My journey to you update Saturday 25 January 2025

My journey to you update Saturday 25 January 2025


Chika comes as the bride. She says you lost Ishika. You can never win from me. Amruta looks around. Virat asks what are you looking for? Amruta says Ishika can’t win after taking everything from us. She took our Jahan’s home too. I am sure she has that jhumka too. She looks for the other Jhumka in her stuff.

The wedding starts. Virat and Ishika make each other wear the mangal sutra. Amruta says to Virat please trust me without asking anything He says okay. I trust you. They look for the jhumka. Ishika says I won and they lost. Babita ties their knots. Amruta looks at them and says for this Ishika my dad left us all. How can he move on from life? My mom can’t suffer for life. How does Ishika have no guilt? Virat says relax, calm down, please. She cries.

Virat says I can understand. I know how it feels when you lose someone. Close your eyes and only think about your mom and you. Maybe imagine dancing. She laughs. Virat says see I made you laugh. He holds her hand. Virat says to think about only the good things. Amruta looks for a box. It has Amruta’s 18th birthday video.

Jay and Ishka start the pheras. Amruta comes there and stops the pheras. Everyone is shocked. She says when any trouble comes on my dad she will run first. That’s all she knows. Jay says don’t spoil our happiness. Amruta says she will spoil you. I have the proof to show how bad of a person she is. Ishika says she’s doing ad rama. Jay says why do you have this old tape? What do you want? Ishika says she wants us to miss our mahorat. She asks pandit ji to continue. Amruta says don’t trust this girl papa. She will deceive you like she deceived Babita. Because of her Babibta has to tolerate us here. Jayesh ignores her. Amruta says shes a liar. Don’t trust her. Ishika says you’re a liar like your mom. Amruta says don’t you dare to take my mom’s name.

Virat says the truth will come out today Now listen to me. He says we don’t are what you do and how you marry. We are not here to stop this wedding. Amrut will only expose who Ishika is. If you wanna marry a fraud it’s your choice. jayesh is shocked. Ishika says these are Amruta’s plans. She’s brainwashed Virat. Virat says we will all know who is brainwashing who. Ishika says Jay I won’t give you another chance.

Virat asks Shekhar to bring the VCR. Jayesh continues with the wedding. He makes Ishika wear sindur and Magnal sutra. Shekhar comes with the VCR. he says sorry I got a bit late. Virat aks him to play it. Ishika says we are married. We have no interest. Amruta says we have an interest in truth and justice. Virat says you can’t go. Ishika says you can’t stop us. Virat says I am the owner of this house. You cant leave without my permission.

Amruta plays her 18th birthday video. Aaji gives Bhavani an earring int he vidoe. amrita says it was Aaji’s blessing on us. Jayesh says I gave it to Ishika. what’s mine is hers. Amruta says you gave her all our rights as well. But I will stand for truth. Those blessings are our aaji’s blessings. Ishika says I know that. Don’t give me lectures. Jay’s mom gave them to his wife which I am. They are in the correct hands. I know how to keep them close. I don’t lose my things. I am wearing them even today. See. She isn’t wearing them in the other ear. Isshika is shocked. Virat asks where is the other one? Ishika says it might be right here. Virat says we can find it for you. Kavita says can we do this later? Virat says no.

Bhavani and Jahan also came there. Deepika says I looked everywhere it’s nowhere. Amruta says because I have it. Ishika is shocked. Abhiraj says to Kavita she is busted. Kavita says I am scared. Amruta says you dropped it when you sneked out to meet Suman. The lawyer you paid to get Jahan’s house. Jayesh says what? Ishika sayas she’s lying. Babita says is this true? Ishika sayas she is lying. Bhavnai says my daughter doesn’t lie like you. Youre liar. She says she took Jahan’s house through Suman. I was all her plan. Open her eyes and see her truth.

Babita asks Ishika is this true? She says no Amruta is lying. It’s a common design. My earring must be here. This is all her plan. She can’t tolerate that he dad left her mom and married me. She’s jealous of my life and success. She is doing all this to fool me and she’s using Virat. She says your mom is a divorced woman. she is jealous. Amruta slaps her.

Ishika says to Bhavani you’re a divorced woman. Amruta slaps Ishika. Jayesh says Amruta, this isn’t right. She says someone cheats and the other person is shamed for separation? Is that right? Virat asks her to calm down. Ishika says she has no proof. She is falsy accusing me. I don’t know where she stole this jhumka form. Virat says I found it with her. She is not lying. Dildar says I trust my son and Amruta. If you dared to trap Babita in a fake accusation I won’t leave you. She says I was in my room only. I never went out. You can ask the makeup artist. Aaji says to makeup artists think before you speak. Don’t you dare to lie? Virat says she knows how to punish. Aaji asks were you in the room? She says yes. Aaji asks if was she there. The makeup artist says no. Everyone is shocked. Ishika says don’t lie. Amruta paid her to lie.

Jayesh says enough. I don’t know what’s happening here. Aai don’t be part of this drama. I know you don’t like Ishika but stop all this drama. I know jealous Bhavani planned all this. They have no proof. Call that lawyer. Amruta says she is not here. We can’t find her. Ayesha says you just wanted to ruin the wedding. He says Babita ji she is online lying. Virat doesn’t fall for her trap. Stay away from her, she’s ashamed of me as a daughter. Virat says she’s fighting for you to open your eyes and she’s crazy? You abandoned them and she is still trying to save you. She’s your daughter. Trust her at least.

Amruta recalls she gave the person a bruise. She asks Ishika how did you get this bruise? The makeup artist says she came upstairs with this bruise. I cleaned it. She didn’t have them before going downstairs. She went downstairs wearing my clothes. She asked me to sit there as the bride. I was there when you all were knocking. SHe came back from the terrace. Everyone is shocked. Babita says you did all this Babita against me? How dare you? Ishika says to the makeup artist in anger, I paid to stay shut.


Everyoen is short. Kavita says enough. Get lost form here. She’s a snake. She made Virat and Babita fight. She’s a backstaber. Abhiraj says you ruiend our family. You planned all this. Kavita says she will now blame us. Amruta says I don’t need to prove anything. People who matter to me, trust me. She looks at Virat. Ishika says to Babita she’s trapping your son. Ho can you trust her? Babita says how dare you deceive me? She says I did it all for yo. You asked me to part Amruta and Virat so I took them home. Aaji says wow. The truth won in the end. People say we should call the police. Babitta says they are here. Ishika is shocked.

The inspector comes. Bhavani says arrest her. Jayesh says how can you do this to my kids Ishika? At least think humanly. She says I did it all for you. The inspector arrests her. She says Jayesh please save me. He doesn’t. Bhavani stops the police. She says Jayesh we just want Jahan’s house back. Ask her to return it to her, we will be on our own then. We won’t be bothered by you or her. Jahan is my sister. I just want her and my kids to have that home back. Jayesh says she will do that. Bhavani hugs Jahan. She says if Ishika is ready to give Jahan’s house back, I have no complaint.


Ishika agrees. The inspector leaves. Bhavani says Jayesh this is your wedding gift. You cheated me and I saved your bride. Aaji says this is the difference between you and Bhavani. She only knows how to give love. She only fights for her family. She’s gold. Amruta says someone people pick coal over diamond. He will have to live within now. She says congratulations on he wedding. Jahan hugs Amruta. Amruta says we won, Jahan got her house back, and a mother and son’s misunderstanding is cleared. Jayesh leaves Ishika’s hand and leaves in anger. Ishika goes after her.

Bhavani and Jahan hug. Babita says I will always be grateful for what your daughter did. Thank you for making her so brave and wise. She read the papers and still didn’t doubt me. My son doubted me. She still defended me. It was all my fault because I was always unfair to you and your family. I am very sorry. She cries. Bhavani says don’t say that. Bebe says I want to apologize too. Bhavani says don’t say that. You’re our elder. Bebe says because of your daughter my family has it’s peace back.

My daughter’s heart was broken when Virat doubted her. I knew she didn’t do anything. Virat is her life. Virat hugs Babita nad says I am sorry. Ishika fully framed you. I will never doubt you again inn my life. Babita says never break your promise. He says never. Virat says I am sorry mom. She says anyone can make a mistake. Amruta accused you first and all problems started from there. She thought you did all this and they started living on our terrace. Deepika says so they started the misunderstanding. Why are you saying sorry then? Babita says because I was accused and my son was hurt. Ishika is responsible for all this. I trusted her and made a mistake. But Amruta you defended me and learned my name. I will never forget your favor. They all leave.

Amruta says to Virat thank you. For trusting me. He says thank you for clearing things between my mom and me. And Finally Jahan got her house back. Amruta says yes we will leave today. he says why? He says I mean it would take time to get the papers back. She says I will manage.

Next Sunday update my journey 



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