My journey to you update Wednesday 22 January 2025

My journey to you update Wednesday 22 January 2025


Amruta asks Virat is it hurting a lot? he says it was, but now it’s better. he says thanks for caring. Amruta says why did you give yourself pain for my mom? He says you also defended my mom. You asked me to find the truth. We found out my mom is innocent. You fulfilled your promise. I couldn’t keep my promise of protecting Bhavani. I couldn’t save her. Amruta says what you did for her, no one did. I know you never wanted to talk about your divorce.

But I have a problem. He says you have many problems. She says I say things when they come to my heart. He says say it, you won’t stop. Amruta says the way you said women and men should have equal respect and rights. Then we should also feel equal about men’s emotions. Men can also be emotional. You had the same pain as my mom.

You can’t have less pain because you’re a man. Men also have a heart. It breaks accordingly. Men also need someone to hug and cry and share their pain. If you share happiness then you should also share your pain with someone and hug them. She says this si the best therapy. Give it a try. he says in his heart I don’t know about my pain but I promise you I won’t let any pain come to you. Amruta says in the heart the way you protected my mom, I will always protect you.

Scene 2

Amruta cleans Bhavani’s mehndi. She says do you remember the lullaby you used to sing to Harsh when he was crying. She says your dad would get angry and say men don’t cry. I don’t know how crying is just associated with men. I never corrected him. Harsh also picked the wrong things from him. He was shouting. He thought only men could protect women. Amruta says we are there to teach him right.

He was protecting me because I was drunk. She says I have to learn a lot. Amruta says we all learn every day. She says you taught me how to live. I learn form you every day. Your dad is right, I am uneducated. I don’t know anything. Amruta says don’t say that.

Don’t ever listen to him. Like we removed this mehndi we will clean his words. I know he conditioned you into this. It will take time but you will get out of this. He used to say all this to butter his ego. To prove his wrong things are right. He was wrong. You taught me the difference between right and wrong. Bhavani says you always take my side. Amruta says Virat also takes your side.

Because he knows you’re right. Amruta says he hurt himself to protect me. I am not eve related to him. I wonder who was the unlucky girl who left a guy like Virat. I am sure she wasn’t a good human. He’s such a good man. Why would a girl leave him? Amruta says why did dad leave you? He won’t find a wife like you who loves and cares so much. Sometimes it’s nott easy to understand why someone would leave a perfect person. Like Virat.

Scene 3

Babita says I always thought I was a perfect mom. But you questioned me. But you came back to me. She cries. Virat hugs her. She says is your hand hurting? Virat says no it’s fine. She says I am sorry. I’ve no idea who did this. I will find out wo did this. Virat says I know, I trust you. I didn’t do all this to hut you.

But someone did all this for sure. I will find out. Babita says we should cancel al wedding plans at our place. We’re doing all this for no reason, that’s what people are saying. I care about you. he says you should do what makes you happy. I will send Jignesh’s family out on the wedding day. It will be all stress-free. Babita says Amruta is controlling my son. I’ve to keep her away from my son. I hate her. I will never let Virat get close to her.

Bhavani says Virat is such a nice guy. He went against his people for me. he fought everyone because he made me a promise to take care of me. That’s what he did. Every mother wants a guy like him for her daughter. I want a guy like him for you as well. Bhavani says I always pray that you never get into a marriage without love.

Where you’ve no important. I hope you find a husband who loves you more than anything. I would also want you to look good in him. Amruta says we need to find a guy first. but first I need to work on you. We have to remove your past and dad’s memories. She says I do wanna forget my past. I want to keep it as a learning and move ahead. Amruta says I will fix everything. We will get all we lost back. bhavani and says good husband like you, like Virat. Amruta says if Babita hears it she’d kill me.

Virat sits with bebe. She asks did it removed? He says I tried but it didn’t remove. She says it will take time but it will go away. He says I missed you. She says you can never go wrong. I can never thing you’re ever wrong. You’re my perfect son. He says yes I am. She says you have a heart of gold. I don’t want girls to take advantage of that. He says I wont let anyone do that anymore.

Bebe says why didn’t you stop your mom from stopping Ishika’s wedding? Virat sees Amruta going somewhere. He says I’ve to do an office call. He leaves. He goes after Amruta. Bebe says what’s more important than me. She asks Kavita to follow Virat an see where he si going.

Scene 3

Amruta goe soout and things what was aai saying. She wants a guy for me and like Virat? she sees Ishika there waiting for someone. Amruta wonders who is she waiting. Abhiraj comes there. Virat also comes there. Kavita follows Virat. Kavita sees abhiraj going towards ishika.


Scene 1

Abhiraj goes towards Ishika. Kavitra screams and says Someone helps. They all rush to help her. Virat and Amruta run to help her. Abhiraj and Ishika go from there. Virat says let me take you home. She says I will be fine. Virat stops Amruta. He asks what happened. She says nowhere. I was talking. She says we’re not like each other. Virat says what’s wrong with you? I don’t wanna talk to you either. I want to know who added bhang in the water that day.

You find out who took Jahan’s house and you will go from my life. My house will e soredted. I mean I will get my terrace back. She says I was here to focus on that only. He says let me walk with you as well. She says we can’t walk together. Virat says what did I do now? shes says because of what my mom said. he says what did she say? Amruta leaves.


Bebe says will Kavita find out? Kavita comes and says Virat went to meet Amruta. He left you here and went to meet her. She says don’t tell anyone. Bebe looks downstairs and sees them together. SHe says I have to do something about this. Virat texts Amruta if you find any clues let me know. I know you were following Ishika. Amruta says I was just walking. Virat says you already live on the terrace. He says why are you acting so strange? Did my mom do anything again? Amruta says nothing.

Kavita says to Bebe your grandson is out of your hands.

Scene 2

Amruta gives everyone sweets. She says I got a job. They all get very happy. Amruta says we can go from here now and start a new life. Virat says no way. He says you can’t go from here. I mean without celebrating. You got a job. Congratulations. Babita asks how is your hand? Virat says I also deserve some credit. I ruined your past interviews. She looks at him in anger. He says give me the sweets too. Amruta makes him eat the sweets.

Virat says we have to celebrate. Amruta says you will get your terrace back. Aaji calls them. Virat hides. He says she will kill me. Amruta and Bhavani talk to aaji. She says zoom out, I want to see everyone. Virat hides under the table. Aaji asks where are you all? Bhavani says there’s a function on the terrace. Aaji says I will come soon. Bhavani says we have to do something. she can’t see us like this.

Shekhar comes to Virat. Amruta asks did you find something? VIrrat says he’s my friend. He’d tell me. Amruta says aai see him. He says are you a school kid? Don’t complain to your mom. She says go from her. Harsh says it felt like Aaji wasn’t in the village.

Scene 3

Babita says to Kavita and Bebe I need to win Virat’s heart and keep him away from Amruta. Bebe says Kavita you’ve to do something. Babita says we should do our plan. She says Nimrit did you invite everyone? She says yes. Shekhar says he got footage of Suman’s building. she was talking on the call. Then she ran away. Someone told her. Amruta says someone informed her. I told Jahan. Shekhar says someone must have heard the conversation. Who could that be? Virat says my mom.

Next Thursday update my journey 



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