Rahat says to Hina do you care for Gazal or our relationship? Hina says that’s unfair. She says forgive me Gazal. Dadi says dua no one would stop you. Tell everyone gazal’s reality. Rahat say say everything Dua. Don’t be scared of anyone. Noor says ammi I feel like your game is also over. Gulnaaz says shut up. Dua says to Hina you know I respected you a lot.
You always accepted your mistakes. Because of your mistake Gazal’s mom died. You always regretted that. To repent, you always took care of Gazal. Gave her all the love. But she never forgave you. She still hates you. She wants to take her revenge. She would have always hated you. She’s in this house for her revenge. Gazal says don’t take my mom’s name. Dua says I will. You’re using their name for your evil plans. You’re ashaming them even after their death. She says to Hina, you used to see her mom’s ghost right? It was fake. It was Gazal herself. Hina is shocked. She says why would she do that? Dua says to make you weak. To control you and distance you from me. Gazal says don’t trust her. Dua says I know another person who knows this Gazal’s truth.
Dua says to Gulnaaz you and Gazal are one party. You know her reality. Tell everyone everything true. Gazal says don’t say anything Gulnaaz. Gulnaa says what are you talking about. Dua says I knew you won’t speak up. I’ve that ready too. She says to Rahat, you can make her say the truth. Rahat asks her the truth. She says Gazal is very nice. I don’t know everything. i get confused. rahat says haider call the lawyer and get divorce papers. Gulnaaz says for Haider and Gazal’s divorce? He says no your and my divorce. Gulnaaz is shocked. She says what are you saying. He says say the truth. Ruhaan says you lost your son.
Now you will lose your husband too. She says what are you saying. You’re my son. He says move away. Hina asks Gulnaaz what truth does she know. She says please tell me. Nothing will happen to Gazal. There liars will be ashamed. Rahat says I will count till 3. Say the truth or pack your bags. Gulnaaz says okay I will tell.
Gazal says she will lie. Gulnaaz says you can’t scare me anymore. This is about my marriage. She says all allegations on Gazal are.. true. Everyone is shocked. Gulnaaz says Gazal used to scare Hina as her mom’s ghost. Dua asks who told Gazal about her mom’s death? she says me. Dua says to Hina you hated me because you thought I told everyone. Hina says to Gulnaaz you broke your own house. gulnaaz says I did all that for Ruhaan. I was helpless. I wanted to get my son back.
Please forgive me. He always give mother’s love to Hina. he was never close to me. I was sharing my husband. I couldn’t share my son. I hated it when he stood up for Haider and Dua. Gazal promised she will get me my son back and hate them all so I helped her. Dua says she accused my cousin as well so she doesn’t have to marry him. She started scaring Hina. She knew Ruhaan loved her trapped him. She manipulated with his emotions. Haider says she played with my emotions. She made me hate Altaf, Haider and my own family. I decided to kill Haider in that hate. Dua says I tried to make RUhaan see the reality. He was in love with her. He didn’t listen to me. He couldn’t see Gazal’s true face.
Dadi says I understood her from day one. i told Dua she’s after her husband. Dua gave her mercy. I heard her talking to Gulnaaz myself. I recorded everything and wanted to tell everyone but she shoved me from the stairs to shut me up forever. Rahat says ammi, so much happened to you in this house. I am sorry. I didn’t care for you enough. Please forgive me. Dadi says the only witness of his crime was Gulnaaz. She stayed silent.
Gulnaaz slaps Gazal and says you’re a snake. I knew how evil you’re yet i still helped you. And you backstabbed me? How dare you accuse my son of such disgusting thing. You’re characterless not my son. You pretended to be in love with my son to get Haider. You played with his emotions to get haider and now you’re accusing him. I will kill you. She hits her. Gazal shoves her and says don’t lie to me. You helped me because you wanted to destroy Hina. Hina is shocked. Dua says did you hear their reality? They both wanted to destroy you. They said it themselves. Gazal is scared. Hina hugs her and cries. Everyone is shocked. She says my daughter, don’t be scared of Dua’s evil plans. I know she’s using Ruhaan to trap you. She can fool everyone but not me. Dua says are you blind? She confessed herself. They planned to destroy you. Hina says you’re too clever. You made he say that. She doesn’t realize what she sad herself. Don’t be scared Gazal. Gazal says you saved me mom. This Dua will destroy me. SHe can kill anyone with her accusations. Hina says that can never happen. This crazy Dua can’t lower you in eyes ever.
Ruhaan says how will you see the truthh? She’s using you. Hina says you left her in the mandap on nikkah day, didn’t you destroy her life? You all want to ruin her life. Dadi says she’s blinded. Haider says closing your ears won’t shut down the truth. Listen to ruhaan. Hina says he’s brainwashed by Dua. Haider says he’s your son. You trust Gazal more than him? She says I won’t hear a word against Gazal. Dua says Ruhaan will tell you how this girl has trapped your mind. She’s manipulating you. Gazal says stop it Dua.
My mom trusts me. This Dua will ruin our family. Please kick her out ammu. Dadi slaps Gazal. She says you ruined our family you snake not Dua. you have are a demon. I know what you did to me. She says she shoved me from the stairs because I got to know her truth. She’s a curse on us. Dadi says Dua saved me. I couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t tell what happened with me. She used to threaten me every day. Everyone is shocked. Dua says God healed me to expose her. She says Dua tell her reality to everyone.
Hina says enough. Say whatever you want, I wont’ listen. I am going. Dadi says stop. Hina says leave my hand. Dadi says you will stay here. Dadi shoves her and says you are not less than her. You’re also our enemy. You’re not even loyal to your own kids. Pack your bags and leave this house with this Gazal. Rahat says couldn’t be a good wife, mother or DIL. You’ve no right to be in this house. There’s nothing left in our relationship either. You’ve ot leave my house.
Next sunday update sister Wives