Zara’s Nikah 18 January 2021: Kabir returns home, emotionally devastated at Salma’s request. Rukhsar watches him, then hurries to bring the medicine for Ayesha. Ayesha complains that the medicine makes her extremely dizzy. She hurries as the medicine is extremely important one. Kabir enters the room and finds Ayesha asleep. Rukhsar hides herself. Kabir speaks to Ayesha that only she was hopeful of his union with Zara, today he has killed that hope. He won’t be able to bear Zara marry someone else. Rukhsar was happy and cheers that soon this old Ayesha will die, Zara will remarry and Rukhsar would be left for Kabir.
Kabir’s phone bell rings. It was Zara’s call. He decides not to take the call as per his promise to Salma. There, Salma scolds Zara for calling Kabir continuously. Zara questions what problem Salma has with her phone calls, if she would believe anyone disgracing her?Kabir and Zara pray separately, while thinking about each other.
Salma tells Zara to go and get ready, while she arranged for the gifts. Zara agrees to go and get ready. Qazi Sahib comes inside asking if Salma talked to Za…. He stops watching Zara there. Salma tells Zara to go and get ready. Zara leaves. Qazi Sahib asks Salma why she didn’t discuss the matter with Zara. Salma replies it’s their decision now. Qazi sahib asks Zain what he thinks about Zara. Zain replies Zara has every virtue to be a good girl. Salma tells him they are looking for a good proposal for Zara. Qazi Sahib says they think Zain is the best choice for Zara, he may take time to think.
Kabir’s brother convince him that Salma is emotional. And Kabir is giving up on Zara. Kabir replies he isn’t sacrificing anything, Zara is nothing to him anymore. His brother tells Kabir to go to Dubai, he bets Kabir won’t be able to live without her.
Zain arrives at Zara’s place. Salma welcomes Zain and was thankful that he came over today. Zara comes there and inquires what’s going on. She and her parents take the decisions of the house together, then why they didn’t take her consent in this matter. If her father or mother also didn’t think about discussing such important matter to her.
Zain takes a leave. Salma complains to Zara what she wants now. Zara says they have been distrustful of her due to a fake news only. Salma says they trust Zara, but people would cease to trust her soon. Who will marry her then? She asks Zara if Kabir called her since yesterday. Zara was speechless. Salma says Kabir only needed Zara till the competition; he is now moving to Dubai. Zara needs to think about moving on as well, else she will be left all alone. Zara cries silently.
Kabir was shocked to see Zara stand there. He tries to avoid her saying he was little busy, and Ayesha is inside. Zara asks why he didn’t call, and even didn’t pick up the call. Kabir says may be he forgot? Zara asks if he is moving on, and finds this phone call a formality. Kabir replies, may be. Zara demands a definite answer.
Kabir says he is busy in preparations of leaving for Dubai. Zara must also find some activity to distract herself. He poses to be busy on phone, then says Zain also loves her. He is a nice guy for Zara to marry. He would love her till his last breathe, take care of her and protect her. She must agree to marry him.
Kabir returns home, emotionally devastated at Salma’s request. Rukhsar watches him, then hurries to bring the medicine for Ayesha. Ayesha complains that the medicine makes her extremely dizzy. She hurries as the medicine is extremely important one. Kabir enters the room and finds Ayesha asleep. Rukhsar hides herself. Kabir speaks to Ayesha that only she was hopeful of his union with Zara, today he has killed that hope. He won’t be able to bear Zara marry someone else. Rukhsar was happy and cheers that soon this old Ayesha will die, Zara will remarry and Rukhsar would be left for Kabir.
Kabir’s phone bell rings. It was Zara’s call. He decides not to take the call as per his promise to Salma. There, Salma scolds Zara for calling Kabir continuously. Zara questions what problem Salma has with her phone calls, if she would believe anyone disgracing her? Kabir and Zara pray separately, while thinking about each other.
Salma tells Zara to go and get ready, while she arranged for the gifts. Zara agrees to go and get ready. Qazi Sahib comes inside asking if Salma talked to Za…. He stops watching Zara there. Salma tells Zara to go and get ready. Zara leaves. Qazi Sahib asks Salma why she didn’t discuss the matter with Zara. Salma replies it’s their decision now. Qazi sahib asks Zain what he thinks about Zara. Zain replies Zara has every virtue to be a good girl. Salma tells him they are looking for a good proposal for Zara. Qazi Sahib says they think Zain is the best choice for Zara, he may take time to think.Kabir’s brother convince him that Salma is emotional. And Kabir is giving up on Zara. Kabir replies he isn’t sacrificing anything, Zara is nothing to him anymore. His brother tells Kabir to go to Dubai, he bets Kabir won’t be able to live without her.
Zain arrives at Zara’s place. Salma welcomes Zain and was thankful that he came over today. Zara comes there and inquires what’s going on. She and her parents take the decisions of the house together, then why they didn’t take her consent in this matter. If her father or mother also didn’t think about discussing such important matter to her. Zain takes a leave. Salma complains to Zara what she wants now. Zara says they have been distrustful of her due to a fake news only. Salma says they trust Zara, but people would cease to trust her soon. Who will marry her then? She asks Zara if Kabir called her since yesterday. Zara was speechless. Salma says Kabir only needed Zara till the competition; he is now moving to Dubai. Zara needs to think about moving on as well, else she will be left all alone. Zara cries silently.
Kabir was shocked to see Zara stand there. He tries to avoid her saying he was little busy, and Ayesha is inside. Zara asks why he didn’t call, and even didn’t pick up the call. Kabir says may be he forgot? Zara asks if he is moving on, and finds this phone call a formality. Kabir replies, may be. Zara demands a definite answer. Kabir says he is busy in preparations of leaving for Dubai. Zara must also find some activity to distract herself. He poses to be busy on phone, then says Zain also loves her. He is a nice guy for Zara to marry. He would love her till his last breathe, take care of her and protect her. She must agree to marry him.
Kabir tells Zara that Zain Abdullah really likes her, she must agree to marry him. Zara was heartbroken. They hear Zeenat crying and then faint. The doctor observes Zeenat then tells the family that Zeenat suffers from weakness, and intra-uterine growth restriction. Zeenat’s condition is critical, she might lose her life if she continues the pregnancy. Kabir’s father heard this, and sends the doctor as its Allah’s decision to give life and death. At the time of Kabir’s birth, Ayesha was in same condition. Kabir and brother discuss the matter. Zara tries to intervene and says they must consult another doctor. Kabir goes to drop Zara outside, and says her advice seems to be right one.
Outside, Zara tells Kabir she will leave on her own. Kabir asks what the problem is if he drops her. Zara says he has already dropped her, she will determine her way ahead on her own now. She hears Zeenat questioning her husband if her child will survive? She runs back into the room, and says a girl is a human created by Allah first, and a mother, daughter and a wife later on. She has a complete right to take her life’s decision. Zara tells Zeenat that she is the incharge and must take the decision solely. No one can assert her to take any action. She has nurtured this unborn child and no one can love him more than Zeenat, it will solely be her decision. She, Zara stands with Zeenat in any of her decision. After Zara has left, Kabir’s father was offended that Zara filled her ears in front of them.
Zara returns home. There was a young lady and says Zara is more beautiful than she appears in photos. Zara looks quizzical, the lady introduces herself as Shaina, Zain’s sister. She tells Zara she had to come after a few days, but when Zain called her to delay the matter she came with the next flight. Salma asks Zara to come inside and get ready. Shaina says Zara looks fine but Zain tells her to let Zara go. Its important for her to get ready.
In the room, Salma was angry with Zara. Zara asks why she invited Zain’s sister. Zain knocks the door. He tells Zara that Qazi Sahib and Salma came to meet him in hotel and he got Shaina’s call, he got them talk to each other. Shaina reached India from Singapore through next flight, she insisted on him to meet her. He tells Zara not to come outside if she doesn’t want to meet her, or unhappy with this proposal. Salma asks Zara if she went to meet Kabir. She is struggling for the man who doesn’t care for her.
Salma goes downstairs and tells Qazi Sahib that Zara isn’t coming. Zain tries to speak to his sister. Zara calls Salma from upstairs. Salma and Azra hurries upstairs to bring Zara along. Shaina happily gifts her a Chunri and a few presents. Zara daydreams about standing up to claim that this is all wrong. Shaina notices she was lost in some deep thought. She gives her sweet to taste, and bless the new relationship.
Zeenat hugs Rukhsar and cries that she wants this child. Rukhsar assures Zeenat that she will be fine, she must only listen to her husband and father in law. Her husband thanks Rukhsar and brought almond milk with saffron for Zeenat.
Zain speaks to Zara that he is aware Zara wasn’t ready. Shaina was excited to see her, but if Zara has to move on in life then why not with him.
Next: Zara’s Nikah Tuesday Update