sonam kidnapped me, your friends were also with her, I was scared. She hugs Dhruv.Dhruv says yes. Nutan slaps Hulchul and cries. She scolds him a lot. She asks what relation do you have with this girl, when Dhruv made her out, did she get friendly with you both. Sonam looks at Dhruv. Sonam chants Ram charitra manas. She says you would have heard Tulsidas’ doha, you know have read about true friends, they are Dhruv’s true friends and want him to come on right path. Shashi smiles. Sonam says you don’t know what your son was doing, you got blind in hatred and selfish, you crossed the limits of shame and respect, you are defaming me by linking my name with them. Dhruv says Maryada is a big word, it doesn’t suit you, I m ashamed to hear it from you.
Dhruv says you ran from the house on marriage day and came back here by planning, is this called Maryada. Hulchul claps. He says wow, you are showing good Maryada/limits, you can blame your friend and great love further, you called her an outsider, we have done this for friendship, we will not support you if you are going on a wrong path, we did the fake drama, we called the fake police, we are not professional kidnappers, we did this so that Sonam gets her rights.He says you scolded us, right, you tell everything to them, who was behind this. Shashi asks what do you want. Hulchul says ask him, who called me and asked me for kidnapper’s number, who asked me to get Sonam kidnapped, who asked me to get the box and keep it near Sonam, who did this planning, who wanted Sonam to get kidnapped, ask him to tell you. Sonam says Hulchul… He says not today, truth should come out, that kidnapper is Dhruv, he wanted Sonam to get kidnapped, Milky got kidnapped by mistake.
Nutan asks who will believe you now. Shashi asks Dhruv to say its a lie, you can’t fall so low, is Hulchul saying the truth. Dhruv says yes, its right, I planned Sonam’s kidnapping, I wanted to send her to Mumbai. Everyone is shocked. Dhruv says I did right, I don’t regret, I will do this again to make her out of my life. Sonam says you fell so down. Dhruv says you fell down when you broke my heart, you left the marriage, I hate the word love, just because of you, everything is known now, get out of this house now.
Next: a lockdown love story Saturday Update