Mehek Update Sunday 26th May 2019 – Zee World

Mehek Update Sunday 26th May 2019 – Zee World



Sunday update on Mehek 26th May

Mahek acts drunk and says to Shaurya that you did drama at my house and now its my turn. Mahek goes to stage and starts seductively dancing on Laila mein laila, Shaurya angrily looks at her. All are enjoying Mahek’s sensual dance on stage, Mahek smirks at Shaurya. Chef comes to Shaurya.. Shaurya turns around and see it was all his dream and Mahek is not dancing in real, he thinks Mahek is showing me stars in daylight too.

Some guest Akhil meets Mahek, he asks Shaurya if he can dance with his lovely wife if he doesnt mind? Mahek says he wouldnt mind, he is nice, Shaurya says ofcourse you dont need to ask me, you need to ask her. Akhil brings Mahek to center stage and puts hand on her waist, Shaurya gets jealous seeing it. Akhil twirls Mahek and dances with her. Mahek is enjoying, Shaurya comes on dance floor and glares Mahek.

Shaurya comes to Akhil and says if you dont mind, can i dance with my wife? Akhil says ofcourse she is your wife, he leaves, Mahek smirks. Shaurya starts dancing with Mahek, he says you have got the chance to dance with Shaurya Khanna, i did it so that you dont embarrass me, yourself and investors being so drunk, Mahek says dont lie, you are dancing with me because you were jealous, Shaurya says dont give yourself so much importance, any girl would die to dance with me, Mahek says agree that you cant see anyone else dancing with your wife, your man ego woke up and brought you to me, half or full, we have married, you know you can deny but these eyes tell reality of heart, all clap for them,

Mahek moves away from Shaurya but Shaurya pulls her closer, spotlight falls on them, they start dancing on Meherban song, Shaurya lifts Mahek and twirls her, they share eyelock while romantically dancing, Shaurya pulls Mahek in his arms, Mahek puts hand around Shaurya’s neck. All clap for them. Mahek moves away from Shaurya. One guest says this was best performance, Mahek holds Shaurya’s arm, all clap for them, Shaurya smiles at Mahek who smiles back. Sonal calls Mahek but Mahek is busy in party and doesnt see her call.

Sunday update on Mehek 26th May

its night, Mohit gets call from Sonal, he takes call and asks why you are calling me at night? she tells him something. Mohit calls Shaurya, Shaurya says to Mahek that why your useless brother is calling me, Mahek sees Sonal’s miscalls on her phone. Shaurya gives Mohit’s call to Mahek but she says to Mohit that i will call you later. Mahek calls Sonal, Sonal tells her something, Mahek panics and says i am coming, she ends call, Shaurya asks where you are going? Mahek says i have to help Sonal, i am going, Shaurya says if you go out in these clothes at night alone then you will need help instead of Sonal, Mahek says you entertain your guests, dont act like you care, i will handle myself, she leaves.

Mahek comes on road and tries to call Mohit. Shaurya coems tehre and says why you are standing on road alone? what if anything happens to you? Mahek says why do you care? Shaurya says i dont care, if you had accident then your family would blame me, they would tell media and all, tell me what happened. Mahek tells him about Sonal(which is muted), they leave.

Mahek and Shaurya comes to isolated road, they see Sonal hiding under roadside cart. Shaurya puts coat around Sonal, Sonal has bruises on her body and faces, she is injured. Shaurya asks who did it? Sonal tells them how her would be husband Rohit took her to party where men were drunk and abused her, Shaurya says i will set him right, they think they are real men, blo*dy losers, Sonal says to Mahek that i tried to contact you but didnt get through, Mahek says i was so busy in my life that i didnt talk to you, i am so sorry, Mahek says you both were happy together then how this happened?

Sonal says not everything is like what it seems, in start he used to be loving, caring, then when marriage started coming near, he said that he wanted money for his MBA degree and wanted money in dowry when i said that its not right, Rohit raised hand on me first time, i told my mom, my mom was ready to give dowry saying that its normal in arrange marriages, since then he kept raising hand on me and abusing me, my mom didnt take any action but just warned Rohit, i didnt know whom to talk to, whom should i discuss with. Then today, i got to know Rohit went to party.

Sunday update on Mehek 26th May

Flashback shows Ajay and Rohit in same party, they are dancing with call girls, Sonal comes there and sees Rohit dancing closely with girl, she slaps Rohit and says what is this? Rohit says how dare you raise hand on me? he slaps her. Ajay says she is Mahek’s friend and like Mahek, she forgot woman’s real standard too, Rohit is shown slapping Sonal and making her forcefully drink wine, he calls his friends and grabs Sonal by neck, he says she is my fiance, have fun, he throws her in arms of different men and then throws her on ground, he grabs her hair and says today is valentines day and i will enjoy with her which you all will watch live.

He throws her on ground and tries to rape her, Soanl tries to push him away but Rohit slaps her and says i will show you your worth, all men are enjoying Rohit harassing her, flashback ends. Sonal says i ranaway from that party, flashback shows Sonal pushing Rohit away and running out of party house, Rohit with his friends start searching for her but he hides, fb ends. Sonal cries and says Mahek save me, i dont want to go back to Rohit. Mahek says dont worry, we will punish and teach lesson to Rohit.

Sonal says no i want want any drama, he is not good man, he is an animal, Mahek says we will teach him lesson, we will not let any girl marry him, we will blacken his face and drag him to police, you will not live in feat but after fighting for yourself. Shaurya gets Mohit’s call and says i am with Sonal, i will tell your details later, he ends call. Sonal hugs Mahek and cries, Mahek emotionally looks at Shaurya who feels bad and angry on Sonal’s condition. Shaurya tends to Sonals’s wounds and says lets go.

Mahek makes Sonal sit in backseat of Shaurya’s car and sits with her, Shaurya sits on driving, he looks in back mirror at Mahek, mahek is sad, Sonal says what will i say to my mother? Mahek says i am with you, dont worry, Shaurya holds Sonal’s hand and says to Sonal that the day will come when you will forget what Rohit did with you but Rohit.. he will never forget what he did and how he had to pay for it, he will remember this mistake of his daily, i promise you that Sonal, Mahek proudly smiles at Shaurya.

Sunday update on Mehek 26th May

Mahek and Shaurya brings Sonal to Kanta’s house. Kanta asks what happened? Mahek stutters, Jeevan asks what are you doing here at night? They see Shaurya bringing Sonal with his coat on Sonal. Kanta asks what happened to her? they bring her in house. Nehal goes to bring water, Mansi goes to bring hot water for massage. Balwant asks if Sonal had accident? Sonal is silent, Kanta makes her drink water. Mohit asks what happened?

Mahek says Rohit hit her and its not first time, he raised hand a lot of times on her, she molested her infront of his friend and when she tried to stop him, he beat her in such a way that even enemies dont do, she ranaway from him. Ravi says he used to be crazy for her, lets call police. Kanta says call her mother Sheetal, Sonal says dont call her, she wont understand, she will scold me only, Kanta says she is your mother, she will understand your pain, Sonal says she doesnt care about my pain, she just worries about what world thinks, Mohit says i will see to it how she cares for world while your situation is like this, Kanta says dont talk likes this for elders.

Balwant says to Jeevan and Ravi that dont make court case, lets tend to her wounds and end this matter, and we have to tell Sheetal otherwise she will make issue that we brought her daughter in our house at night. Sonal says what if mom doesnt break my relation with Rohit? Mohit says i wont let him walk around now, Nehal says guys like him should be in jail. Mahek says this is sensitive matter, dont lose temper. Shaurya says Mohit you want to stay here and talk big or come with me to teach him lesson? Mahek says to Shaurya what is this? Shaurya says this is my way of handling matter, Kanta says Mohit wont go anywhere, Mohit goes to stand with Shaurya. Shaurya and Mohit leaves.

Mahek says to Ravi that Shaurya doesnt think anything when he is angry, Ravi says why this Shaurya keep breaking laws?

Shaurya and Mohit are in car, Shaurya is driving fast. Ravi and Mahek are following them in their car. Mahek calls Shaurya but Shaurya cuts her call. Mahek says he has Sonal’s problem in his mind, drive fast and dont lose Shaurya’s car.


Balwant says to family that our daughter Mahek is already in problem and we are putting ourselves in another problem? let hand over Sonal to Sheetal and end this matter. Jeevan says talk in low tone, Soanl will feel bad. Kanta says Sonal is like my daughter, she is beaten badly, i cant let her go like this. Balwant says if police comes here then all will think that we are involved with police again, people already blame us for many things, he angrily leaves, all look on. Sonal is in Nehal’s house.

Sunday update on Mehek 26th May

In party, Rohit is drunk and says Ajay arranged this party for me today. Ajay says you were talking big saying your would be wife is cooperative but she was not, see girl beside me cooperative, he kisses some girl’s shoulder. Shaurya comes there. He glares them, Ajay asys Shaurya Khanna here? Rohit asks who are you? Shaurya has hockey stick in his hand. Mohit comes there, Shaurya says i am Laathi(stick), Shaurya says i am God’s stick, you must know that when i use my stick then whole city hears scream, and you will scream today Rohit. Rohit says this is Mohit, Maheks’ brother.

Shaurya starts beating Rohit, Ajay tries to beat him but Shaurya pushes him away. Shaurya is punching Rohit and says you raise hand on girl? i will break your hands and if it gets repaired again, i will break it, the girl trusted you live life with you and you cheated her? you beat her? and made get regret her mistake? i will beat you so much that you will never forget your mistake. Mahek and Ravi comes there. Ajay hits Shaurya’s head with baseball stick, Ajay says you like to fight for women then open welfare house but dont involve with us.


Mahek comes there and says Shaurya stop it, Shaurya’s head is bleeding, Shaurya tries to fight with Rohit, Ravi holds Rohit back. Mahek tries to touch Shaurya’s wound on forehead but Shaurya jerks her hand and glares her but Mahek is in tears seeing his head bleed.

Sheetal comes to Sharma house. She sees Sonal’s beaten state and asks what is all this? Sonal says its not my mistake, i went to Rohit and he beat me so much, she cries and hug her, Sonal says he did bad things with me infront of his friends. Sheetal says we will talk in our house, not in neighbours house. Sheetal says to Kanta that you couldnt call me? my neigbhour told me that Mahek and your namesake son in law Shaurya brought Sonal here, she drags Sonal from there. Balwant says are you happy that she taunted you? now you people will hear taunt of whole area.

Sheetal brings Sonal out of Mahek’s house and says dont even say a word, Sonal says it was not my mistake. Sheetal says Rohit was partying and didnt call you but why did you go there? and why did you argue with him? Sonal says he beats me a lot, he abused me alongwith his friends. Sheetal says he is you4r would be husband and can do anything with you, it was your matter, why did you involved Mahek? Mahek has been tarnished in whole area and now your character will be tarnished too, Mahek will make you rebel like her. Sonal says Mahek saved my life from that animal Rohit.

Sheetal grabs Sonal’s hair and says you will marry Rohit only and just remember that, this Mahek wont be able to do anything, i will handle matter, you should start adjusting with Rohit, he is your would be husband so you should understand him, you could have talked to him nicely, you could have requested him to not misbehave with him but you act like rebel Mahek, lets go in house now.

Ravi bring Shaurya and Mohit out of Rohit’s house, Mahek comes out too. Shaurya says to Ravi that you take Mohit home, i will take care of myself. Mahek says you are right, you can do anything, you are owner of everything, who are you? judge that can provide justice like this? Shaurya says you would have given her middle class idea to adjust with that jerk but i brought justice, in this country, you have snatch justice, i brought it.

Mahek says when you will understand laws? you dont know Sonal, she is my best friend, i would never ask her to adjust but give her right advice but you just work on your ego and then will go behind your money, you didnt recall your connections today? why didnt you call commissioner to arrest Rohit? Shaurya says police would do nothing, Shaurya says rohit abused her and did injustice and i broke his legs and that is my justice.

Ravi says you made Sonal’s case week, till Rohit raised hand on Sonal, our case was strong but you raised hand on him, your mind is in your knees? you are talking about justice, saving girl’s respect but when you left Mahek at marriage alter, was that right? like Sonal trusted Rohit, sameway Mahek trusted you, what happened to that trust? have you have any answer? There is no difference between you and Rohit, he played with Sonal’s respect infront of his friend and you disrespected Mahek infront of all. Shaurya says i am not talking to you, Ravi says you dont have guts to talk to me, you can be rich man but you are very small infront of me.

Jeevan and i remain silent because Mahek wanted us to not take any action. Ravi says to Shaurya that whatever you did with Mahek, we can answer you about that very well, we are punjabis, we know how to respect others, we respect people and just take respect back in return, we dont bear disrespect of anyone, Shaurya angrily looks at him.



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