Soulmates Starlife update Friday 30 August 2024

Soulmates Starlife update Friday 30 August 2024


Soulm ate 30 august 2024: The Episode starts with Sayali looking for Dilip. The lady says Dilip is simple, Chitti comes here often. Shubha asks Juhi to give khichdi to Alok. Juhi doesn’t see him. Shubha says where did he go. Juhi goes out to look for him. Alok walks on the road and thinks of the insult. Shubha cries. The lady says don’t cry, he will come back. Sayali comes. She asks what happened. Shubha says Alok went somewhere.

Sayali says I asked Juhi to take care of him. She goes to find Alok. She looks for him. She calls Juhi and says I couldn’t get him, don’t worry, I will find him. Shubha cries and says its my mistake. Sayali goes to the police station and says Alok has left the house. Inspector says any man with esteem will break down after facing all this, stop crying, tell me, when did you see him last time.

She says around 4-5 pm. He says I will ask team to find out, I will call you if I find out, don’t worry. She says my dad is my everything, please find him. He says I will let you know. Alok reaches the railway track. He thinks of everything and walks lost. Sayali looks for Alok. She comes home. She sees the police van. Shubha asks did you get your dad, he isn’t there. Sayali asks Inspector did you find anything. He says you all have to come with me, I will explain. She asks did you find him. He says I can’t tell you anything, come with me. Shubha asks is he fine. They all go to the city hospital. They get scared.

Sayali says permit us to go home. Inspector says we got a body on the railway track, I want you to check him. Shubha says no. Sayali says no, we will go home. He says its police procedure, we doubt its him, just check once. Sayali says it won’t be dad, don’t worry. They go to see. They get shocked seeing Alok.

They cry for him. Paresh prays in the house temple. He applies the tilak and cries. He recalls how Alok came in front of the train. Paresh shouts and asks him to move. Alok gets hit by the train. Paresh runs to Alok and says don’t lose courage, you will be fine. He shouts for help. Alok says Sayali, take care of her. He dies. FB ends. Paresh says a big sin happened. Everyone recalls Alok’s words and cries. Sayali and everyone get Alok’s body to the chawl. The people sympathize with Alok and family. The man locks the door. He says my baby’s godh bharai is happening, its not good to take dead body inside, forgive me. Juhi gets angry. Sayali says my dad has spent his life here, he has a right to come home for his final journey, don’t snatch his right, please.

Shubha says I beg you, don’t do this. The man says try to understand, I just want my daughter’s happiness. Sayali asks where shall we take him. He says take him to the other locality, I will handle things. Sayali says we will send dad with peace. She cries. They leave. Paresh recalls Alok’s words. Kishor comes. Paresh says it happened wrong, that man died. Renu says it wasn’t your mistake, if one gets drunk and roams on the railway track, he will die, don’t feel guilty, have water, you will feel better, have tea. He cries. Sachin comes and asks what happened. Kishor says it wasn’t Paresh’s mistake, but he is feeling guilty. Renu says if someone came in front of the train and died, Paresh is worried. Sachin says he has humanity in him, don’t worry, I m with him. Renu goes. Sachin gets a call. He says no, dad needs me, I can’t come. Paresh asks him to go and do his work. Sachin says no. Paresh says just go. Kishor says I m here with him.


Sachin goes. Paresh asks did you find out. Kishor says we had juice at the stall outside the temple that day, his family is poor, he has two daughters and a son, I found out, the dead body reached his home now. Paresh says take me there. Sayali cries seeing Alok. She calls Dilip. Dilip is with Chitti. He disconnects the call. She says come back home. Dilip says I m hurt by dad’s words. Chitti says chill, drink wine. Dilip says I don’t want to drink, it doesn’t suit me, I won’t go home. Sayali says I will just finish the work. Paresh and Kishor have a talk. Kishor asks him not to be over emotional. Paresh gets sad. They see Sayali and her family crying. Paresh sees Sayali and recalls her. He asks Kishor about her. Kishor says yes. Paresh gets sad.

Next: soulmate Saturday 



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