The Evil Eye Starlife update Thursday 1 August 2024

The Evil Eye Starlife update Thursday 1 August 2024


The evil eye 1 august 2024: Piya says we’re really sorry. Ansh says you won’t have to complain again. The principal says you should hire a governess for your kids to teach them discipline.Piya and Ansh tell the kids. Adi says governess for us? Pari says who’s that? Piya says to teach you both discipline. Ansh says you hit other kids? Adi says the principal told you half story only. Rahul stole Pari’s lunch in the first place. Pari says mama makes it with so much love. Piya says I told you never to use any power in front of anyone. Pari says he pulled my braid so it happened on its own. My eyes were glowing too. Ansh says if you use your powers, you will scare other kids. They won’t become your friends.

Pari says sorry papa. Adi says yes please don’t call the governess. Piya says go to your room and do your homework.Ansh says they are kids. Piya says but they’re crossing limits. Ansh says they have a lot of powers. They are not ordinary kids. Piya says we should hire a governess.Vedeshree says we’re all here. Why do we need a governess? Ansh says we get lenient with them. Vedeshree says I was never strict with you yet you’re not naughty. Ansh says these kids are of today. Chetali says we brought up 4 kids. Piya says they’re not ordinary kids. Ansh says they have started using their powers in the school. Avi says I think Ansh and Piya are right. Pari says sorry mama papa, please don’t call the governess. Piya says we already called them. Piya says to Ansh, Adi and Pari deserve a normal life. I hope their powers don’t become a problem for them like what happened to my brother. Ansh says they will control their anger once the governess is there.

Mohana comes in as the governess. Everyone is shocked.. Piya says Mohana. She says namasty. I am Barkha Kumari. The principal sent me as a governess. Piya and Ansh are shocked.

Scene 2Naman says get us out. My daughter is alone. She says if Mohana goes to Dufli she can harm her. How will I answer her mother? Savi says she has superpowers. Naman says she doesn’t know where to use them. She won’t know Mohana is an aikain. Savi says she doesn’t have a braid, she doesn’t have her powers. Naman says but how will see survive hunger. She is a kid only. Please do something. Savi says there’s one way.

Vedeshree says this is Mohana. She came here disguised as a governess. Avi says this is Mohana. She can change her face. Piya says why would she come here with her face? Ansh says she doesn’t want us to doubt her. Vedeshree says how will we know if it’s Mohana or not? Piya says we have to test.

Savi says a black power made this mirror. Naman says how will we get out of here? Savi says we can break it from trishul. Naman says but it’s outside. Savi says everything that’s outside is inside as well. Naman says are you crazy? You can’t do this. Only a miracle can get us out of here. The trishul falls inside the mirror. Naman says this is a miracle. Savi breaks the mirror.

Piya says Barkha why aren’t you eating anything? She says I am not hungry. Piya says let me get you tea. Vedeshree comes. She says I am going to the temple. Chetali says you forgot the gangajal. She spills it on Barkha. Barkha screams. She says my certificates.. Chetali says and you? Are you fine? She says it was water only. Piya says sorry she spilled gangajal on you. Barkha says was it gangajal? She picks and drinks it. Chetali says she must have learned some new trick. Chetali throws sindur on her. Barkha says why are you doing this? Chetali says is she more powerful now? Vedeshree says I think this isn’t Mohana. Barkha says all these things are done to shove away a witch. My villagers did the same. Do you think I am a black power? Piya says we are really sorry. Mohana says I feel ashamed. I can’t work at a place like this where people treat me like a witch. I am going. She goes out crying. The principal says I have sent you CV of the governess. She has a good track record. Ansh says stop please.

Scene 3Mohana comes to Dufli.Naman and Savi come out. Mohana says Dilruba was useless but you will be useful. Naman says Dufli come here. Savi says why isn’t she coming? Where is my Dufli? Did Mohana?Ansh says she isn’t Mohana. Piya says how do you know? Ansh says the principal sent me her CV. If she complains it will create more problems for Adi and Pari. Piya says we are sorry. Your face looks like someone. We are careful about our kids. Barkha says you look educated yet you believe in these witches? I can’t work here. Vedeshree says please don’t go. We are sorry. Abhay comes there and says don’t move. He puts a gun on Barkha.

Savi and Naman looks for Dufli. She isn’t in her cradle. Naman says did Mohana take her? Savi says she must have gone somewhere. Naman says she isn’t coming to me. Savi says she took Dufli? They see Mohana’s footsteps. Naman says she took my Dufli.

Abhay says don’t move. Ansh says she isn’t what you think. Barkha says he thinks I am a criminal now? Piya says your face looks like someone.Avi says to Abhay she is Barkha not Mohana. Ansh says we have tested. Abhay says through ganga jal only? Chetali says we tested every way. He says I will look after this case. Ansh says please don’t come her often. Barkha would be scared. Piya says don’t tell her anything. Barkha screams. Adi and Pari have tied her. Pari says we will teach evil dadi a lesson. Adi says how dare she come here. Adi says stop it. Leave her. Piya says we have to tell Barkha everything.


Savi comes to Nishant. She says are you missing Adhriya? He says yes. When he was a kid he used to ask me if I would leave him. And then I had to lock him for 20 years. Savi says Mohana is out. Nishant says how is it possible? Savi says she took dufli. We have to save her. Nishant says I have to come with you. Savi says you’re upset. Nishant says I have to do my job. Nishant says she must want her braid. She thinks she can use Dufli to get her braid.


Mohana says to Dufli find my braid. I know it’s easy for you.. Mohana says go bring me the braid. So you won’t do it? Your mom was stupid and stubborn like this. She shows her shadow of Savi and Naman. She says go bring it or I will kill your dad.

Ansh and Piya tell Barkha everything. She says so you’re all devik? And you have powers of witches too? I only heard these things. Are they fooling me? Abhay says I didn’t believe either. I saw all this. Barkha says so witches were coming here as well? Piya says yes Ansh was going to marry Ruby a witch. Ansh says I was manipulated. Like you were marrying that devik guy. Piya says I wanted to save me. Vedeshree says stop. Vedeshree says Piya i right. Chetali takes Piya’s side. Shekhar and Avi take Ansh’s side. Barkha says stop. I get it. Please tell me when to join.

Scene 2Nishant says Mohana came here and took the braid. Nishant says she won’t harm Dufli because she still needs her. That braid isn’t attached to her.Mohana says to Dufli attach this braid to me. Naman says I am so worried. You can’t find a way to find Dufli. She is missing since hours. I will kill Mohana. Nishant says I know how you feel. But we have to concentrate to find a way to find Dufli.

Ansh says to kids time to sleep now. Pari says mama used to tell us the story. Why you today? Ansh says she has gone out for some work. He tells them the story and the kids sleep. They hug Ansh. Barkha says to Ansh kids get stubborn. I will start the training from tomorrow.Naman says my Dufli.. He sees her in the cradle. Naman says I am seeing her everywhere. Dufli smiles. He says Dufli you came back? I missed you so much. I won’t let you go. He tries to pick her but he can’t. Mohana says this is her shadow only. Naman says give me my daughter back. Mohana says I can’t be that nice. Naman says I will kill you. He makes a circle around her. Naman says I won’t let you go out. Give my Dufli back. Mohana comes out.

Next: the evil eye Friday 



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