Unfortunate love update Friday 17 January 2025

Unfortunate love update Friday 17 January 2025


The Episode starts with Rishi asking Lakshmi if she is getting happiness by talking all this, and asks if you are sounding cool, no. He asks why you are saying what you don’t believe and says if you say it again and again then you might believe it, and asks her not to talk all these negative things to hurt her.

Lakshmi says I wish you wouldn’t have told me all those bitter things. Rishi asks why there is pain in your voice. Lakshmi asks him not to pretend as if he don’t know her. He asks her not to go and says I hurt you a lot, and can’t heal you with my talks. Lakshmi says I don’t want your talks or any ointment. He says he will go away from her life. She stops him from going and says Malishka is outside. Rishi comes out and they don’t see Malishka there. Rishi asks Lakshmi to talk to him.

Lakshmi asks why shall I talk to Malishka’s husband and says happy 7th wedding anniversary.

Ayush likes a shirt. Anushka says it is not good. Ayush says it is nice and sober. Anushka says it is worn in old age and takes the shirt from him. Shalu sees Anushka taking the shirt from him, and comes there. She asks Anushka to give shirt to her. Anushka says her eyes are on me, and says she wants the same shirt now. Ayush asks them not to fight.

They ask him to stay away. Ayush tells that he doesn’t like this shirt. Anushka says I will buy it for my driver. Shalu says I will give the shirt to the guy who likes it. A lady tells Anushka about the discount section. Anushka goes there, leaving shirt with Shalu. Ayush says Anushka is too predictable. Shalu gives shirt to him and goes.

Lakshmi says I got late and couldn’t wish you on time and wishes him happy anniversary. She asks if he felt the shock, thinking how did I know about it, and asks him to say. She says you wanted to talk to me, now you don’t want to talk. She says now you can’t lie, you said that your life is incomplete with me and you have been thinking about me since we got separated. He says now you can’t act and can’t blame me for our separation.

He says you knew that I was married to Malishka, and that’s why you was showing attitude to me. He says if you tried to know, why I married her. He says I was feeling bad that I told you bad and made you felt bad. Lakshmi says you hurt me so much, and says that night…I…Rishi says you made me feel guilty as if I am a criminal.

She says I thought that I did a mistake, I am bad and told Shalu that I refused to go with you, and that’s why I am bad. She says how can you ask me to come home, as you married Malishka. She says you loved Malishka and she loves you, and I came between you both.

Rishi says I wish you would have talked to me and asked about Malishka. Lakshmi says you have hidden from me. Rishi says no. Lakshmi asks him to tell now. Rishi says I got married to Malishka. Lakshmi says world’s happiest couple. Rishi says yes. Lakshmi says it is my mistake to come between you both. Rishi says I was stupid to sort out the problems, but now will obey to your sayings and asks her to go away from him. They go separate ways.

Rohan comes to Ayush and shows his tiger costume. Ayush gets happy to see him. Rohan says how Giraffe makes sound. Ayush doesn’t know. Rohan says Paro said that Giraffe used to say meow. Ayush says he will check on internet.

Paro asks Lakshmi to wear the clothes and show her. Lakshmi says fitting is not good. Paro asks her to wear it again and says they will buy if everything is ok. Lakshmi says we will buy then. Paro takes the clothes to Shalu. Lakshmi says Rishi shall not know that Paro is my daughter. Malishka comes there and says I heard everything, and asks why she is not going from there.

Anushka says the lady didn’t say that it is discount on artificial jewellery. She appreciates Rohan. Ayush asks her to make Giraffe sound. She makes the sound. Rohan says he will ask Dad. She asks if that girl gave you that shirt. He says yes. She says I have won from her and says she hates her.

Malishka asks Lakshmi if she wants to use Paro as trump card to tell Rishi about her and get so much money from him. She gives her money and says I will give you more, and asks her to go and set her and her daughter’s life. Lakshmi says you can’t buy my honestly, self respect and pride in 7 births, and tells that she will make her daughter’s life which nobody can make.

She says people like you get happiness with money, it is your identity, and asks her to keep her happiness with her, and keeps money in her hand. She says my rules and upbringing are still the same and says I didn’t lie before and even now. She says I will leave after Paro’s school event. Malishka says Rishi will know about Paro in school event. Paro calls Lakshmi and asks why did you give money to pretty aunty.

Rohan comes to Rishi. Rishi hugs him and says atleast you are with me. Lakshmi sees Rishi hugging Rohan and says Paro is deprived of fatherly love. Rishi and Lakshmi think to give their love to their respective child. Paro asks Lakshmi if she had a fight with Pretty aunty. Just then she sees Rishi and runs calling him Dad. Lakshmi couldn’t stop her and hides.

Paro tells Rishi that she has come with her mother and calls her. Lakshmi hides. Malishka says your mother is not here. Paro says she was here only. She asks Rishi to take selfie with rented tiger to tease him. Rishi takes selfie with Rohan. Malishka tells Rishi that they shall go home. Rishi goes with her. Paro comes to Lakshmi and says she wants her to meet Rohan’s dad. Lakshmi says they will meet later on event day. Paro says then they shall leave for home. Lakshmi says 5 mins, as Shalu haven’t come. Paro says she will call Shalu and goes. Rishi looks at Lakshmi.

Paro telling Lakshmi that she will get her book from outside, if Chachi Nani (Rano) sees then will get angry. She goes. Shalu comes and asks Lakshmi to give money for the auto. Lakshmi gives her money and finds some coins fallen, so picks it. Paro helps her pick the coins and asks Lakshmi why do you touch coins to your forehead. Lakshmi says it is Lakshmi Mata’s avatar. Paro says you have keep notes on your forehead too, but Rohan’s mother didn’t do it in mall and asks if she don’t regard money as Lakshmi mata’s avatar. Lakshmi says even she believes it and had touched her forehead with money, you didn’t see. Shalu hears and asks what happened in mall.

Kiran tells Malishka that Lakshmi didn’t take money from you, though she earns a little amount being a teacher.

Malishka asks her not to praise Lakshmi. Kiran asks if she didn’t known Lakshmi’s qualities. Neelam says Malishka doesn’t know how to do time management. Shalu says Malishka didn’t mend her ways even now. Lakshmi says I returned her money, but was worried due to Rishi. She says Rishi shall not know that Paro is my daughter, but Malishka knows, and says we shouldn’t have come here.

Malishka asks do you want to say, if she deserves praises. Kiran says I want you to be happy, you are very smart than her, but. Malishka says I clearly understand what you think about me and Lakshmi. Neelam comes near there and stops to talk to Servant. Kiran says you are showing that you are not afraid. Malishka says I am really not scared of her and says I will make sure that she runs away after Annual day.


Kiran asks what you will do? Malishka says a mother’s weakness is her child, and I will make sure that Paro gets scared to come here, I will end her reason to return. Neelam hears and asks Malishka, what is her problem with Paro, why she got so much hatred for her.

Lakshmi talks to the travel agent and tells that they will return to their village. Paro hears and questions Lakshmi. Neelam asks Malishka to say. Kiran says Malishka was just saying. Neelam says she is asking Malishka and knows that she will lie. Malishka says Rohan is believing that we don’t love him and that’s why they shall not love Paro.

Neelam says I saw what you did, and says we all know that it was not Paro’s fault. Kiran says you will question daughter like daughter in law for Paro and says I feel that you like Paro. Neelam says you shouldn’t have said this, and says I don’t like Paro, but my values are such that I can’t see anyone troubled. Rishi comes there and asks what happened. Neelam says I was saying that we shall not trouble anyone.

Malishka says they were just talking generally and nothing else. Rishi says no issues, we shall not trouble anyone, as our character, values and upbringing are shown this way. Neelam says right. He says I came here, as Mukesh said that you are here. He says Doctor called and asked if Dadi is coming. He asks if you are going with Dadi. Neelam says yes, I will go. Rishi gives file to Neelam. Neelam asks Malishka to call Rihaana for NGO meeting. She asks Rishi to spend time with Rohan. Kiran leaves. Neelam goes. Malishka thinks thank god, she made Neelam believe all that, and thinks she just wants Rishi.


Lakshmi and Shalu tell Paro about their village life. Paro asks if Dad and Rohan will be there. Rishi tells Ayush that life is unpredictable. Ayush asks if you met Lakshmi Bhabhi again. Paro tells Lakshmi that their family is here, Dad loves me so much and I can meet him at any time, and Rohan is my brother and friend. Lakshmi says your best friend is Pinky. Paro says she wants to stay here. Shalu says we have to go. Paro says I will stay here. Shalu asks how can you stay alone. Paro says I will stay. She tries to convince Lakshmi not to go.

Rishi tells Ayush that Lakshmi knows that Malishka and I are married. He says I know that Lakshmi didn’t remarry, as she loved only me, but she should have asked me, about my relation with Malishka, and says there is no love, connection and feelings with Malishka. She says she called me liar, and called my feelings as betrayal and says every word of hers broke my heart. He says how can anyone break their love’s heart. Ayush says even you have broken her heart. Rishi asks if you have met her. Ayush says I didn’t meet her, and tells that he doesn’t have the courage to meet her and wanted to see her motherly smile.

He says he couldn’t tell his Mom that she is wrong about Lakshmi, he couldn’t tell him (Rishi) that he was wrong and says Shalu had come to me, held my collar and asked me to do something, but I couldn’t do anything. Rishi says you have become her bhakt/devotee. Ayush says I am always her devotee even now. Rishi asks what about me. Ayush says you are right too and tells that so much is said to her, and she should have bear when they called her manhoos/inauspicious.

He says we called her murderer, she should have bear as she has done it, Mama’s condition was bad. Rishi says I blamed Lakshmi for Dad’s condition and she had bear so much and didn’t say anything. He says everyone of us have troubled her and she bear everything. Ayush asks what do you want and tells that if I take her side, you call her as her bhakt and when I don’t, you are angry on me. Rishi asks him to say the truth. Ayush says wrong thing have happened with Lakshmi, and she was always right. He asks him to wait and tells that everything will be fine between you both. Rishi says you are a blessing for me and hugs him.

Paro asks Lakshmi, why we shall go to village and says she don’t want to go, as Dad and Rohan are here. Lakshmi says I agree to all your sayings, but for this, I will not listen to you and says we will go to village surely. Paro says we will not go. Lakshmi asks her not to argue and gets angry. Shalu takes Paro to her. Lakshmi asks her not to be sad. Paro says she is very sad and feeling like crying.

Next Saturday update unfortunately



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