Razia Sultan 10 March 2023: All the four Contender’s stand Side by side,Altamsh comes and announces that the four contender’s have to go through many obstacles and who will win May go ahead and today’s challenge is to capture Yaqub,The first round is to take the sword,The First Round of the Compedition starts,Uzma,turkan and Nadira sees curiously,Razia,Moizuddin,Iqbal and Ruknuddin runs..Ruknuddin is ahead while Razia is second..Mirza encourage Razia…Ruknuddin pushes Razia and she falls,Uzma and Nadira laughs Razia gets furious but gets up and run again Razia manages to run faster and compete Ruknuddin,She jumps through the fire.Altamash sees and gets happy,Ruknuddin and Iqbal manage to jump,Atlast Moizuddin jumps..
Fathima sees Razia and claps while Turkan is tensed seeing Razia ahead,Razia sees Shamshad remember her words and fall..Mirza shouts and tells to get up..Razia is freezed..Mirza comes and says Razia to get up and run,Ruknuddin and Iqbal and Moizuddin reaches the Spot and takes the sword..Turkan and Nadira claps..Razia cries..Turkan says Nadira that that she proved.Altamash is shocked,Razia cries and sees Mirza. Mirza tells Razia that she can fool the whole world but not him as he saw Razia cleared all of the stages,Razia tells its nothing like that Mirza tells before Competition Razia want to confess something Fathima tells that Razia loss the game as Shamshad put a condition,Mirza ask what condition..
Another side Ruknuddin,Iqbal and Moizuddin cheer’s and enjoy their win..Ruknuddin tells that Razia shown her standards..Nadira,Uzma and Nadira tells that their are resposible for the win..Turkan comes and tells that her Son was the best among all..Nadira tells that Turkan changed colour like chameleon,Turkan tells that now Razia is out of the compedition So there are three contender’s and she dont need their friendship..Ruknuddin smiles while Iqbal sees furious.
Mirza pulls Razia and goes to Shamshad’s room and puts his hand on fire says that his love is very clean and they take care of Naser like their own Son..Mirza promises..Shamshad asks Razia if she is ready to do this sacrifice,Razia cries and replies yes..
Shamshad holds Mirza’s hand and tells she is not that cruel,She tells that no one will be the best ruler of DELHI then Razia and Mirza,Shamshad gets happy..Razia asks about the condition Shamshad says that it was a small test as she wanted to know whether Razia will pass or not..Razia gets happy Shamshad tells that she will play with Razia’s children and teach them..Razia and Mirza gets happy. Altamash tells Razia that rules cannot be changed only three contender’s can go..Razia tells that she will go without weapons as the first round of competition is to reach till sword,Minister tells tht Razia is right..
Altamash tells that he cannot send his daughter without weapons,Razia tells to think like a ruler not a father..Minister tells to give one chance to Razia,Ruknuddin tells already the winner’s are declared,Altamash says him to quiet and allows Razia,Turkan is shocked..Razia gets happy..Altamash tells Razia to remember If any weapon found she would be feel guilty will be eliminated from competition,Razia agrees..Mirza congratulates Razia and gives a small sword,Razia says no,Mirza forces..Razia tells okay and goes as she wanted to meet Altamash..Hakim tells Altamash that he cannot say how many months Altamash can survive,Razia listens.