Mismatched 12 January 2022: The Episode starts with Shaurya saying fine, I will not accept this incomplete relation, you don’t need this sindoor, you don’t value it right, I will erase it, tell me the truth, else you will see me dead. Anokhi shouts no. He asks who has forced you to do this, tell me. She shouts Tej Sir. She cries and hugs Shaurya. She says I couldn’t see you getting ruined, I don’t want to see you losing everything, you will lose everything if I m with you, sorry. Shaurya cries.
Anokhi says I can’t make you away from your family, I did this for you and our love. He pushes her away. He asks how dare you blame Tej like this. Aastha comes to the college. Shagun meets her. She says I don’t understand about Anokhi, why is Shaurya so disturbed. Aastha says its better to leave him alone. Shagun says Shaan is in his cabin. Aastha says I know, where is Shaurya. Shagun says Anokhi fainted in the campus, so Shaurya went to drop her, I don’t know what is she doing. Aastha answers her.
Shaurya asks is your marriage just of you, is this relation just yours, who did you ask to end this relation. Anokhi says sorry. He says you agreed to Tej so easily, will you donate me, Devi and Shagun will also come to ask for me, will you give me to them also, you better me sorry, you love me, why didn’t you stay strong, I m surprised you are so weak, the girl who used to fight for every right, you didn’t fight for your love, you chose an easy way, you surrendered. He pushes her away. Shagun says Shaurya went to drop Anokhi, don’t know what is she doing, she is with him always.
Shaurya says you really broke my heart, I didn’t feel so bad when mum left me, you couldn’t do anything for your love. She says sorry. He says I m sorry, I can’t tolerate this, I really love you Anokhi, I won’t love anyone else, how can I stay with such a person who can’t stand for love, you can’t even decide it for yourself. He pushes her and says don’t touch me, I m going now forever, from your life. He goes and locks the door. She cries and asks him to open the door. Babli comes home. She says I came to take my phone, I have heard and seen everything, Anokhi what did you do, you should have talked about it. Anokhi says what could I do, I did this for Shaurya.
Babli asks why did you lose this chance to get your love. Shaurya is on the way. Dev says Shaurya didn’t come back till now. Tej says Anokhi’s chapter is over, I trust my plan. She says I will call Shaurya. He says no, he has a heartbreak, give him some time. She says I m worried for him. She asks Kanchan where is Shaurya. Kanchan says no, I would have not told you even if I knew. She goes. Devi asks did you hear Kanchan, I will see her well. Tej asks what happened. Devi says I m worried for something wrong to happen.
Ahir says Shaurya called us here. Shaan and Aastha come and say he called us also. Babli says he was angry when Anokhi told him the truth. Aastha asks what truth. Babli tells them. Aastha says Shaan, I m scared, they are trying to do the same thing with Shaurya. Shaan says I won’t sit quiet, I will talk to Tej. Shaurya comes and says no need, it doesn’t matter, come, I will tell you. Aastha asks what will you do. Shaurya says marriage. Shaan asks with Shagun. Aastha says because you are upset with Anokhi. Shaurya says no, I will marry Anokhi again, she was going to make a big sacrifice for our love, I realized that she loves me a lot, I can’t leave her, I have to not let her go away, so I decided, its time to make this relation stronger, I will marry her with the rituals, seven rounds and seven vows, I called you here to discuss this, Anokhi shouldn’t know about it.
Aastha asks what’s the need. Shaurya says she should think that I m marrying Shagun, I want her to regret and get hurt, she was making a sacrifice for love, I don’t want her to think again to make such a sacrifice, I m doing this for my love. Ahir says your love is great. Shaurya asks will they support him. Babli says we have no choice. He says then do as I say. Ahir says strange, you want us to agree. Shaurya says I need your help, are you with me. They all join hands. Shaurya thinks Anokhi, our love will win.
Anokhi saying Shaurya got upset, what shall I do now. She gets a call. Shaan says I m glad that you accepted Aastha. Shaurya says yes, but I got late. Shaan asks what did you think about telling the family. Shaurya says I will tell them, but not now, you can share it with Kanchan. Shaan says you should tell her. Shaurya says fine, I m going for an imp work now. Shaan says you don’t know how happy I m, all thanks to you. Shaurya says thanks to Anokhi. Shaan hugs him. Anokhi talks to Rama on call. Rama says I miss you and Babli, Raja discontinued his studies, your dad isn’t talking to him, just your dad and I are staying here, Raja is like he doesn’t exist, your dad and I share sorrow and joy, person should learn to value love and relations. She ends call.
Shaan comes home. Devi asks about Shaurya. Tej asks Shaan to answer her. Shaan says he went to Patiala. Tej says I didn’t send him. Shaan says you don’t ask me anything, I have sent Shaurya there, don’t disturb or force him, he is my son. Alok says what did Shaan eat today, chilli pickles. Shaurya takes selfies. He says thanks to social media, you can enter anyone’s mind and heart without knocking. Anokhi checks the pic. Shaurya says sorry sweetheart, I should trouble you a bit like you did, I will marry you. Kanchan says we have less time, when Shaan told me that you all have come to his flat, I came running. Ahir asks them to carry on, he will go and have tea. He goes.
Kanchan says I can’t believe that Shaurya and Anokhi are finally getting married. Babli says I m happy for Anokhi. Aastha says my fav student is marrying my son, I m double happy. They dance. Ahir asks is everything fine. Kanchan says yes. Babli says Anokhi would be worried.Aastha says yes, but she troubled Shaurya a lot. Anokhi comes to the cafe and looks for Shaurya. He hides and looks at her. Bhalla cries because of Raja. Shaurya comes to meet Rama and Bhalla. He introduces himself. He says I m SIAC director, Anokhi studies there.
Bhalla says maybe she has run away again, we are not related to her now, no use to complain about her. Shaurya says yes, I have come to praise her, I can come in if you permit. Anokhi comes to Ahir. Ahir and Babli have dinner. Babli asks her to have food. Anokhi asks are you upset with me. Babli says no, its your life, your decisions. Ahir says some people think every decision is right, we shall celebrate, do you have sweets. Babli says I will make sweets. He asks her to bake a cake. Shaurya says Anokhi has topped in every term, she will make you proud, she won a trophy in a competition. He shows the pic. Bhalla cries.
Shaurya says you didn’t try to be a part of her achievements, sorry, I didn’t come to say that she is very talented, I have come to say that I want to marry your daughter, I need your permission for this. They get shocked.Ahir and Babli tease Anokhi. Anokhi goes. Bhalla says you came to talk about marriage, without elders. Shaurya says there are elders in the family, I fell in love with her, its my right to take permission. Bhalla says we don’t know you well. Shaurya says you know me well, you know my mum, Aastha.
Rama says Anokhi’s teacher. Shaurya says yes. Bhalla says when you are saying everything with sincerity, I should also tell you everything, Anokhi had run away from her marriage mandap. Shaurya says oh, but I already know this, I m impressed with it, she chose the tough way, she didn’t compromise on her studies and dreams, you should be proud of her. Babli says I have hurt her heart. Ahir says no, many times, hurdles make a person reach the destination soon. She says Shaurya went to meet Bhalla, I don’t think dad will agree.
Ahir says Shaurya is rigid, he will convince them. Shaurya says I m proud of Anokhi, she has changed my life, she changed my thinking, relations and reactions, your Anokhi did this, I would thank you and Rama for making her so good, let me be honest, this marriage can happen without your permission, because we are adults, I don’t want this to happen without her parents, I request you to give your consent for this marriage, attend the marriage and bless us, else our marriage won’t complete, its my request. Rama asks Bhalla to say something. Bhalla says yes. Shaurya gets happy. He thanks Bhalla.
Rama happily cries. Shaurya asks did you say yes for the marriage because we are Saberwals. Bhalla says no, Anokhi had made me too upset, she had run away from the house, but I m glad whatever she achieved now, she proved she was so right, I was wrong. Shaurya says yes, she has faced many problems, she didn’t lose, I salute her for that, you will be proud of her, she stayed strong, she knew that she can’t go back home, I like her style. Anokhi cries for him.
Next: mismatched Thursday update