Once there was a king 27 February 2022: Savitri helps him in the room to his bed, he holds her hand back. She sits on the bed and lay his head in her lap. He holds her hand. Her tear fell on Rana ji’s forehead as she cries there. She thinks that he has been caught in a maze of lie, she will help him out of it.
Rajeshwari comes inside, she says to Savitri that being a maid she is here. Savitri shuts her up and says Rana ji isn’t well. Savitri says Rana ji was feeling dizzy, she was helping him. Rajeshwari says she recognizes the women like her, what they do to get the men trapped. Savitri asks how she knows about it, if she has also been doing this. Rajeshwari drags Savitri out of the room in the hall. Everyone gather there. Kokilla asks what she has done. Savitri asks what her sin is. Rajeshwari makes up that she has stolen in the palace. Kokilla says she seems to be a loyal person. Rajeshwari says today she has seen her stealing with her own eyes. Rajeshwari says she won’t let her live here, she takes Savitri out of the door and locks the door from inside. Kunwar ji says that Rajeshwari has really started to think herself as a queen.
Bari Rani Maa says she must do something. Outside the door, Gayatri thinks that she had to work really hard to cross this door, now they are both again at the other sides of the door. She thinks that Rana ji will come now, he must have a little effect atleast.Kokilla complains to Bari Rani Maa that Rajeshwari didn’t let Kunwar ji travel in a motor when only one got out of function. Bari Rani maa says they now need to hold Rajeshwari back, as she has begun to hurt them now. Behlul Singh heard this conversation and leaves. Kunwar ji notices someone there, but thinks it was just a suspect. Bari Rani Maa says they must keep an eye on Rana ji and Rajeshwari.Rana ji wakes up and asks about Savitri. He tells Rajeshwari that she fell down, then he got dizzy and was about to faint. He doesn’t remember anything after that.
Rajeshwari says she has dismissed her from her job. Rana ji says this isn’t possible. Rajeshwari says she saw her stealing his ring. Rajeshwari thinks about removing his ring herself for the intention. Rana ji looks at his hand, he says how is this possible. He thinks Savitri was excited to see the gold chain as well, he then says Savitri isn’t that kind of the girl. Rajeshwari says when he is saying her about it, it is true. Would he believe a wife or a maid. He thinks about Savitri’s words to do what his heart says, to see the unseen and try to find out the lie. Rajeshwari tells Rana ji that he is ill, this is all her responsibility and he must only take rest.
Rana ji stands up in rage, he says dismissing Savitri was neither her right nor duty. She can blame Savitri here, but the right to decision is only his. He will only decide what to punish Savitri with if she has stolen. No one else will, not even her.
Savitri sits outside upset. She thinks that she is sure Rana ji must have little effect atleast on what she did. Rana ji will come to take her back, she must bring the true face of culprits in front of Rana ji and prove herself innocent. Rana ji comes out of the palace and says he wants only truth as the answer. Savitri says she will only tell the truth. Rana ji asks if she stole his ring. Savitri says no, she didn’t; but this is half truth. She says truth is sharp, it may cut him. Rana ji says he will bear it. Savitri says that the truth is that he was having severe ache in head, she took him to the bed and was helping him when Rajeshwari came there. She accused her of stealing his ring. Rana ji says justice isn’t done only through proofs, can she find the ring in the palace. Savitri says if he will be with her, he will find anything.
The door of the palace opens, Rana ji and Savitri enters the palace together. Rajeshwari comes to him and asks how he can bring her back to palace. She asks if he considers her to be liar. Rana ji says he doesn’t even consider her to be true, now he will decide about the truth and lie. Savitri says that she can prove her innocence by finding the ring in the palace, he will give her a chance. May be it has fallen somewhere. He calls the servants and tells them to close all the doors and window, no one will leave this place. Until Savitri finds the ring in the palace no one will either leave or come here. Rajeshwari was worried, she thinks she will never be able to reach the ring. Savitri was determined about reaching the ring.
Savitri calls from upstairs that she found Rana ji’s ring. She hands Rana ji the ring in the room and says it was below the pillow. Rana ji says to Rajeshwari that Savitri was right, she didn’t steal the ring. Rajeshwari says that this can’t be Rana ji’s ring.
Rana ji asks why? Rana ji says he recognizes his ring, he asks Rajeshwari why she doesn’t appear to be happy. Rajeshwari was tesnsed. Rana ji apologizes Savitri for the wrong accusation, he keeps her on the job again and smiles at her. Rajeshwari leaves, Savitri only joins her hands in front of Rana ji.Rajeshwari wonders how can it be that ring, she had kept the ring here by herself. She thinks that if the real ring is here, where was the fake one? Rana ji comes behind her and says that was a fake one. Rajeshwari was shocked. Rana ji says that to bring the truth to front one has to lie. Savitri told him that to prove her false accusation right she must have stolen, and after watching the fake ring she will go to see it on the right place.
He asks Rajeshwari what she got with accusing someone falsely, why she did so. Kunwar ji was happy and says to Bari Rani Maa that Rajeshwari herself cut her feet. Rajeshwari apologizes and says she couldn’t bear this maid taking care of him. Rana ji says he is sad that his wife doesn’t trust him. Today she has given a proof of her low mentality. He tells Rajeshwari to apologize Savitri right here. Rajeshwari asks Rana ji if he knows what he is saying, she is a Rani and won’t apologize a maid. Rana ji curtly says he isn’t used to repeating himself, say sorry! Rajeshwari apologizes Savitri. Savitri joins her hands and leaves the room. Rana ji also leaves the room. Bari Rani Maa says to Rajeshwari that when one doesn’t know the alphabets of cunningness, she must not attempt to write a book. Rajeshwari says she will take revenge from this Savitri.
Outside, Savitri says to Rana ji that she had a teacher who taught her something.
She wants to tell this to him today, she says Thankoo. He corrects her that it is Thank you. She says he went against his real wife that is the real justice. Rana ji says he only trusts her, everyone else is here for some motif. In the palace, everyone hides the full truth from him. She was about to keep a hand on his shoulder, but prevents herself. She suggests him a game, he says he accepts but on the condition that he will hear everything except about Raaj Mata and Gayatri.
Rajeshwari questions the servants serving food why they made it so late. Rajeshwari counts the menu on the tray and says she has to make up Rana ji today. Savitri comes there and asks who this is for.
Rajeshwari says maids don’t question Ranis. Savitri says if she is taking it for Rana ji, she must take her along as well. Because when Rana ji will throw the tray on floor, a Rani never sweeps. Savitri says Rana ji has a tan one in his heart, he won’t look at the fair one. Rajeshwari asks what does that mean. Savitri says that Rana ji likes black coffee. She also tells Rajeshwari that he doesn’t like Indian breakfast but western one. Rajeshwari says she is his wife and knows about Rana ji’s choice and sends the breakfast to Rana ji’s room. Gayatri thinks that his wife only knows about Rana ji’s choice, Rajeshwari can never know about his choice.
Rajeshwari comes to Rana ji with his breakfast. Rana ji’s button had been broken, Rajeshwari says she will tuck it. He says he will wear another one.
Rajeshwari asks if he will take the shirt off, or should she tuck it as such. He tells her to do it as such. The needle hurts Rana ji, he shouts at Ouch and tells her not to do something that she doesn’t know about. Rajeshwari says she brought him breakfast, he asks where Savitri is. Rajeshwari says in a wife’s presence why Savitri would bring breakfast. Rana ji looks at the tray and calls Savitri, she hurries inside. Rana ji asks what is this all, doesn’t she know what he has for breakfast. She says she knows, but Rani cooked breakfast for him. She gives him another tray, he exclaims it to be perfect.
Rajeshwari stops Rana ji, she says he must first take his medicines as no one takes care of him better than her. She mixes a tablet in water, and thinks now Rana ji and Savitri will both see. Rajeshwari watches from the door what goes inside.
Savitri thinks Rana ji is so peaceful she must talk about Raaj mata. She sits besides him and says her mother makes really nice sweet, she will make it one day too. Rana ji tells her to shut up, get up and get out. He holds her hand and takes her out shutting the door. Savitri thinks that he was fine by now, it means this is the side effect of medicine.Bari Rani Maa asks Kunwar ji and Kokilla about the progress of Lakhan. She fears what if Rajeshwari succeeds in getting an heir first…
Rajeshwari comes inside and tells her to cut her wrists herself then. She comes inside and says that now Rana ji only takes medicine from her hand, she will show them her real face, will given an heir to Amirkot and get them thrown out of Amirkot. She challenges Bari Rani Maa openly, she will beat her in her own game. Kunwar ji says it is time to send Rajeshwari to her brother. Bari Rani maa warns Kunwar ji that in palace air also holds ears, Rajeshwari has to live now and she will handle her.Lakhan jumps in a window at night, and helps doctor inside as well. The doctor was worried what they were coming here like this.
Lakhan gets him inside, they come to corridor. Savitri comes from behind, she asks the doctor to inspect Rana ji. The doctor says he is taking English medicines, Savitri says they don’t trust those medicines. He won’t come to know about it, he must inspect him when he will be asleep. The doctor panics that if Rana ji wakes up, he will also be killed besides Gayatri.Swarna thinks about Lakhan as she watches moon from her window. Lakhan comes behind her and asks if she is thinking about him. She cheers and turns to call his name, he shuts her mouth.
Gayatri tells the doctor that Rana ji won’t wake up, she keeps her hand on Rana ji.
The doctor denies touching him and asks her to check his pulse. She says it is 70. Rana ji turns around then taking her hand in his arm’s fold. Gayatri remembers her times with him.
Swarna says that Laksh said he had left. Lakhan says if she accepted? Swarna says he had left once before as well. Lakhan says he won’t repeat his mistake, he just went out of sight. Swarna says she wanted to say something to him for a long time, she says she only wants to see him, else thinks about him. He was always with her. She was about to say something but pants…. Lakhan asks her to say it. She says she loves him very much. Lakhan tells her that he also loves her a lot. They hug. Laksh was coming towards his room.
Gayatri carefully withdraws her hand, the doctor asks her to check the pulse on neck.
She says she doesn’t understand this, he must do it himself. The doctor’s hand shivers, Rana ji turns around. The doctor lay down on bed, Rana ji wakes up and asks who is there. He was shocked to see Savitri there on the bed side.
Lakhan and Swarna hear Laksh coming in the room. Lakhan hides behind the partition. Laksh says to Swarna if she is standing alone, the one he has been waiting for will never come again. Swarna says this isn’t a new thing as she was always alone. Laksh clutches her jaw. Swarna joins her hands and says she will accept whatever he would ask her. Laksh leaves the room. Swarna was relieved. Lakhan tells her not to be afraid, nothing will happen to him.
Rana ji asks Savitri what she is doing so late at night. She was speechless. She offers him water and says she thought he must be thirsty. He asks how she knew about it. Savitri says in the relation of owner and a maid, one knows what the other wants. She tells Rana ji to sleep now. Rana ji asks her to shut the lights off. Savitri points at the doctor to go out.
The doctor tells Lakhan and Gayatri that they were right, there is something wrong in medicine. There was difference between the two pulses, the medicine is making him even worse. Gayatri thinks that Rajeshwari wanted the doctor that Rana ji never gets fine. The doctor says he is giving a herb, it will save Rana ji from any worse effects of medicine and will stay calm, he asks who will give the medicine to him? Gayatri says she will, from today her only goal is to give the right medicine to Rana ji.
In the morning, Rajeshwari brings medicine to Rana ji. Savitri loses her control and fell over Rana ji. Rajeshwari asks if she is blind. Savitri says she can even put a thread in needle in dark at night. Rajeshwari asks how she fell down then. Savitri again goes over Rana ji and says this way. Rana ji says she must have slipped and asks Savitri to look for medicine. Savitri exchange the medicine with the original one. Rajeshwari smiles at Savitri that her smile will soon be lost. Savitri thinks that from now, Rana ji will have medicine and not the poison. Rajeshwari leaves.
Next: once there was a king Monday update