My journey to you update Sunday 19 January 2025

My journey to you update Sunday 19 January 2025


Harsh goes to buy groceries. Kavita and Abhirja pretend in front of him. Kavita slaps Abhiraj. She says you hid such a big thing from me that Babita stole Jahan’s house. Harsh is shocked. Abhiraj says to ask Virat. He knew everything. He always hides his mom’s faults. Harsh says why couldn’t you tell? Come and tell everyone. Your family can’t take Jahan’s house like that. Babita says to Nimrit you’ve to do something. Virat is accusing me of stealing Jahan’s house. What would I do with that shed? That girl is brainwashing Virat. Please do something. Nimrita says relax, Amruta is nothing in front of us. We will make her cry. We will make her mother cry. That’s her biggest weakness. She is using your weakness. Babita says your right.

Harsh brings Abhiraj to the terrace. He says these people took Jahan’s house. Kavita says we didn’t do anything. Abhiraj says but they are our family. He says I am sorry Amruta. Amruta says please tell us who did it? he says you can punish me. Hrsh says Babita did it. Everyoen is shocked. Virat gets his employees treatment and arranges who met the accident at the site. Amruta comes there. He asks what happened. She says I was asking but you didn’t tell me. You wanted to tell but you didn’t have courage. He says so you found out.

She says the truth can’t be hidden. Virat says I had no answer. I didn’t want to hide I was scared. I didn’t know how to tell. I know you’re angry and you want to take revenge on mom. Amruta says wait. Why are you deciding what I should do? I will find out who did this.

Virat says mom did. Amruta says no I am sure the person who wants to create misunderstandings did all this. First, that person accused you and your mom. He says mom did it, I saw the papers. She says no she is innocent. The real culprit it someone else. He says her name is on the papers. She says your name was also on the papers and I got confused. I won’t repeat the mistake. Your mom hates us. We are living on the terrace. If she did it, she would have returned the house so we go from here. Virat says that’s possible. So who could do it?

Scene 2

Babita and Nimrit plan Ishika’s engagement. Nimrit says we will show Amruta and her mom their worth in your mehndi function. Just do as I say. She will have to apply Mehdni on you and dance as well. We will shatter her and then her daughter’s ego.

Amruta says whoever is doing this I will break their face. Virat says you’ve gotten violent. She says show me the papers. He says I checked them already. Can’t I read? She says let me read. She says show me. I can find something. He says yeah I am dumb. He gives her the papers. Abhiraj is listening in. He messages Ishika to start plan B. Ishika says to Babita I asked your servant to keep an eye on Amruta. She’s with virat in his office. She keeps manipulating him.

Amruta reads the clauses. She says they look very hasty. Virat says it must be my mom. She took Jahan’s house and now she’s getting your dad married. She’s too wrong. I couldn’t see the truth. I was right in front of me. I am very sorry from my mom’s side and myself. Babita says, Virat. What are you doing? You’re saying sorry to this girl? he says I am fixing everything. She says now this girl will tell what’s right? She’s planning all this to part us. It’s another plan.

Virat says please stop it. She says you did all this to come close to him. you made these papers. Amruta says I didn’t know anything. babita says girls like you only know how to use rich guys. You wanna trap a rich guy. She says they wanted us to fight. Amruta says no mom. Virat says she was defending you. Babita says she’s pretending. Virat says what would she get? Amruta asks Virat to calm down.

Babita says now you will take orders from her? She says how do you do all this? You’re so shameless. You’re parting a son and mother. Amruta says please ma’am. babita is about to slap her. Virat stands in front of Amruta and says what are you doing mom. He says slap me. I deserve this slap more. because of my mom someone is in this condition and you’re slapping your victim.

Why are you doing all this? She says you’ve shattered my heart. you’re making the same mistake again. She leaves in anger and shoves Amruta. Virat holds Amruta nad says are you oaky? Babita looks at them in anger. Amruta says anger ruins things. Don’t let misunderstanding come between you and her. He says thank you. She says go and fix everything.

Scene 3

Jahan sits upset. Amruta comes to her. She says you’re not okay. Jahan says I am fine. Amruta says I know you are mad that I took their side. Harsh says Babita did all this for sure and Virat knows everything. Babita shouts on Virat why are you taking her side? Virat says she was defending you adn I was trusting those papers. She says you trust those papers and not me?

Virat says I made a mistake but Amruta didn’t trust those papers for a second. you have done so much to them but she’s the one who is trying to prove you innocent. What would she get? She could blame you easily. abita says what magic has that Amruta done on you? She’s more important than your mom? Virat says that’s not true. She says its all my fault. Shhe took my son fromt me. You’re standing against me. Virat says you’re just misunderstanding her. Virat says when a girl comes to a guy’s life first person who goes wr ong is his mom.

Virat says you’re misunderstanding the situation, Mom. She says when a girl comes into a guy’s life he only sees his mom wrong. That girl wants to part us. She wants us to fight. Virat says why are you thinking like that? She says the same happened in Proyanka’s time. Se ruiend our family. You chose the wrong girl then and now you’re doing the same. First Priyanka and now her. She will do the same. She will all destroy us. Virat says I am sorry there’s no point in this conversation. I came to talk to you but it’s hurting you. I don’t want that. I know how it feels when your heart hurts.

Harsh says this Babita won’t ever agree and she’s blaming Amruta. Amruta says we’ve to find out who is doing this. Jahan says Babita for sure. Amruta says she wants to kick us out. Why would she keep our house, and we’d stay here? Bhavani says that she will never use Virat’s mom. Amruta says we’re missing out on some clues. She says Virat is getting hurt like we do when we see our dad but Babita isn’t the culprit. Harsh says they should suffer.

Amruta says they didn’t do anything this time. They don’t know who’s doing this. Harsh says they live in the same house. How does he not know what his mom doesn’t? Bhavani says did you know about your dad cheating on me? Jahan says so someone else is doing this? Bhavani says so who did it? And we can’t live here if they didn’t do it.

Scene 2

Nimrit says I can’t believe Virat is misbehaving with you for Amruta and she is defending you. Babita says she made a strong plan this time but I won’t let her win. Amruta comes there. Bbabita says what do you want now? Amruta says I don’t want to fight. I know you didn’t take Jahan’s house. I will find out who did it. We will all go soon. Babita says what do you want? Amrua says please don’t be mad at Virat.

Babita says do I need permission from you? Mind your own business. Care about your mom, not me. she doesn’t have a house or husband. How will she live? Nimrit says she will have to work and make her money, she can do house chores. You should send her here tomorrow. It’s Ishika’s mehdni. She has to write Jayesh’s name on her hand. We will give her good money. Ask her to wear cheap clothes because there will be chores, and those clothes suit her anyway. Amruta leaves in tears. Virat sees her. Nimrit and Babita giggle.

Scene 3

Kavita meets Abhiraj outside. He says thank God no one saw me. He says I planned that construction site accident. Amruta walks around. Abhiraj says we would have to give them money though. We don’t have money. Kavita sees Amruta. She changes the topic and says I love Virat so much but he only loves his money and status. He’s in big trouble. I want to help him. Amruta says sorry I didn’t want to disturb. Kavita says You and my family are both suffering. Babita was so wrong. Amruta says Babita didn’t do it. I don’t feel like she can do that. Virat sees her. Amruta says whose bike is this. It has no number plate.

Virat says to Amruta you were so busy with your Abhiraj sir. Go and talk to him. Amruta says I won’t. She sits next to him. Virat says I want to be alone. She says ever since we came here. He says now we are we. Virat says I am sorry. He says I know mom said something hurtful. It made you cry. She says yes she didn’t say anything good but she is hurt as well. I know she loves you a lot and she can’t see yu going against her. She says you don’t think before saying anything. He says now you will give me lectures. He orders tea and says at least yu will shut up this way. She says I don’t want to have tea. The last time we had tea, we fought.

He says we love talking right now. I mean. We are still fighting. She says this isn’t a fight. This is a lecture. He says I am not listening. Virat gives her tea. He says you give such long lectures. Have tea. Abhiraj says in his heart I will destroy whoever comes near you, Virat.

Scene 4

Amruta thinks she has to protect Bhavani. Babita will do something for sure to hurt her. Bhavani says I cant take this burden anymore. I don’t wanna go to the roof. Ishika will insult me again. Everyoen will go to her engagement. Amruta says they cant judge you. She says I don’t know myself. I feel so incomplete. I am a no one. Why do I roam around with this mangalsutra? Why do I still have sindur? Amruta says your identity isn’t with a relationship. You are a woman. you don’t need anyone. Before anyone’s wife or mom, you’re a human, you’re Bhavani. You decide what you wanna put on and not.


The relationship and pain were yours, the decisions will also be yours. You don’t need to answer anyone. Bhavani says I am not brave like you. Bhavani says I don’t have the answers for questions that people will ask. Amruta says we have to be brave. Let’s go watch a movie. Call Harsh and Jahan. Virat hears their conversation.

Amruta collides with Virat. He says she can never see. He says to Bhavani I wanted to say. Amruta says we’re running late for the movie. Her mangalsutra breaks. Raj catches it. she says how did it break. Raj says some things break on their own when we can’t. I know you are wondering what’s your status and if you’re married or not. Amruta says she has a lot of meaning with this mangalsutra. Raj says then you should wear this and this as well. He gives her a saree. Bhavani asks what is this? He says you’re right. She says what? He says you’re not Jayesh’s wife anymore but Amruta’s mother. You’re not the one who broke this marriage. You should dress up and answer back to people who question your character. You should be mourning.


You should live your life. You can wear whatever you like. Don’t be sad about small things. You can go to the mehndi as Jayesh’s ex-wife or as Virat’s date? Bhavani says what? Me? He says yes. She says you’re crazy. Raj says yes I am. We can ask your daughter. He says Ms. Amruta will you allow me to go on a date with your mom? Just to tell people she’s the bravest and strongest. And she will never be alone. Amruta is in tears. Virat says your daughter is a bit jealous. She says why would I be jealous. He says your mom’s enemies will be jealous. She nods. Amruta says just take care of her. Virat says you don’t need to tell me. Virat says to get her ready.

Scene 2

Nimrit asks Babia do you wanna meet her? A girl comes in. Babita asks will you be able to do it? She yes. Babita says to make sure the design is shameless, and divorced. They give her money. Nimrit says there should be no mistake. The girl agrees. Babita says my Virat will always be with me. Nimrit says I will make this plan work.

Amruta takes off Bhavani’s evil eye. She looks great in the saree. Jahan asks where are you going? On a date? Virat comes there. He says she’s going on a date with me. Everyone is choked. He says she’s going to Ishika’s mehndi as my date. Jahan and Harsh are shocked. Jahan says what? Harsh says she will get insulted there. Virat says that won’t happen. I will be there. Amruta says my aai will answer people herself. She says this will be her day. Virat says are you done with your lecture? He takes Bhavani. Amruta says laugh so much that people who want to shatter you shatter themselves. They are jealous of you. We will all come there for you. Virat says do you trust me? She says yes. He says let’s go. They go.

Scene 3

Babita welcomes Jay and Ishika to the mehndi. She says let’s start the rasam. She says Nimrit will do the pooja. She gives them blessings. Virat comes there. He says wow Nimrit, you’re giving them blessings. We should all celebrate. Deepikaa syas yeha AMruta should dance as well. It’s her dad’s wedding after all. Amruta says yes I will dance if Virat dances. Dipika says didn’t your mom Bhavni come? Amruta says she will come at on right time.

Jahan plays the drum. Bhavani comes there. Everyoen is shocked. Bhavani fances with Virat. Amruta is very happy. Virat dances with Amruta and Bhavani. Babita is shocked. Ishika comes to dance. Bhavani shoves her. Ishika says are you blind? Have you lost your mind? Bhavani says sit here. She says Amruta bring that. Virat says let me get it. Bhavani says we have a ritual that Jayesh’s mom would have done. She brings shagun. Virat gives her the thaal. She says yeah I will do the ritual on my MIL’s behalf. She does their arti and does her goud bharai. Bhavani says this is shagun from the guy’s family. Deepika says how are you from the guy’s family. Amruta says I am.

I have a relationship with my dad. They give Ishika shagun. Bhavani says I hope you will be honest at least in this relationship. Jayesh says of course. A woman says our Bhavani has such a big heart. Jay will regret this. He leaves. Deepika says wow she’s so brave. A girl says to Bhavani you’re so shameless. You’re dancing at your husband’s wedding? She says to Babita you shouldn’t have invited her. And your son brought her here. this isn’t right. Virat laughs and comes there wearing a chunri. He says Bhavani how can you do that? Amruta says you wore all this? Virat says but you look pretty.

Amruta says our society can’t appreciate it. We only derail people. Virat says see Bhavani came to her husband’s wedding looking prettier than the bride. She will dance now. Jahan says yes we will all dance. Babita says I am old school. I am not as modern as my son. Does Kavita say won’t you get Mehndi one? Amruta says yes maa mom will have her hands full.

Next Monday update my journey to 



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