Saras and kumud 16 January 2025: The Episode starts with Ghuman talking to Kumud’s mother. Kumud’s mother says if you want anything then tell me. Ghuman says thanks, I have come to tell you that parents should take care of the children, when the daughter has grown up and love someone. Ghuman taunts her, Kumud’s mother says I did not understand. Ghuman says Kumud met Saras and broke the limits, She shows her the letter in which Kumud has accepted her mistake. Kumud’s mother says I know it already.
Ghuman says I don’t understand you people, you guys told Laxminandan against me, and you are favouring Kumud. She tells we can forgive them as they love each other, and are going to be husband and wife. Ghuman says if by any way Saras says no to marriage, then Kumud will be regarded as impure. Saras comes there
and says never. (Really well said) He says my relation with Kumud is unbreakable, we have become the couple, and have given rights to each other. Kumud is pure and will always be pure. Ghuman starts leaving. Saras tells I m giving you such answer for the first time. Kumud is my wife, and don’t insult her, as it will be like insulting me, you have to take care of it. Kumud hears this and smiles. (Good going Saras)
Kumud’s mother says she did not have the answer of Ghuman’s questions, and the way by which you kept Kumud’s name clean, its clear you are keeping the promise which husband’s make in the marriage, thats why you have the right over Kumud. He says from today, we will walk together, not to be separated. Kumud smiles seeing him from her window. Saras leaves.
Laxminandan tells Ghuman we have got a very nice girl for Saras, and there should not be anything less in the marriage. Ghuman says she wants to tell something. She says there is no doubt that Kumud is a good girl, but there is lots of difference between us. If after marriage, if the differences erupt between Saras and Kumud, then… Laxminandan says she will adjust, and we will also adjust with her. He says I have seen love and respect in Saras and Kumud’s eyes, and there won’t be any difference in them. He asks did you give this good news to Danny, she says no. He says I will call him and tell now. Ghuman says don’t do publicity, there relation will not work longer.
Scene shifts to Kumud:
Kumud thinks about Saras’s words, and feels happy. She looks at the garland which he has put on her, she smiles seeing it, and says I have understood your every word. Saras comes to her and sees her, and leaves. She stops him and says sorry. He says for what, for fighting or for calling that night a mistake. She says for calling that night a mistake, I was mistaken. He asks why were you annoyed. You say that where love there’s trust, then why did you kept burden on your heart. He says whatever happened between us, our love is one more step ahead now. Kumud says yes, we won’t look back. They both look at each other. Kumud hugs him. (Sweet!!)
Scene shifts to Badimaa:
Badimaa is looking for her husband’s pic. She thinks maybe Kumari took it. Kumud’s mother comes there and apologizes to her, saying you stopped Saras, and read his heart, your trust on Saras has won. Badimaa says my Saras is gold, he will keep Kumud very happy. Kumud’s mother says even I trust him, he loves her and he respects her.I can give my daughter to him without any doubt. Badimaa calls Saras a diamond, Kumud’s mother says even Saras is lucky to get Kumud. Badimaa says Kumud is like flowers.
Kumari talks to Umesh and tells how Saras proposed to Kumud. She says Umesh to do something like this, he says I will do much more better. He cuts the call. Ghuman sees Kumari, and smiles. Kumari gets shocked. Ghuman says why are you tensed, I will not say anything. Ghuman says even I was in love, and I fought many people. I can help you, when will you introduce me to your boyfriend. Kumari says will you meet. She says yes, if I had a daughter, I would make her like you. Ghumans says she would be glad to help her.
Scene shifts to hall:
Laxminandan gathers everyone in the hall. Vidyachatur asks him what is the matter, did we do anything wrong. Laxminandan says no, we have to demand something. He says let Saras and Kumud come. Saras comes there. Kumari says maybe Kumud slept. Laxminandan says so soon. Saras says how can you sleep so early. Laxminandan says we want Saras and Kumud’s marriage date to be fixed soon. Everyone are happy. Ghuman is shocked. Laxminandan says we want to take her with us soon. Vidyachatur agrees. He says why did you call us now. Laxminandan says because we want to take her soon. Saras is standing quietly. They have a laugh. Saras says to himself, Kumud wake up, our marriage date is being fixed, I want to share these moments with you. Saras sees her shade near the door and smiles.
Saras goes to Kumud, as everyone are discussing about the marriage date. Vidyachatur says he will call the pandit tomorrow morning. Laxminandan is eager. Saras comes to Kumud, and closes the door. He says Kumud what to do, shall i come close or not, she says no. She smiles and runs away. A song plays in background. Saras smiles seeing her. The Episode ends on their soothing smiles.