Amruta says I was so close to success that if they hired me I could fight for Jahan’s house but Virat ruined everything. Bhavani comes. She says are you crying? Amruta says my eyes are burning. Bhavani asks how was the interview. When do you have to start? Amruta says I didn’t like the job role so I said no. I will find another job. Bhavani says but we would be able to help Jahan. We can start with this one and start looking for a new one.
Virat washes his face. Shekhar says how can you forget your important meeting? Dildar was so stressed. Virat says Amruta wants me to stay away from her. She thinks I attacked her and her family. How can she blame me out of all the people? She called the police. Shekhar says you don’t care about her right? Then the distance is better. He says Raj is getting close to her. And then she asked me to stay 5 steps away. I don’t care. He leaves. Shekhar says I can see you care.
Scene 2
Kavita says keep coffee away from my designer clothes. She says I love my designer clothes and money. He says am I? She says I love you the most. She says we have to ensure our plan is a success. Abhiraj says did you see Amruta? Kavita says we can use that girl to defeat Virat. She is full of fire. She will help us. Abhiraj says I’ve provoked her enough against Virat. Kavita says I hope she takes us to our success.
Bhavani says to Amruta I know you don’t like this job and I know you’re way more qualified but we’ve to fight this situation. You’re so brave. You should fight back. We’ve to fight or Jahan and ourselves. Amruta says I will win for sure. I am brave like my mom. No one can defeat me. The person who harmed us will be defeated. Bhavani makes her eat.
Abhiraj says to Kavita your earrings are so classy. She says everyone will think they’re real. Abhiraj says I don’t like to be in Virat’s shadow. Kavita says we’ve to be careful. We have equal rights in this empire. Abhiraj says I am sure of my plan. I have spent a lot of time with Virat when he was madly in love. Kavita says his wife. Abhiraj says ex-wife. Kavita says it’s not that easy to control him. can Amruta control him? Abhiraj says we’ve to make him angry so he doesn’t focus on work. His shareholders will lose trust in him. Then I will take over and save the empire. We will rule this.
Scene 3
Babita says to Dildar I want you and Virat to always look perfect. Nimirt says yes you love Virat more than me. Babita says you’re smart like me. Rajiv says yes my Nimirt is very smart. Virat also comes there. Babita says you look so handsome. Kavita says my Virat looks perfect. Virat hugs her. Kavita says I know you stay very busy but take out time with your mausi. He says once we crack the deal, we will celebrate.
Deepika says how will we go out? What if Amruta and her family come to our house? Virat says they’ve ruined our house. Babita says we can’t even party at our place. Our terrace is taken over. Kavita says we will take care of them later. For now, we should focus on our meeting. They leave for the meeting.
Virat comes towards the terrace. Bhavani asks him to leave. He says I am not scared of Amruta. He says I have an important meeting. I need your blessings. Some people are jealous. I know you’ve given me blessings. She says to stay blessed. Virat says to Amruta stay away from me. She says you’ve to stay away from me. He says I don’t like being near you either. Amruta picks up the knife. Virat says ot Bhavnai shows your daughter to a doctor. Amruta walks around him with a knife. Virat is scared. He runs away. Amruta says you were giving him blessings? Don’t be that innocent.
Scene 4
Singhanya’s welcome Ahujas. Babita meets their daughter. She says you’re Alia right? You’re very pretty. She says papa told me about you. She says my son is super special. You must meet him. Kavita and Abhirah come there. Virat also comes. The media ignores Abhiraj and goes to Virat. Abhiraj says I will steal that thunder. I don’t know what magic he did to everyone. Nimirt comes and says my brother is magical.
He gets what he wants. If someone wants bad on him, they suffer too. he’s lucky I wish I was that lucky too. Abhiraj says he’s your brother. You should be happy on his success. Our virat is hold. Nimrit says you’re also a diamond. Abhiraj says just be happy for him. She says I wish you had come earlier. He says I am here now.I won’t go until everything is fixed.
Abhiraj says Amruta has to come here. She’s to ruin Virat’s plan. He steals Shekhar’s phone.
Amruta applies for different jobs but keeps getting rejections. She says I am blacklisted from everywhere. She recalls what Abhiraj said. She says Virat has to be taught a lesson. I have to stop him now. She gets a photo of Jahan’s name plate being removed. She says I am sure Virat did this. He has to pay for this. Amruta leaves. Bhavani wonders where sis he going.
Virat greets the media at the party. Babita says come I want you to meet someone. She introduces Virat to Alia. She says isn’t she gorgeous. Virat says nice to meet you. Babita gives them both a drink. Amruta comes to the trashcan and picks up Jahan’s name plate. She gets a call from Shekahr’s phone. Abhiraj is calling her form his phone.
Amruta picks the call. Virat says you’re right mom. We should have fun in life too. Abhiraj stops Virat. he says we used to have so much fun. Virat says let me work. Abhiraj says I know your priorities changed. Only money matters to you not family. Virt says you can think what you want. Abhria says your banker has a better thought than you. Virat says she’s not my banker anymore. Abhiraj says you ruined her interview. Virat says who are you? I don’t need to explain anything. I will ruin more interviews.
Abhiraj says let her please. Leave your ego aside. Virat says stay away from me and my ex-banker. I know how to deal with her. Leave me alone. Abhirja cuts the call. Amruta gets angry after listening to all this.
Kavita says my biggest inspiration in my sister. They all dance to celebrate. virat Danes with Alia. Amruta comes there. Abhirja is happy. He pretends to be on the call. He says Amrtua you here? She says I have to make Virat realize he can’t ruin someone’s life and celebrate his success. Abhira says he would never understand. Virat is dancing inside.
He says to Shekhar I feel weird. I don’t know about Amruta. Why does she think I always harm her? Shekhar says she thinks you harm her. You sent her to jail. You’ve troubled her. You ruined her interview. Amruta says to Abhiraj I don’t know how ruin lives like him but he can’t use me like a toy. His actions hurt them. I’ve to stop him. Abhiraj says he’d never understand. He took everything from you. You to do the same with him. Amruta says I can’t be like him. Abhiraj says we have to do something to stop Virat you’ve to get yourself justice.
Babita says Virat come in, lets dance. Amruta comes there and says stop. She’s drunk. She says proof? Now you need a proof. She says Shekahr let’s dance. Shekhar says lets go out. She says Virat is never wrong. Let’s dance to that. He took my job, he’s ruining my career. I am free. Virat says stop it. Amruta says don’t hit me. Don’t do that again. Singhanya says what? Virat has hit you before?
People are shocked. Amruta says I will do whatever you ask, I will be your servant. Give me your job. I will cook even if I ma your banker. He says please leave. Amruta says no I won’t. She says it’s not my fault but I said sorry because of his ego. I will say Singh is King 10 times a day. Give eme my job back. Virat is embarrassed. She says to Singhanya you tell him, and he’ll listen. We’re poor, you’re not. He doesn’t listen to his employees.
We are small people in front of him. Abhiraj says Amruta come with me. Virat says enough. You stay out of it. Go from here. Babtia says he’s your brother. Amruta says this is how he talks only. Abhiraj says come with me Amruta. Virat punches him. He says don’t hold her hand. Virat says to Amruta come with me. He says Shekhar take her. Shekhar takes her out.
Singhanaya says we won’t do this. Your son has no manners. We can’t ruin our reputation because of you Virat. Viratis shoced.
Next Saturday update my journey to