The Episode starts with all the children cheering up for Lakshmi and calling her lucky teacher. Teacher appreciates Lakshmi for being so good and saving the children. Lakshmi says she follows her Bau ji’s values. She tells the students if they will not let her take leave for a day. She says she is proud of all of them. Teacher asks lakshmi to take Parvati home. Rishi asks Rohan to come to school. Lakshmi, Shalu and Parvati are going home. Lakshmi asks Parvati why did she go there? Parvati says Pinky is her best friend and that’s why she went to save her.
She asks Lakshmi, why she didn’t wait. Lakshmi says she couldn’t wait as she was stuck there. Parvati says that’s why I also went as Pinky was stuck. She feels the pain and says oye baba. Lakshmi recalls Rishi saying the same. Shalu asks why did you say oye baba. Paro says she says just like that. Rohan asks why he says oye baba. Rishi says he just it just like that. Rohan says he says oye maa and asks where is his mother. Lakshmi and Paro get down the tractor.Parvati tells that all the fathers come to pick their children and play with them, and asks where is my Papa.
Rohan asks Rishi where is his mother and says he needs her, as other mothers come to take their children from school etc. He says he needs her mother. Lakshmi feigns pain in her foot. Parvati cares for her. Lakshmi says lets go. Paro asks where is my Baba? Lakshmi says he is lost. Paro asks if he is in the city. Lakshmi recalls Rishi’s harsh words and cries. Paro asks her not to cry and says she will go to city after growing up and will bring back her baba to her. She says she knows that she cries missing him.Later in the night, Lakshmi comes to the room and sees Parvati sleeping on the bed like Rishi used to sleep.
She recalls and a fb is shown, Rishi tells that they will name their daughter as Parvati, being inspired with the goddess. Lakshmi says she will name their son, and his name shall be with R, and says Rohan…..fb ends. Lakshmi smiles.Rohan comes to the room and says big empty seems small for Dad. He pulls down his blanket and rolls him with the bedsheet. A fb is shown, Lakshmi makes his blanket fall down and tries to roll him with the bedsheet of the bed. Rishi wakes up and looks at Rohan.
Rohan takes Rishi out of the bedsheet.Parvati talks to Shalu about the today’s learning. She asks Shalu to go in tractor. Lakshmi says they had taken tractor on rent and returned it. Parvati says she knows who takes Shalu’s money.Karishma tells that Rishi and Rohan must be sleeping and tells that don’t know who handles whom. Rohan asks Rishi not to take his phone and takes it. Neelam, Karishma and Dadi are happy. Rishi tells Neelam that she has forgotten him since Rohan came.Shalu asks how do you know everything.
Paro tells that she keeps eye on them. An old lady asks if you hear them. Paro says sometimes you people talk thinking that I am sleeping, but sometimes I am awake. She says I know that your Chachi takes all your money. Rano calls Shalu. Parvati says now she will ask money. Rano asks Shalu to send her all the calculation, and says she is a businesswoman, like Lakshmi’s husband, what was his name…and pretends to recall and says R ishi Oberoi. Shalu says I will send.Rishi is in the meeting and the guy gives him proposal.
Rishi calls him fraud and asks him to get out for trying to fool him. An employee comes there and tells that Rohan’s Principal called him to school. Rishi goes. Peon comes to Lakshmi and says Principal Maam is calling her. Lakshmi goes.Rishi comes to the Principal. Principal tells him that for the cultural exchange program, Rohan is selected to go to village school with other kids. She tells that other kids will come here. Rishi hears her.
Principal telling Rishi about the school exchange program and says Rohan is selected for it. Rishi says wow, that’s a good news. Principal says you know about our school cultural exchange program and says few students will go to other school and their students will come here. She says our students will go to village. Rishi hears and recalls telling Lakshmi that he wants to live stress free. He asks where I will get such a place. Lakshmi says you shall go to village for a complete change, and describe about the village life.
Rishi says its time for upgrade, and says he will go to village and get water from there. Lakshmi asks if you will go to village. Rishi says I love you, I love village. Principal tells that Rohan will feel good, and will learn from village life and will understand its values and traditions. Rohan comes there and hugs Rishi. Principal asks Rohan if he wants to go to village. Rohan says yes. Principal says we are sending him to Gurdaspur.Principal at Paro’s school, asks Lakshmi to let Parvati go to city school for the exchange program.
Lakshmi is hesitant. Teacher asks why you are worrying. Principal at Rohan’s school asks Rishi what happened to him suddenly, why he is refusing? Paro asks Lakshmi to agree and let her go. Rohan also convinces Rishi to let him go to village. Rishi agrees and asks him to go to his class. He says I am ready to send Rohan there, but I will myself want to go there and check the arrangements. Principal says we have done the arrangements, but if you want then you can go, and asks if you have so much time to go there. Rishi says I will manage. He asks her to give Principal’s number of village school. Principal gives him number.
Rishi calls Principal of village school. Principal asks lakshmi to pick the call. Lakshmi picks the call and says hello. Rishi is on the call. Lakshmi says I can’t hear you. Rishi also says the same. Principal asks him to call again. Rishi calls him and says hello. Lakshmi looks on. Principal says I will call from my phone. She calls from her phone and asks Lakshmi if all the arrangements are done. Lakshmi assures her. Rishi asks Principal to let him talk to the village principal. Lakshmi gives call to Principal. Rishi calls the village Principal and tells that even his son is coming there and asks about the arrangements.
Principal tells that they have made all the arrangements and asks him not to worry.Later Rohan tells Dadi that he is going to village. Dadi asks if she can come along. Paro talks to the old lady and tells that she is going to city school. She says she will tell her grand daughter about the city. Shalu shares her worries with Lakshmi that Rishi stays there. Lakshmi says this school is in another area and asks her not to worry as Rishi and Paro don’t know each other. Shalu thinks something is going to happen. Later in the night, Rishi and Lakshmi think about their moments. Rohan and Paro come to their respective parents.
Paro tells Lakshmi that God wants her to search baba now and that’s why he is sending her to City, and thanks God.Karishma comes to Neelam and tells that they are not in their rooms. Neelam asks if they didn’t tell you. Dadi says if they had told me then would have told you also. Neelam calls Rishi. Rishi and Rohan are on the way to Gurdaspur. Rishi picks Neelam’s call and tells her that he is going to Gurdaspur for Rohan’s school exchange program. Neelam thinks how to tell you, why I am afraid. She asks him to come fast. After ending the call, she tells Karishma and Dadi that Rishi went to Gurdaspur.Rishi reaches Gurdaspur and asks the men about the Saraswati Vidhalaya.
The men lies to Rishi and sends him behind the tree. Shalu gets worried that Paro might meet her father and Lakshmi don’t want to think about her past. She thinks whom to support. Teacher tells Lakshmi that she got the responsibility of kids of the exchange program. Lakshmi asks her not to worry. The men are about to sit in the car, when they see Paro inside and asks what you are doing here? Paro says she will not let them do anything wrong. They take her out and then they themselves sit in the car. Then they look for the keys. Paro says she is having the keys. They run behind her to get the keys.
Next Tuesday update unfortunate