Strange Love 1 September 2021:The Episode starts with Astha asking Shlok to help her in the presentation. Shlok asks her to request. She thinks to make him help her. She gets an idea and praises herself. Sojal thinks about Varad and Mansi. Kavya comes and asks her to play with her. Sojal scolds her and cries. Anjali sees her crying and thinks what happened. Shlok helps Astha and she makes him write the points. She thinks he wrote it better than me. Music plays……………. She looks at him and tries getting closer. He says come, sit in my lap. She says not a bad idea and sits in his lap. She says see, I m an obedient wife. He says move you do yourself if you want.
Astha says she will not let Shlok go, he has to do the presentation as he has ruined it. She thinks she will talk to Anjali till Shlok works. She goes to make the call. He says he is not her PA, she is time passing on phone and he is doing her work. She says she was calling mum. Ankush cooks something. Kalindi and Ajju come home and see something on the stove. Kalindi asks whats all this, everything is burnt, did you not see, what are you doing, if you wanted somethine, you should have told me. He cries while cutting the onions. Kalindi laughs. He says what, why should I tell you, who are you to me, and if my mum had interest in marriage, so what I had many servants after me, my dad got brain damage and gave everything to you.
Kalindi asks him to change for the good. He says he is spoilt brat, leave me on my state, sign and give me my property, then I will change. She says no. He says then too bad, bear me. She asks where are you going. He asks did I ask you when you left me in childhood, so you don’t have any right to ask me. Shlok says its done. She says how so soon. He says I m not slow like you, check it. She hugs him and says you love me a lot. She kisses him and thanks him. They have an eyelock. Iss dil ka ab kya karun…………………plays…………. He starts leaving and says Shlok I love you. He says no need to show love, go home by yourself, I will not leave you. She says yes, this is what I want, don’t leave me. He says nothing can happen of you and leaves. She says there is no work now so will go home now.
Sojal keeps crying. Anjali sees her sitting near the house temple and asks what happened. Sojal says Aai…….. She stops seeing Anjali at the other side of the rope. Anjali asks what happened and sees the rope. She crosses the rope and comes to Sojal, asking what happened. Sojal says why did you come, if Baba and Shlok see you, they will scold you. Anjali says she can’t see her like this, what if they scold her, she is her mum and can’t see her in pain, I m your mum and mum in law, won’t you tell me. Sojal hugs Anjali. Anjali says tell me, pain gets less when shared.
Sojal says how to tell you. She says Varad does not love me, he loves someone else. Anjali is shocked. Sojal says he has an affair. Anjali says how can this happen. Astha hears this and says what, what are you saying. She asks how can this be, Varad can’t cheat you, I have seen him since one year, he always supported truth, he can’t do wrong with anyone, not with you, how can he do this, you might be mistaken. Sojal says she knows him since 7 years and its not necessary that its true whats seen, I m not wrong, I went to that girl’s house, I saw Varad going out in morning staying at night, and they both have accepted they have affair.
She asks did you not notice why he does not come home at nights. Astha asks who is she. Sojal says your friend Mansi. Astha and Anjali are shocked. Sojal says call her at home again, you got her here always. She says Astha has burnt my house. Astha says you are misunderstanding me, I could not believe it. Sojal says I have caught them red handed and they accepted it. Anjali says she will talk to Niranjan. Sojal says no use, I told him and he told me not to care what Varad does outside the house. Anjali and Astha are shocked. Anjali says I was so wrong, I thought he wants to rule other’s life, I was sure he wants to keep family united, its big thing that Varad is doing this, but he should not support him.
Astha thinks about Mansi. She says come with me, lets go to Mansi’s home to talk to her. Astha holds Sojal’s hand and takes her. Anjali looks on. Ajju and Kalindi see Ankush spoiling kids by making them play carom and bet for money. Kalindi asks whats all this. Ankush says kids are playing carom, whats your problem, if you want peace, go to graveyard and lie with my dad. He asks Ajju did she get the shock.He says no questions now, leave. He asks her not to come and send some juice by Ajju. Kalindi gets angry.Mansi sees her and Varad’s pic and thinks no one can make us apart. The door bell rings. Its Astha and Sojal. Mansi sees Astha holding Sojal’s hand and both looking angry. Mansi says Astha you here.
Astha asks is it right what Sojal said. Mansi says yes, its true. She says I don’t think you should get into it. Astha says why, its my house’s matter. She says I regarded you friend, and you are doing this wrong. Mansi says whats wrong, love can happen anytime, if Varad loves me and not Sojal, whats wrong. Astha says the love which is hidden from world is wrong, Varad is married to Sojal, every couple fight, it does not mean he loves you, you are wrong, and have to leave from his life one day. Mansi says you don’t need to tell me what I m doing, ok fine I will leave Varad. Sojal is stunned. Mansi asking Astha can she leave Shlok if she tells her. Astha says no, I can’t leave her. Mansi says see that’s what I m talking. Astha says the difference is Shlok is my husband, and Varad is Sojal’s husband, Sojal has right on him. Mansi says I did not know Varad is a property for whim we are fighting, Varad and I love each other. Astha says love looks good when its in relation, did you not think that Varad is married and have a daughter. For the world, Sojal is his wife and you are second woman, you can’t take Sojal’s place in his life. She asks Mansi to move back as she has to go from his life one day, even if she does not wish. Mansi says time will tell who will leave from whose life, spare me from this lecture, don’t come to my house again, you should leave now.
Astha says lets go Sojal, I will talk to Varad. They leave. Mansi says you have no idea Astha, my love is more strong than Varad and Sojal’s love, Varad will never leave me, no one can make me apart from him. Kalindi puts water from the pipe on Ankush and the kids. The kids run away. Ankush asks Kalindi to stop it, is she mad. Kalindi says no, I know how to maintain peace. She says when there is dirt around you, its good to clean on time, elders say this and I always listen to them, this is my house and you have to be as I say. She says there can be one goon in a lane and its…. He says I will show you, if you do this again, then see. Kalindi looks on.
Astha comes to Varad and talks about Mansi. He gets irked and says I don’t believe this, Sojal told you too. He says see Astha, I always regarded you my sister, I will not lie to you, what you heard is right, but another truth is …. Sojal and my marriage is just for name, our thinking does not match, we don’t have love and compatibility, Sojal did not think about me, I m with her, but its hard for me to spend time with her. He says this is the reason that took me closer to Sojal. He says Mansi always understood me, we have love, understanding, compatibility, I m not taking Sojal’s rights. Astha says you should have tried to mend Sojal and give time to your marriage.
She says see me and Shlok, we are staying apart, it does not mean we don’t love each other. I m strong, but Sojal is not strong, don’t do this with her, this will hurt her self esteem, whatever the reason is, you cheated her, you were my idol and broke my trust now, you don’t forget she is your wife and your child’s mum, I always supported you, but not this time, I m with Sojal. She says we women have self esteem and we did not give the right to hurt it to anyone, not even to our husband. Sojal hears them. Varad says I m not leaving Sojal, I don’t want to insult her, we don’t have love between us, except Kavya.He says he tried hard but no use. Astha says did you think about her, what she went through seeing this, she still loves you. Sojal thinks she does not love him now, she will go away from his life now. She cries. Astha asks Varad to think about Sojal and Kavya, what will Kavya go through if you and Sojal get separated, think about it. She leaves. Varad thinks he has thought, so he is still with Sojal, but he loves Mansi and can’t leave her. Sojal packs her bag and makes Kavya ready.
Kavya asks where are we going. Sojal says don’t ask me. Varad asks what is she doing. Sojal says she is leaving. Astha tells Anjali that Varad will hear one person, its Shlok, only he can explain Varad, I will do my duty for this family, I will talk to Shlok.Varad tells Sojal that Kavya won’t go anywhere. Sojal says she is my daughter, I have more right on her, why are you stopping her, what did you do for her. They start arguing infront of Kavya. She says its good she sees this, she should know how are men, she can fight if this happens with me later. He stops her and she pushes him. He falls and looks at her. Sojal takes Kavya. Kavya says take Papa alone. Varad goes after them. Astha stops Shlok as he comes home. She says she wants to talk to him about Varad. They see Sojal leaving with the bag. Varad shouts and stops her.
Sojal says she will not live with him now. She should have taken this decision before. Anjali and Niranjan come. Shlok asks whats happening, tell me. Sojal says ask your brother and dad, why are you asking me, as I can’t live with Varad and this is my last decision. Shlok says tell me what happened. Sojal asks Varad to say it. She says how can he say when he made mistake. She tells Shlok that Varad loves someone else. Shlok is shocked. He asks Varad. Varad says he does not want to talk, he is tired of explaining everyone. He says fine Sojal, go if you want. Shlok says what are you saying, where will she go with Kavya. Sojal cries.
Astha calms her. Sojal says I was so wrong, I felt Anjali is wrong, as she always scolded me and made me in limits, I have seen Baba’s real face and I know why did Anjali do this. Shlok hears them. Sojal says Anjali’s love is understood today, for Baba his respect is everything. She says Anjali’s values are in his sons, but they are spoiled as their blood is of Niranjan. She apologizes to Anjali for all her mistakes. Niranjan gets angry. Sojal says she wants to be with her. Anjali cries. Sojal says Niranjan that she can go to her mum’s house, but she will stay here, not for the comforts but for keeping his respect, else think what you and your son will answer people.
Shlok says what are you saying, that day you were against Jyoti, what happened today. This is wrong…. Astha asks Shlok to explain Varad, not Sojal. Astha says let her be here, the matter will be at home. Shlok says maybe Varad is wrong. Astha says what if Sojal and I did this, would you say the same, you won’t understand what a woman goes through knowing her husband is having an affair, would you say the same if I had an affair. Shlok says be in limits. Astha says exactly, you proved that you also feel a woman is right like other men. She asks him to explain Varad as he did wrong with Sojal, he insulted Sojal, Sojal is innocent.Sojal says enough Astha, don’t fight for me, all of them are same. This house is mine, I will stay with you and Anjali. Sojal crosses the rope and goes to Anjali. Anjali hugs her and wipes her tears. Niranjan looks on. Sojal takes Kavya and they go inside. Shlok leaves. Astha sees Niranjan’s swollen face.
Next: strange Love Thursday Update