My journey to you update Wednesday 29 January 2025

My journey to you update Wednesday 29 January 2025


Shika says there are areas in Mumbai where all this is legal. Go there with your daughter. Bhavani slaps her. Ishika tries to slap her back. Amruta says don’t you dare to see my mom. I can stoop to your level and one slap is enough to shut you up. She says you all stay out of my life. Amruta says see this iamge. What’s the explanation? Deepika says how did you trap our Virat? Amruta says I don’t need to answer anyone. We have the legal right to live here. no one can ask us to leave.

Shekhar texts Virat to leave. He sees Harsh on the stairs. He says I should go from the terrace. Amruta says I have known you all for 30 years. You are listening to this woman? You all know why she would like to defame me and my mom? Ishika says you can’t fool them and hide your sins. Amruta says you couldn’t hide your sins. You better now talk about them. The whole society knows us adn you. All women say they have known Bhavani for so long. They won’t trust Ishika. Bhavani asks Amruta to go from there. Shekhar wonders where is Virat? Ishika says Bhavani adn Amruta will have to pay for this slap. Deepika asks everyone to go home.

Harsh keeps an eye on Virat. He stands outside his room on the terrace. Virat says how do I go downstairs. Shekhar comes and says why didn’t you come downstairs? Amruta was there. Harsh says we knew he’d try to do that. So we were prepared. I will tell Aaji. Abhiraj pulls Ishika. He asks are you behind taking that photo? She says no I didn’t. I am only focusing on my married life. Abhiraj says then who did it? Ishika says I thought you did it. If it’s neither of us, it’s someone else? I am not behind any of this. Kavita wonders who could do it.

Scene 2

Amruta comes home angry. She says how can these women listen to Ishika. And why didn’t Virat come down? I could talk to him. Jahan asks her to be careful. She asks her to call Virat. She says I am keeping an eye on the door. Amruta calls shekhar. He says Virat wanted to talk to you. Amruta says I also want to explain to him why I said what I did. Please ask him to come to Hotel Pine tomorrow.

Aaji comes there. Amruta hides her phone.

Amruta says we are staying here without papers. We should move to a hotel. Jahan says she’s right. It’s illegal. Aaji says okay then pack your bags. Harsh asks which hotel? She says Aqua Pine.

Scene 3

Amruta and her family get ready to go to the hotel. Harsh gives Amruta the medicine. Virat gets ready to go to meet Amruta. Virat says I know Amruta has her reasons. I fully trust her. Shekhar says so do I.

Amruta feels dizzy. Aaji says you’re sleepy. Rest your head and sleep. She says to harshly tell the driver village’s way. Jahan and Bhavani are shocked. Jahan says what? Aaji says yes we’re going to the village. Bhavani says we will have to tell Amruta. Aaji says we will tell her when she wakes up. Harsh gave her a sleeping pill. You thought I wouldn’t know? I am Harsh’s Aaji, you can’t play me. Bhvani says Harsh you were involved? Aaji says elders have to make tough decisions for their kids. Bhavani says don’t do that. Aaji says you kept your eyes closed. I’ve to keep her away from Amruta. Bhavani and Jahan are worried.

Jahan acts like she’s falling sick. They get her out of the car. Harsh says give me water. Bhavani throws water on Amruta’s face. Aajij says what did you do? Did you both pretend this? Bhavani says I had to wake Amruta up before it’s too late.

Virat waits for Amruta. He says where is she? Shekhar says Bhavani said they are close. Aaji says you both fooled me. you will regret this. Bhavani says I don’t wanna regret. Amruta isn’t a kid. We can’t impose our judgment on her. Aaji says yeah she’s too old. I asked you to keep her away from that guy but see her carelessness. Everyone is dfaming your daughter.

Bhavani says is she just my daughter? Aaji says yes since she’s going to that Virat. If she meets him again, she will be defamed everywhere. Bhavani says I also want to find out who made those photos viral. Aaji says the stain never gets removed from a woman’s name. I am part of this society. Ask yourself. Jayesh did everything yet everyone questioned you. Everyone is going to question Amruta, not Virat.

Babita calls Virat and says come on. She’s not going to come. She always wasted your time. Now she will waste your life. Come back home. Shekhar says I told Dildar. Shekhar says let’s go back home. Amruta isn’t here. Virat texts Amruta are you okay? Where are you? Amruta tries to come out of the car. She hugs Bhavani. Amruta says wrong happened to me and I will fight for myself. Aaji asks Harsh to ask her to sit back in the car and come to the village with us. She will never see my face otherwise.

Scene 1

Amruta comes out of the car. She says wrong happened with me, so I will fight against it. Bhavani say she should fight for herself. You haven’t seen herr in past few days. Aaji says you haven’t either. Otherwise she wont have fallen for that Virat. Once her engagement broke because of her dad and then because of Virat. No one will marry her if she’s efamed with Virat. Bhavani says that wont happen.

Bhavani says I will handle everything. Aaji says like you handled Jayesh? Amruta says what? He was her husband not her child. She didn’t have to raise him. Amruta says i have been listening for a while. All the things that you taught us were not true? you taught us to fight for oour rights. We are not weak. Whatveerr I am is because of my mother.

I wont fall weakk. If she’s with me I am not scared of anything. No one ever questioned my character. i cant stay silent. You taught me to fight against wrong. Aaji pushes her. She says she’s lost her mind. She says Harsh ask her to come with me to the village or she will never see my face again. She sits in the car. Bhavani tries to stop her. Harsh says I am with Aaji.

Aaji says ask herr if she would., Harsh says magic has Virat done that you’re trusting him so much? Amruta says because he trusts me. So much that he fought with his family. He always stood up for our mother. Harsh says you will go aginst your aaji? Amrtua says I am living on her principals. I can’t let myself be defamed and run away from here. I will have to go back. Aaji says to the driver let’s go. Amruta says Aaji please support me. please. She drops their bags and leaves for the village. Amruta is shocked.


Bhavani says don’t cry. You have to fight a long battle.

Scene 2

Babita gives Virat lemonade. She says I knew she wont come. She has a plan. Virat says please don’t stress. Babita says I found a solution to my stress. Go to London, here are your tickets. Virat says I wont go. I cant run away, i am not a criminal. She says you’re not a criminal. he says that’s what running away means? Kavita says that girl is trapping you. Babita says she was pretending so much in the police station. Kavita says it’s the best for you that you go to London.

Virat says I am not gong anwyere. Kavita says you want us to be in trouble? Virat says I know Amruta very well. She’s done so much for us, she defended mom. She was injured in the jungle but she cared about me. She didn’t even tell the judge I did anything wrong. She saved me from the jail. Abhiraj says Virat is right. Amruta is a great girl. I am sure she wanted to save Virat. we could clear this confusion if we could talk to her.


Babita says he went to talk to her. I didn’t stop him. I thought he might find answers but she didn’t come. Youre going to London and that’s final. Dildar says please.. Babita says did she take your permission before saying all that? Nimrita says Virat please, take a break from all this. Rajiv says this matter wont die down easily. That girl is very clever. The lawyer friend of mine told me she can trap Virat in a legal case. Virat says she wont ever do that.

Bebe says for me please go to London. Or I will go on a huger strike. Virat says okkay fine i will go to London. Babita is happy.

Scene 3

Bhavani and Amruta are on the way. Bhavani says I am so worried. I hope Harsh and Jahan are able to calm her down. Amruta says she didn’t understand us at all. She blamed you. Bhavani says she is just worried for you. She knows that society doesn’t forgive women. But we are not wrong this time so we will stand for ourselves. Aaji will understand when you expose the truth. I know you can fight any battle.

Babita syas to Virat I hope you’re not mad at me. I only want to protect you. Virat says I am not upset. I know you do all this to protect me. I am going to London for your happiness. She says take care. Virat sits in the car and leaves. Abhiraj says don’t worry, your this son is here. I will take care of everything. Let’s go inside. amruta sees Virat going in the car. She tries to call Virat. Amruta says where is he going? She asks the auto to follow his car.

Scene 3

Kavita says to Abhiraj soon all this will be ours. He says I am wondering who took these photos. Kavita says it’s Ishika for sure. but it’s helping us. We shouldn’t care who did all this. JJoin the office tomorrow. Soon everything will be ours. Abhiraj says we have to find out.

Virat says I will find out the person who did all this. shekhar says don’t panic. Virat says people will feel like I am running away. Everyone will always taunt her. She will feel like I am leaving her alone and running to lodon. Shekhar asks waht’s the plan? Virat sends Amruta a VN, he says please call me back. I want to know what’s going on in your mind. My family wants me to go ot london. Amruta asks the auto to go to airport. She calls Virat but there’s no network. Virat says to Shekhar we have to find out who published these photos first.

Next Thursday update my journey 



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