Once there was a king update Friday 21 January 2022

Once there was a king update Friday 21 January 2022


Once there was a king 21 January 2022: Gayatri is delighted to see Swarnalekha. She too is happy to see Gayatri & they both hug. Fake Sulakshana, BRM, Kuvarji, Kokila, Laksh & Cheetah watch them. Kuvarji is worried that Swarna might reveal everything to Gayatri. Kokila rues that she brought Swarna back assuming Gayatri to be dead in bomb-blast but she is still alive. Gayatri asks Swarna why she went to her Maayka w/o telling her. She tells Swarna that a lot happened in her life & Rani Sulakshana is back.

Looking at Ranaji she cutely tells her that Ranaji & she bickered a lot. She asks Swarna why she didnt inform about her returning back. Swarna has a lump in her throat seeing Gayatri’s concern for her and is about to burst into tears. Gayatri asks her if she is fine. Kokila says Swarna isnt well and drags her away. RaGa & Rajmata look on. BRM thinks the game has just begun. Its Diwali night for everyone but for Gayatri it’s Amavas.Kokila drags Swarna to her room & pushes her on couch. Swarna is hurt & crying. She tells her in-laws that they cant keep her locked in this room forever and she’ll reveal the truth to Ranaji.

She says she lied that she was ready to give them a heir thru Cheetah. She is daughter of Rana JaiSingh and has learnt politics from him. Kokila smirks and says Swarna is back to her Sasural after long so they need to give her some gift. Kuvarji smirks and passes a box to Kokila. She gives it to Swarna. Kuvarji asks Swarna to open it. Swarna finds a finger with a ring in the box. Kuvarji tells her its her father’s finger. Swarna cries & Kuvarji-Kokila & Cheetah glee. Swarna runs to tell everything to Ranaji but Cheetah grabs her hand & stops her. Kuvarji asks him to let her go and threatens Swarna that if she goes to Ranaji, then she’ll get her father’s head as gift. Swarna is shocked.

Kokila threatens her that she will see her family in her Maayka dead if she doesnt agree to them. Poor Swarna cries piteously.Ranaji & Gayatri are asleep. BRM aka the black veiled woman comes there holding a lantern & calls out to Gayatri. Gayatri wakes up and gets shocked to see that woman. She enters a store-room luring Gayatri after her. Gayatri also reaches there. The black veiled woman is shown talking to Sulakshana near a cupboard. However Sulakshana isnt seen. She tells Sulakshana that today again her husband got saved but till when she will protect him. He’ll have to die one day. Gayatri hides b/h curtain.

BRM knows Gayatri is hiding there but still fakes to be unaware of her presence and searching for her. The veil is blown away due to wind uncovering the woman’s face & BRM’s face is revealed. Gayatri is in utter shock finding BRM to be the black veiled woman. BRM smirks & starts talking to Sulakshana again. She says she tried to kill Ranaji many times but Sulakshana came to know of her evil motives so she had to kill Sulakshana first. Gayatri is shocked to hear this. BRM takes out a skeleton from the cupboard and says that she killed Sulakshana that doesnt mean she doesnt love her, else she wouldn’t have kept her skeleton saved. She hugs the skeleton.

Gayatri is shocked to know that Sulakshana is dead & BRM was talking to Sulakshana’s skeleton and wonders who is the woman claiming to be Sulakshana then. BRM continues talking to Sulakshana’s skeleton. She says Ranaji married Gayatri but she doesnt want them to get closer so to create rift b/w RaGa, she has brought a con-woman street dancer as Sulakshana. Gayatri is shocked at this revelation. She recalls the scenes where fake Sulakshana tried to protect her facemask and how the mang-teeka didnt hurt her forehead. She tries to run out but stops at the door shocked as BRM asks her whats the hurry to leave. She asks BRM why is she doing all this; Ranaji loves her a lot.

She is his grandma & he is her grandson. BRM says love doesnt make step-children one’s own. She says not she but Patrani (Chief Queen) was Ranaji’s grandmother. She is second wife of Ranaji’s grandfather and was never treated with respect in Palace. Her own son Kuvarji & his heirs deserve that respect. She says she’ll destroy Ranaji & first she’ll destroy Gayatri. She takes out a dagger. Gayatri struggles to save herself & the dagger falls on floor in the scuffle. Gayatri picks it. BRM tries to snatch it from her & gets her palm slit. Gayatri rushes out shouting for Ranaji. BRM drops necklace pearls on floor. Gayatri slips on them and passes out.

Gayatri is in her room. She is scared and frantically keeps saying, that woman will kill Ranaji & her. Ranaji asks who will kill them. Gayatri replies BRM. Everyone is shocked. Gayatri is stunned to see BRM there in normal attire. She tells Ranaji that it was BRM only who planted bomb in car and has killed Rani Sulakshana too. She’ll kill them as well. Fake Sulakshana tells Gayatri that she must have had a bad dream as she is there in front of them. Gayatri shouts at her asking her to stay away from her. Ranaji asks her to calm down. She tells him that she saw BRM with Sulakshana’s skeleton. BRM says Gayatri is in some trauma.

Gayatri says the black veiled woman is none other than BRM and asks Ranaji to come with her and see the skeleton. They all reach the storeroom but find nothing. Gayatri recounts all the events but Ranaji doesnt believe her. He says it must have been a bad dream & asks her not to concoct a story. Gayatri says she is telling the truth, not cooking up any story and gets unconscious again. Rajmata looks worried.Doctor administers injection to Gayatri. He tells Ranaji that Gayatri is in deep shock due to bomb-blast and hence hallucinates.

Rajmata says Gayatri was absolutely fine. Dr. says, it can happen suddenly. Many Soldiers experience such syndrome during war. If Gayatri continues to get such illusions then she might need electric shocks too to recover. Ranaji & Rajmata get shocked. Dr. leaves. Ranaji says he will not leave Gayatri alone for a second and nothing will happen to her. Rajmata smiles. Outside the room, BRM gives money to the Dr. & asks him to do what she instructs him to do. Dr. agrees. BRM thinks she couldnt kill Gayatri but will make her life hell. Ranaji is madly in love with Gayatri but she will really make Gayatri mad.

In the morning Ranaji gives medicines to Gayatri. He tells her that she had fainted the prev. night. She was very scared & traumatized due to bomb-blast and uttered crazy things and accused BRM of trying to kill them. He asks her not to take any stress and rest. Gayatri thinks what she saw, Ranaji considers it as bad dream but if it was a bad dream then why it felt so real.Rajmata asks Yashoda to make sure all arrangements for Govardhan Pooja ritual are proper. BRM is preparing Laddus for the pooja. She tells the maids that Diwali isnt complete for Ranaji till he doesnt eat Laddus made by her.

Ranaji smiles and leaves. Gayatri comes there & apologizes to BRM for prev. night’s behaviour. She folds her hands to BRM. BRM asks her to look at her & raises her palm as if blessing her. She shows the slit in her palm. Gayatri is shocked and recalls how the slit occurred due to dagger. BRM smirks.Gayatri stood, her hands joint in front of food, praying. Bari Rani maa calls her to look at herself. She thinks about the night event, Gayatri says that this means whatever she saw was a truth, and Sulakshna is also not real. Bari Rani maa says she was the black veiled lady, whatever she said will be fulfilled.

she will separate her and Rana ji, it is the same game but she will play it differently. She says she has taken the help of truth for the game. She might go and tell Rana ji, he doesn’t much differentiate about the truth and the lie, she might tell him then they will see whom he believes. She tells Gayatri to go and tell the truth to Rana ji, she will prepare Laddu for Rana ji. Gayatri says this isn’t possible.Swarna watches from terrace as Cheetah does pottery work with mud. He looks up to see Swarna smiling at him. Laksh smiles at Cheetah standing on the main door. Swarna goes inside while Laksh comes out to Cheetah.


He says wow, they all have god the same mud but only a few moulds give best artistry. If an artist like him lives in the palace, they will keep on getting such art to be seen. Laksh pats him on his back and goes inside. Cheetah says there is already something woth seeing in the palace.Rana ji does the pooja, while all the members stand beside him. Bari Rani maa points at Sulakshna who takes the rounds behind Rana ji of the idol that had been prepared. Rana ji stops at once, watches Gayatri who then follows. Bari Rani maa thinks that she will be a mountain between her and Rana ji, Gayatri thinks if the love is true, mountains are nothing. Bari Rani maa will see in time, how mountains are moved.


At the table, Rana ji serves more for Bari Rani maa who denies. Rana ji says she doesn’t take care of herself, he has to do it. Bari Rani maa says if he will take care of her only his wife will be annoyed. She says had it been someone else, she would rule the palace. But Gayatri is a cow, she won’t do anything.Gayatri breaks a bite and drops it seeing a paper under it. She clutches it in her fist, then reads it. It says that there is poison in Rana ji’s laddu, she must save her husband if she can. Bari Rani maa serves Rana ji a laddu and says he must eat it, she has made it for him like every year. Gayatri remembers Bari Rani maa’s warning, Rana ji smells the laddy first and was about to put it in his mouth.


Gayatri shouts at him to stop it, she drops the laddu from his hand with a jerk. Sulakshna takes the note from the table and chews it. Rana ji asks Gayatri what happened to her, but she keeps on looking for the note. Raaj Mata asks what she is doing. Gayatri is worried, she asks where the note that was just here is. Bari Rani maa says she is again day dreaming, she must go inside and get some rest. Gayatri says to Rana ji that she isn’t lying, she says that Bari Rani maa is playing a new game. She wants to kill them both, she said it herself. Rana ji stops Gayatri. Gayatri points at Bari Rani maa saying she mixed poison in his laddu.

Rana ji asks what she is saying. Bari Rani maa says that the blast had some great effect on her mind. Gayatri shouts that she isn’t crazy, she wants to kill her and Rana ji and mixed poison in the laddu. Bari Rani maa stands up crying that she is step grandmother, she must be used to listening such names, but no one ever blamed her with something like this. She says if she says she will eat this laddu herself, Bari Rani maa gulps that laddu and the others as well. Rana ji says this all isn’t needed. He gets up, hugs Bari Rani maa and asks her to stop this all. He says she doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone.

Gayatri calls Rana ji, but he says stop it Gayatri. He asks Bari Rani maa to take a seat, he says that Gayatri isn’t in her senses. She doesn’t know what she is saying, who she got against off. He apologizes Bari Rani maa from Gayatri’s side. Gayatri goes to him and takes his hand, saying he won’t join his hands in front of anyone. It is her mistake and she is will apologize, she joins her hands and says it was her mistake, please forgive her. She couldn’t understand who she is. Rana ji takes the crying Bari Rani maa inside. Gayatri watches Bari Rani maa turn to look at her.

In the room, Gayatri says to Rana ji that her doubts aren’t baseless. She tells Rana ji that she had seen the veiled lady at the spot of blast. She also founded that veil in Bari Rani maa’s room. She tells about the warning of Bari Rani maa. Rana ji says Bari rani maa loved him more than his true mother. Gayatri asks what she will gain with lying. He asks for a proof. Gayatri takes somewhere.Gayatri comes to the room saying she watched that black veil in clothes. She opens the wardrobe. Rana ji asks Gayatri what kind of depression she is in. Gayatri brings about the veil, she says this is the veil. She says it is Bari Rani maa, and no one else. Rana ji thinks for a while.

Gayatri observes him. Rana ji says many maids in the palace wear such veils, this doesn’t prove anything. He says to Gayatri that she needs rest. Gayatri insists on him to go and look in the upper room once more. She searches for that skeleton, and points at once. Rana ji comes to her and is shocked seeing the boned hands. Gayatri says she had told him that Sulakshna’s skeleton is still here. He sits besides it, Gayatri keeps a hand on his shoulder as he composes himself and removes the cover off it. He is moved.

Next: once there was a king Saturday update



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