Wedding planners update Tuesday 18 January 2022

Wedding planners update Tuesday 18 January 2022


Wedding planners 18 January 2022: The Episode starts with KT crying for Preeti. He recalls their old romantic moment. He says I m not able to find you Preeti, let me win for the last time, come to me. Preeti is with Shikha and Vishal. Shikha says her family would be so worried, we don’t even know her name, we can find about her from the hospital. Kushala asks KT to have some food, its going to be morning now. KT says don’t know where is Preeti, how can I sleep or eat if she isn’t here, get me my Preeti first. He shouts Preeti…. Kushala cries.

Wedding planners 17 January 2022

Shikha gets the breakfast for Preeti. She makes Preeti feel the baby’s kick. Preeti doesn’t know anything. Shikha says your family would be missing you, do you remember anything.Vishal says I will go and drop her to the hospital. Shikha says I will come, I m fine. He hugs her. Preeti looks on. Inspector says we have a list of missing people, its hard to identify the burnt bodies. KT and Juhi get shocked. KT asks Juhi to be strong. Inspector says we got this stuff on the 6th floor, check if it has your wife’s stuff. KT checks in hurry and says there can’t be anything such. Juhi gets Preeti’s id card. She cries. KT says this can’t happen. He goes out and cries. Preeti comes to the hospital and passes by KT. She sees him crying. Juhi says a woman had this ring with her, its Preeti’s ring. The people ask the nurse to help. Vishal asks nurse about Preeti’s details. Nurse asks the room number. Shikha says 603, check that. Doctor says we got this ring with the dead body.

KT says it doesn’t belong to Preeti, I don’t believe all this, she had promised me that she will win over cancer, so I went to get my baby, she is strong, she can’t break her promise, she is somewhere. Doctor says I know its not easy to accept this truth. Inspector says we are with you. KT says I will help myself. Nurse says 603 was Mohi Bansal’s room, she was a cancer patient, her family left her. She says I will give you her address, no one came to ask about her, I remember because they gave some money for the treatment. Shikha says how can anyone do this with own mum, we will keep her with us. Vishal agrees.

KT goes and says I want to publish Preeti’s pic in all the newspapers. Banjar hai….plays…. He sees KT’s pic. Preeti comes to him. KT doesn’t see. She leaves. He turns. Preeti cares for Shikha. KT saying I want Preeti’s pic in all the newspapers. Kushala asks KT to come home, look at himself. He asks how shall I go without getting Preeti, you go, I m here. She asks what about this girl, you have to return home for the sake of baby, you have to take this responsibility, we will know about Preeti. He says I have to stay here, Preeti needs me. She says Preeti left us, this baby needs you, look at her, if anything happens to baby, can you forgive yourself, its your responsibility. He sees the baby girl and cries. Kushala goes. Shikha is in labor. Preeti stays with her. KT is with his baby.

Shikha delivers a baby girl. Shikha hugs her daughter. Preeti runs to save the baby from falling down. Shikha scolds Roshni for her carelessness. Roshni says sorry Bhabhi, I got a call and goes. Shikha thanks Preeti for saving the baby also. Vishal plays dhol and gives sweets to everyone. Shikha smiles. KT stays sad with his baby. Preeti takes care of Shikha’s baby.KT cries. He comes home with his baby. His family comes. Kushala comes crying. Everyone is sad. KT goes to her room. He thinks of Preeti. He talks to the baby. He shows Preeti’s memories to the baby. He says that’s our wedding pic, these are Preeti’s clothes, her saree. The baby smiles seeing him. Preeti is with the baby. Vishal says she has no family, hospital records got burnt. Shikha says she saved my and my daughter’s life, we have to keep her with us. He says I know she did a big favor on us, but we will have another responsibility, I don’t do job, its just your job, think about baby, expenses will be high.


Shikha asks why not, she risked her life for us, can’t we bear little problems for her, its Lord’s wish that she met us, we will know it later, don’t worry. He smiles and says fine, as you like. She asks him to write something original for his daughter. He says of course, we will have hot pakodas now. They have the pakodas. He sees the ad. He says finally, I got a job, a marriage event company needs helpers, salary is good. Shikha cries. She says you have to become a musician, that’s your dream. He says I don’t get to fulfill my dreams. She says don’t worry about any expenses. Preeti looks on. He says I can’t fulfill dreams, I will fulfill responsibility and feel good. She says I m sure you will do your concert one day, then I don’t need to do anything. He says I wish this happens. She gets dizzy. He says you need rest, your bp isn’t stable, I will not go this job, I will stay here with you.

Next: wedding planners Wednesday Update



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